Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post.
We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list.
Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
- Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
- Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations...