Hoping ZOS can chime in and give some context as to what is happening behind the scenes (without giving away possible unannounced changes).
In recent days there has been a massive spike in PC NA ping/lag. Usually when the servers go down for maintenance the ping/lag improves for a few days but the spike we have seen the last week or so is abnormal. Affected areas are both PvE and PvP - I've experienced it most in PvP, though. Based on zone chat this appears to be a widespread issue and not localized to a handful of players. Things that have been observed are ping spikes to 999+ for an extended period of time (3-5 seconds) followed by massive ruberbanding or simply the game freezing then unfreezing after a few seconds.
Overall the average ping has risen from around the 75ish (for me) to 350ish.
With the Cyro issues a few weeks back that were never explained, then the recent PTS issue, I'm making an assumption that there is a large effort behind the scenes to either refactor some code/networking or some other massive network/DB overhaul that's yet to be announced (which I don't blame ZOS for not announcing these efforts due to the last few attempts not working and the player base going full agro mode).
Anyways, haven't seen a lot of dialogue about these recent issues so wanted to get the conversation going and hoping that someone at ZOS could chime in and acknowledge they are aware and maybe give a hint at some reason behind these aggravating issues as of late.
Community Team Edit
We are adding in context for our latest survey for the issues outlined in this thread. Making sure it is easier to access for those who come to the thread. Please see below for full context.
Hi All. The ESO Team has been working on a survey to help us better track your experience when hitting lag spikes, rubberbanding, and general performance dips. The idea of the survey is to collect the same standard of data for our engineers to look at and work on improving your general experience in-game. In addition to English, the survey is available is the following languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Polish, and Brazilian Portuguese. You can access the survey link here: https://beth.games/3WJxUMG If you run into a rough patch while you play, this is the form you should fill out to clearly define your experience. The information goes directly to our engineers who are using the information you send to guide their work. We want to thank everyone in advance for filling out the form and thank our forum community who helped in getting this survey in such a detailed state. So as to not split the ongoing conversation, if you have comments or follow-up about your experience with lag, rubber-banding, and general performance dips, please go to the existing thread on this topic: Conversation on lag spikes and connection performance.