

19 Dec

Hi gang! We wanted to follow up now that the Cyrodiil population cap stress test has concluded. First off, thanks to everyone who participated and provided feedback. We hope you got a bunch of AP, took control of many Keeps and Resources, and had a blast with Volendrung! Your participation greatly helped in stress testing the new server hardware, which was replaced earlier this year, and stressing the server architecture overall. We are reviewing the data gained from this test, along with all the player feedback provided during this period.

We have set the population cap numbers back to what they were prior to this test to ensure the best balance between server response and client inputs. Thanks again for stress testing the servers with us! See you on the battlefield and have a safe and fun holiday season!

15 Apr

Hey gang!

Today, we’d like to share some new features and updates coming your way in Update 30! In this Update, we’re focusing on some concerns regarding item set procs and continuing our Champion System improvements, as well as several fixes for server performance and general bugs/balance. You’ll be able to read the full details in next week’s PTS patch notes.

Proc Sets

The growing concerns over the “proc set meta” for the past few updates has not fallen on deaf ears. We understand the frustration of feeling required to run these types of sets and fighting against them in PVP. These sets are seen as “free” sources of damage, healing and survivability, all of which come with minimal tradeoffs. We want these proc choices to mean something, rather than just the de facto method of building a character without paying for it in some way.

With that stated, in Update 30 we are making all item sets that deal damage or heal scale with ... Read more

18 Sep

Heute möchten wir euch vorstellen, worauf sich das Combat Team in Update 28 konzentriert hat! Bitte behaltet wie üblich im Hinterkopf, dass dies nur die gegenwärtig vorgeschlagenen Änderungen sind und dass es während der kommenden PTS-Phase zu Änderungen kommen kann. Zusätzlich zu einer erheblichen Menge an neuen Gegenstandsets, die mit diesem Patch kommen, hat sich das Team darauf konzentriert, kleinere und größere Verbesserungen und Beeinträchtigungen zu optimieren, und sie haben Anpassungen bei Froststäben und der Berechnung kritischer Treffern vorgenommen.

Lasst uns als Erstes über das kleineren und größeren Beeinträchtigungen und Verbesserungen sprechen. Wir haben Buffs und Debuffs als Standardfertigkeiten angelegt. Das bedeutet, dass sie dieselben Berechnungen durchlaufen wie alle Fertigkeiten. Während wir daran arbeiten, die Kämpfe leistungsfähiger ablaufen zu lassen, haben wir diese System wegen der vorherrschenden Verwendung von Buffs/Debuffs im Kampf als einen wesen... Read more
Today, we’d like to present to you what the Combat team has been focused on for Update 28! As always, please be aware these are just the current proposed adjustments and are subject to change during the upcoming PTS cycle. On top of a substantial amount of new item sets coming with this patch, the team has been focused on making the Major/Minor system more performant, as well as some adjustments to Frost staff and Critical calculations.

First off, let’s talk about the Major/Minor system. Originally, buffs and debuffs were designed as standard abilities, meaning they had to go through the same calculations as all abilities. As we have been moving towards making combat more performant, we identified this as a key area where we could get better performance due to how prevalent buffs/debuffs are in battles. As such, we’re shifting the buffs/debuffs system so they are calculated on the server much in the same way as Sprint and Block. With Major/Minor effects no longer being standar... Read more