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Hoping ZOS can chime in and give some context as to what is happening behind the scenes (without giving away possible unannounced changes). In recent days there has been a massive spike in PC NA ping/lag. Usually when the servers go down for maintenance the ping/lag improves for a few days but the spike we have seen the last week or so is abnormal. Affected areas are both PvE and PvP - I've experienced it most in PvP, though. Based on zone chat this appears to be a widespread issue and not localized to a handful of players. Things that have been observed are ping spikes to 999+ for an extended period of time (3-5 seconds) followed by massive ruberbanding or simply the game freezing then unfreezing after a few seconds. Overall the average ping has risen from around the 75ish (for me) to 350ish. With the Cyro issues a few weeks back that were never explained, then the recent PTS issue, I'm making an assumption that there is a large effort behind the scenes to either refactor some code/networking or some other massive network/DB overhaul that's yet to be announced (which I don't blame ZOS for not announcing these efforts due to the last few attempts not working and the player base going full agro mode). Anyways, haven't seen a lot of dialogue about these recent issues so wanted to get the conversation going and hoping that someone at ZOS could chime in and acknowledge they are aware and maybe give a hint at some reason behind these aggravating issues as of late.
9 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
@ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you provide your community an official update on its official forums? An acknowledgment of issues was posted by Rich on Reddit but I don’t see one here. Maybe I just can’t see it? https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/1d3fs29/comment/l67ekx7/?context=3&share_id=fw5nkA67Mn0RU45jY5aDD&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1
Following up on this. As Rich mentioned during the AMA on Reddit, there are some DDoS issues we have been working through. Specifically Rich said:
"We are most definitely aware. It's been a rough few weeks - DDOS attacks have been a big part of perf issues, but aren't the only issue we're looking into.
However, as he also mentioned, there are some other issue at play that we are actively investigating regarding the performance issues. We are trying to provide our engineers with as much information as possible to narrow down what is occurring, hence the previous ask for ticket numbers. We are working to figure this out, so additional tickets, examples, videos, etc. will help us to narrow down what is happening here. (Thanks @Photosniper89 for all of the tickets sent so far) Thanks in advance for all the continued help.
8 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all. After chatting with the team, we're looking to gather more information from players who have been experiencing new and/or worse latency/lag spikes/rubber-banding issues in ESO since the beginning of May 2024 (when the emergent issues in this thread were initially reported.) To help us with our ongoing investigation, could you please answer the following questions?
  • What server/platform do you play on?
  • What is the nature of the issues you started experiencing or noticed got worse after the beginning of May 2024?
  • (ex. did characters rubberband/warp, did abilities get delayed/fail to fire, etc.)
  • Around what time of day have you experienced the new and/or worse issues reported in this thread?
  • Where in-game have you experienced these issues? Please be as specific as possible
  • (name/area of overland zone, delve, dungeon, Trial, etc.)
  • Have you experienced these issues outside of combat situations
  • (in houses, for example)
  • Have you noticed these issues are worse during any specific times of day? If so, what times?
  • Have you noticed any changes/improvements as of today?
4 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi All, we have a brief update for you on this issue. We are continuing to plug away at investigations related to the performance issues highlighted in this thread. After a call with our leadership team, we have a few more criteria for our engineers to look at. So we need some additional information from you. Some of you have provided some of this information before, but we have a few new questions to ask. Please make sure to note the information in the order listed below. Makes it easier to send feedback when it is formatted the same way.
  • What server do you play on?
  • What zones are you experiencing performance issues in?
  • Have you experienced the same performance issues without add-ons?
  • Do you experience performance issues noted in this thread outside of combat?
  • Are you or your group mates using scripted abilities when experiencing performance issues?
  • If you remember any previous tickets you've submitted on this issue, please note them here.
Additionally, we are working on getting some of your questions in this thread answered. This will take some time, so no ETA at the moment. Thanks again for your patience as we continue to work through this.
Hey all! Thank you for the continued feedback and questions. We are here and see your replies. We are still working on writing up answers to some of the questions asked in this thread (and this has involved the ongoing investigations). We recognize getting those answers is taking longer than you'd like, and we're hoping to have those to share soon. Thank you for your patience.
Copy that, thank you for the update Jessica. Reassuring to hear this is still in work and some acknowledgment for our frustrations. I look forward to hearing more about how we got here and hopefully some context that has been missing to ease some frustrations.
It is and thank you. I'm sorry it's taking so long. The investigation is complex and part of drafting responses has been collating some of that ongoing investigation.
Thanksgiving is over, We were told we could get an update or at least a small "we're still looking at it" copy pasta. still nothing! its about to be Christmas. should we just give up?
We have a Q&A post prepped and were going to share it today in this thread, then the datacenter power failure happened and honestly it didn't seem like the best time. It is all ready to go, though, and we'll post it tomorrow. This may be getting a little to in the weeds, but one of the reasons more meaty posts and Q&As take a little extra time is we localize them into extended languages (12 not counting English) so that as many of our players as possible can benefit from the answers.
2 months ago - ZOS_RichLambert - Direct link
Hey folks - here's some answers to the main questions in this thread, as well as some insights to our process and what we're working on to help us better debug the issue(s). Thanks for the questions and please keep on providing feedback! What things do you look at when you get reports about in-game performance issues?  Performance issues and their related investigations are complex, and there are loads of things we look at. Just about anything could be a factor when it comes to performance issues. Generally, the big ones we look at are:  
  • The server
  • (s) where the issue is occurring 
  • What time
  • (s) the issue occurred 
  • Machine specs for impacted players  
  • What affected players were doing at the time the issue occurred  
  • What addons affected players have installed. All these things combined help us get a full picture of most issues. And from there, we expand our list of what we look at if we need more information, as we have for this particular issue. This includes requesting additional information from affected players and also implementing new logging when necessary.  
  What do the in-game performance charts look like now?  The ones that I personally look at the most (crashes, long load times, and server frames) are all pretty solid overall. We have a few crashes we’re addressing, but they are rarely occurring. The long load times reports, especially on console are very small and server frames – how bogged down the server is also very stable, at least outside of prime time. During prime time, there are a few spikes that we’d like to figure out and are implementing more tooling (logging) in the next few incremental patches to try to get more info for our engineers.    What information is most helpful to get when investigating in-game performance issues?  Sharing with us the date and time the issue occurred (ideally to the minute) as well as what you were doing at the time is the most helpful. It’s also a huge bonus if you have a video/clip of it so we can see exactly what is being described. We have been watching the video clips you’ve been sharing with us for this issue – thank you!    What are you able to change when in-game performance issues occur?  It really depends on what the issue is. We are able to hotfix some things (hotfix = no server downtime) but most require an outage. Crashes, broken items/spawns and exploits are generally “easier” to find a fix and get something out quickly. “Input lag”, “high ping” or “low frame rate” type issues are much harder to pinpoint and often take a great deal of time to find and fix. However, in the case of input lag or high ping, if it’s a result of an attack on the servers, we are able to turn adjust mitigation whenever we need.    Why do investigations sometimes take a long time?  There’s lots of different reasons, some bugs are easy to repro, others are not. Load related bugs (in general the input lag or high ping type issues) are the most difficult and time consuming to track down. Remember ESO is a HUGE game – millions of lines of code (over 25mil) to sift through. Then you have countless different machine types, drivers, internet types/locations in the world, addons... etc. to make bug hunting more complex.   On top of that, massive servers with hundreds of thousands of players on them at any one time is really, really hard to replicate internally. It’s tough!    How many different groups have been involved in investigating this issue?  Quite a few people are involved in investigations for ongoing game performance issues, including people from our BI (Business Intelligence) group, Community, Customer Support, Game Design, Engineering, QA and Live Services teams.    Has anyone at ZOS been able to replicate this issue?  We have not been able to consistently replicate this issue on the live servers, or at all on our internal servers due to some live server factors such as load being involved. While some of our developers have experienced it on the live servers alongside our players, there’s been no clear and consistent “smoking gun” root cause we’ve been able to identify so far.    Can someone confirm the role of the AI chat monitoring here?   We’ve extensively investigated if this could have an impact on game performance. The way the tool works, it sifts through chat logs that are exported from the game. So, it isn’t integrated into ESO, and never actually touches the game or the chat servers.   Regarding the tool itself, it helps us identify at risk chat and areas of concern faster. But our agents make the determination on whether an account is suspended or banned. We do have some auto kick rules for chat spam, but anything automated is temporary. Our agents review every automatic action against account history before taking any permanent account action.  We have also been using the tool for a couple years and nothing has changed in how we log chat, so the timing doesn’t line up. The situation a couple months ago with increased actioning related to chat logs was more a case of changes to our processes and training up new personnel than with the tool itself. Ultimately, though, yes we did look at if the tool was having any noticeable impact to game performance and it’s not.    What is your process like when an in-game performance issue is reported?  The first step is to gather as much info as we can. Is this just one person running into it, or is it multiple? Is it region/location specific? Platform specific? Does this only happen during prime time? Once we have all the info available, we then start to work on internal repro. If we can find a way to repro it, we’re generally able to get a fix together quickly.     What work has been completed or is in progress so far?  Outside of the ongoing investigations based on the information all of you have provided, we’ve been working on lots of logging additions for the most part. None of these are going to solve any problems on their own, but they should provide us with better mechanisms for helping to better diagnose the problem. 
  • Server logging - specifically collecting more metrics about a player's experience from within an instance/region.
  • (number of messages per frame, avg and max bytes sent & received...etc.) 
  • Client logging of alternate quit methods. Clients closed via Alt+F4 or the window 'X' button terminate instantly and the server wouldn't know it was intentional and would just be considered a client timeout.
  • (This is to aid in false-positive detection.) 
  • HeartbeatDisconnector
  • (basically a message that checks to see if your client is still connected) should accept any message as traffic, not just heartbeats. If you get a ton of messages, it's rare but possible your heartbeat doesn't get processed in time and you get disconnected. 
  • Present a more accurate ping in the game client. Our latency meter is not reflective of what the actual ping is. It's currently tied to framerate and load screens and what not.  
  • Investigate the Bandits UI addon.
  • (In the top 15 most used add-ons currently) There are lots of forum posts pointing to this add-on for potential latency issues. The suspicion is that the addon is using map pings as somewhat of a backdoor to send arbitrary data to clients, regardless of whether players have the add-on installed. The pings would get broadcast to everyone and cause game performance problems (latency & frame rate). 
2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hey all, just wanted to note that we have a team looking into the current connection issues. So we’ll provide more info based on how those go. Just noting it might take a bit because of the current time on our end of things. Being almost 3am.
Hey everyone, we've been seeing a recent increase in malicious activity targeting our servers, so we have made adjustments on our end to address this threat. Because of this, you may experience decreased game performance while these adjustments are in place. Please note that this is not related to the datacenter power failure last week. We will continue to monitor for any malicious activity, and thank you for your patience and understanding.
2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Yeah, things felt a bit better. I just ended a few hours of Cyro and with multiple ball groups going at it fighting for a scroll I only ran into a few spikes. The biggest thing is i stayed connected during those spikes and didn't crash like usual. I can handle the spikes.. just keep me connected. Really curious if @ZOS_Kevin or anyone can chime in and say if something was changed - it sure felt like it. Fingers crossed this is a start for some improvement.
So we have adjusted some things to deal with malicious activity. That is the main stuff we have done as of recent. Like during the weekend when we had those disconnect issues on Saturday. ZOS_JessicaFolsom;c-8238380
Hey everyone, we've been seeing a recent increase in malicious activity targeting our servers, so we have made adjustments on our end to address this threat. Because of this, you may experience decreased game performance while these adjustments are in place. Please note that this is not related to the datacenter power failure last week. We will continue to monitor for any malicious activity, and thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Any idea when PTS will be available again???
I think @ZOS_Kevin said a week or two? I can't find the exact post.
We don't have a firm date yet. The team started work to restore PTS yesterday. So timing is TBD at the moment.
about 2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Meant to tag @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_JessicaFolsom in the above post. I know we just got the big update from Rich - can we expect additional updates, hopefully before Jan 1, on how the investigation is going and if anything has been discovered? Doesn't have to be from Rich directly.. but just... something to help give some confidence to people about the issue?
First, thank you for gathering the screenshots above. Regarding updates, we are currently working on a survey to better track information from players who experience performance and lag issues. This is in an effort to better track the information from more places (like Steam, Reddit, Discord Servers, etc,) like what you provided in the screenshots above, just in a more organized way and breaks it down the info that our engineers need. The survey when finished, it will send information directly to our engineers working on this and is intended to better organize the kind of information you took screenshots of above. We are hoping to have this situated in the New Year. Beyond what we provided above and Rich's last update, we won't have an update until after the New Year. Most of the team is leaving today for the holidays while the rest are gone after Monday, so no updates will be provided until a few weeks after we are back in the New Year and have a little more time to work.
about 2 months ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
I suspect forum moderation also needs a second look: many people are afraid to post their complaints here for fear of getting banned, and this is actively creating blindspots to performance issues with the game that developers need player feedback and information to be able to notice and address.
We are also taking a look at this in the New Year. We have already scheduled some meetings to discuss moderation practices and how we can find a better medium there.
about 1 month ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Just wanted to follow up here. We just had Studio Director, Matt Firor post a community update about some of the DDoS attacks that have been happening. Link to statement is here.
28 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all, just wanted to provide a quick follow up before heading out for the weekend. We are getting close to finalizing the survey that we will share here in the coming weeks to better track some of this information regarding lag and connection issues. We took a look at the survey yesterday and are making some changes to wording before building it out and getting it in your hands. The survey will also help when tracking what are strictly performance issues versus what is happening during a DDOS attack or during attempted measures against those attacks. As a reminder, the survey is meant to get your direct instances of issues and specific feedback directly to our teams working on improving your general play experience. And this way you can also avoid a ton of ticket numbers. Thanks again for your patience and have a great weekend.
about 4 hours ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi All, I wanted to follow up now that we have our survey ready and translated! We will have a separate thread for this so it is easily accessible to everyone, but wanted to make sure we posted it here first. Especially since several of you have been helping our team over the last few weeks gather some data points. The point of this thread is to capture any issues you may be running into related to performance, rubberbanding, lag, etc. and get it in an organized way for our engineers to take a look at while they continue to investigate and look to resolve the issues documented in this thread. You can find a link to the survey here: https://beth.games/3WJxUMG