

12 Dec


Memory increase by 10% to 20% is a bug we're working on resolving.


Memory increase by 10% to 20% is a bug we're working on resolving.


3 major issues we're currently looking into

  1. Memory increase by 10% to 20% across maps (it's a bug we're working on it)
  2. Class Designer settings are reset -> Working on a server side fix for this right now
  3. Sneaky Snowman was removed -> This might take a bit more time to resolve looking at the options

10 Dec


Originally posted by RainFN

NAW, Xbox, happens on almost any zone wars or box fight map. Usually starts out smooth, then happens after one or two games.

How many players are you playing with and at what time during the day? Are you using Creative or Playgrounds?


We fixed an issues with buttons presses missing in the update last week on Wednesday. Haven't had any recent reports of issues.

What platform are you playing on?

What region? NAE, EU ?

What map are you playing?

Any additional information would be very helpful.

04 Dec


Is the controller input bug sound like the issue you're experiencing? If so that is fixed today in 11.21. If you still have issues could you post a video showing the issue / experience?


Sorry that message is confusing. This bug is fixed. Please let us know if you still have issues

27 Nov


Got it! Thanks for the bug, we'll work to resolve

20 Nov


A bug caused the pumpking launcher to go missing in the inventory menu, wasn't planned to be removed. We're hotfixing it back on.


Originally posted by NovaTheLoneHunter

Hey, Epic. I still don't see the shortcuts for phasing and drop returned. Seriously, what is wrong with you guys? What are you trying to do? The reason why I hardly go on Creative now is because you made things "harder". Not to mention I that I've got to manually check what setting drop and collision I've set. I'm very specific to my measurements and settings.

  • I'm floating with the phone now and the following buttons are not assigned to anything. L3, Square, L1 and R1 etc. So why no phasing?
  • I'm holding an item and the following buttons are not assigned to anything. L3, Square and hold D-Pad Left. Why no collision or drop? You still got a spare button after adding those back.

Also. I knew you were going to do this but didn't think you would. You add the Rocket Launcher (Halloween version) and today you remove them without warning. Why do you think people publish islands using methods to try store items in spawners? Good job I backed up all the ...

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Pumpkin Launcher missing is a bug at the moment. We're hotfixing it back into the inventory. Wasn't planned to be removed.

We're still talking about the hotkeys. Appreciate the feedback.

13 Nov


In our testing this happens when you switch off the phone tool right after copying the billboard. Try leaving it on the phone tool and see if you still have the issue. We have the bug logged to fix.


Yeah if your game crashes or the server doesn't realize you've left for some reason the server keeps a lock on the file until it shuts down to ensure there aren't multiple copies. Once the server shuts down the file is unlocked and you can then load it. We should make this message more clear. Sorry.


Originally posted by NovaTheLoneHunter

I hope old Phone shortcuts options are back. It's only reason why I hadn't been in Creative since I always like to see and access the grid and drop settings.

Also, it feels like trello is a waste of time. Many bugs I've reported, that got confirmed from a Epic staff here, have never been listed for past months. That C4 one should be high priority since players can permanently sabotage another player's island. Even after a year, some maps remain damaged and had to reset to get rid of it.

digging into the C4 issue, wasn't on my radar sorry.


Before you all get too excited. We were able to add Grid Snap back to V and D-Pad Left. We have not added any of the other hotkeys back because they conflict with other keys in certain circumstances. We are trying to get to a place where we have one set of creative controls and have less overloaded keys doing different functions. Next step is to add more functionality to choose what the hotkeys are mapped to. We are working to improve the experience, we took a few steps backs so we could get the controls into a more sustainable place to develop.

07 Nov


Originally posted by JaketheSnake094

Hey thanks for this!

Can you please add the option For after the broadcast device broadcasts a message it transmits on a channel?


Yes will add an ability to transmit after the message has been sent.


Originally posted by PotatoeMasster69

Will you guys be adding more music or possibly custome music.

Yes the plan is to add more music to the radio device, we've talked about adding an ability to record sequenced music blocks into the radio device, is that the type of thing you're thinking about?


Originally posted by Brushie_Brushiee

Hey there! Thanks for the AMA, I'm a fresh new user of the Creative tools so i had a few nagging questions on my mind.

  1. Any Chance of Moving Platforms, or something akin to that? I've flown around a few ideas that would be best used with a moving platform, or something akin to that, and teleports can only really work so well, sadly.

  2. Any Chance of standalone customiseable spot lights? I've wanted to use lighting in cool ways, but it feels really janky having to test which specific prefab light gives the right effect, and then trying to hide the prop that's casting it.

  3. Is there any way to make flying a pure toggle, instead of double tapping the jump button? Carefully placing props has been something of an exercise in frustration when i need to ever so slightly shuffle down, only to start plumetting 5 stories down at breakneck speed!

Thanks again for the AMA!

  1. We'd love to have moving platforms, there's a bunch of work to make them good.
    1. We'll add more options for lighting to the list, We can do some cool things.
    2. Setting up a key bind for fly is possible will add to the list.

Originally posted by MarcAS47

First of all, the amount of work you guys have put in is actually amazing. My only 3 questions are: 1- Will we ever be able to set the item spawner to a br floor loot preset (same spawnrates, weapons)? 2- Are you guys planning to make the storms in Creative more like chapter 2(more visibility)? 3- are there any chapter 2 galleries coming? (new trees and rocks for example)


  1. Great idea on adding BR loot preset to item spawner for floor loot. Will add it to the list
    1. Will look at making a version of the storm that's more like chapter 2
    2. Yes. There are chapter 2 galleries coming

Originally posted by ItzElectric

Do you guys plan on fixing inconsistent spawn pads when the teams are set differently, it's been a problem for a few seasons! As always thanks for everything ❤️

We're aware of a bunch of bugs related to spawning in the sky, and spawn priorities not working, player spawning onto the correct teams pads (if they spawn on the pad) we haven't seen any specific issues. The bugs are work in progress on fixing and you'll all be seeing improvements over the next few releases.