22 Dec

21 Dec


Originally posted by Txontirea

Kinda wish we had more specific notes about what the ROE 'fixes and improvements' were.

Take a guess... fixes penalties that should not be given


Originally posted by GTMoraes

Oh my God, this community is absolutely f**king toxic.

look at all the comments. Goddamn it's an early access game, they've improved GREATLY this year (it's basically Ready or Not 3 at this point), and are actively working towards the game, with new content, mission, logics and stuff

yet, this is the community response.
Absolutely f**k all you guys. Thank God I haven't decided to follow the game developing path and be subject of this bullshit.


17 Dec


Originally posted by kucukeniste13

Wow. I knew it could be bad, but not this bad.

This is a rare occurrence and not the norm. Was due to the suspect bleeding out, we didn't catch this edge case. Has already been fixed


Originally posted by MachineGunDillmann

This has already been fixed a week ago. There was a bug with a penalty being given when they bled out. At first when you shot no penalty was actually given, but once they bled out a penalty was wrongfully given, which has been fixed

16 Dec


Originally posted by Herlockjohann

Not OP but I have a video of being shot at but still penalized afterwards



Originally posted by Mini_Spoon

I don't mean any disrespect here; but do you guys as a team not read the same repeated sentiments from players and CONSTANT talk about RoE etc and think "maybe we should look more into what the players are asking"?

Adam was a step in vaguely the right direction but it really hasn't changed the sentiments from players very much at all.

Being realistic is great - making you play the same map 40 times in a row because you get penalised for shooting some knife-wielding crack-head that's bum rushing you is just not fun gameplay.

Love the game! Mostly.

i have been looking into roe issues everyday for the past week. there is nobody that cares more about these issues than me, and i will not rest until these are resolved


Originally posted by RallyElite

i swear bro, i got shot 2 times in the arm by someone and then shot them dead with a glock and got the penalty

that is impossible. any damage dealt to swat officers is absolutely authorized.


how is that possible?? what penalty did you get? a video would've been nice to see. because there is no way you got a penalty if he shot at you or showed any aggressive force

15 Dec



Video pls. Any shot they fire is absolutely authorised


they don't really make sense for Data Center


Originally posted by _randomdudey_

Ali, could you please tell me which value in which file sets the amount of moral decrease while a suspect is being yelled at?

there isnt one


Originally posted by DevastatingAdmin

just had that happen on Postal, too. something like 480 makarovs, was the last suspect somewhere "surrendering" without me having spotted him yet. he had his hands up and nearly drowned in makarovs

yeah we have it fixed now. hotfix coming soon

14 Dec


Originally posted by _randomdudey_

Currently Yelling at the suspects does not reduce their morale. So as long as you dont c2, stun, hit them with any non-lethal, almost no suspects will ever surrender. Kicking in doors is even increasing their morale.

I think there should be a new morale effect on yelling in the AILevelData.ini like MinSuspectmoraleimpactshouting = 0.0 MaxSuspectmoraleimpactshouting = - 0.2

Or similar,, so a random amount of suspects might get their morale low enough simply by yelling at them and surrender even without hitting them with non lethal. As most real Swat teams don’t use non lethal but rather overwhelming force including shouting a lot, i think this is essential for this game.

Yelling does reduce morale


a video would be good to see

13 Dec


Originally posted by Sanujan_

You have to shout for compliance or it’s an ROE violation. Your weapon didn’t dip at all so def didn’t call for compliance w suspect in LOS. It’s pretty dumb though and can get you killed they should make it like a cone and the suspects that are within the cone are tagged as ‘warned’ or something so these situations don’t happen cause you were already expecting someone to pop out.

you don't need to shout. it is not necessary