

27 Aug


Originally posted by MushyBob45

Are you planning to add editable vending machines to the creative inventory?

Thanks I love you guys :)

Yes, they are getting tested right now. Hopefully out in the next major release.


Originally posted by CN_Playz

Is there any chance you guys can add a Weapon Modifier so we can modify damage etc. For our Deathmatch Maps and Gamemodes?

Yes is on the list.


Originally posted by IMiketsYT_

Will you add another weapon in creative that won't be in battle royale like the flashlight pistol?

Yes we are going to add more weapons that won't be in Battle Royale


Originally posted by BrayanSummers

Will you guys add more memory with time?

We are improving the memory tools which should provide more memory. At some point though there is only a limited amount of memory that can be supported. Welcome to game development :).


Originally posted by wckalil

Have y'all thought about the ability to assign certain weapons/health to certain players on the same team, so we can make game modes where there are classes sort of like overwatch

Yes, supporting classes is work currently in development.


Originally posted by Dylan-Bostic

Can we get STW weapons in Creative

We are going to bring some STW weapons to Creative. These will only have Battle Royale properties though.


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

For the music sequencer, could we please get an option to change its direction to up/down?

I'll add up/down music sequencer to the list


Originally posted by duskyxlops

Will we be able to select an individual prop from a gallery without having to throw an entire gallery down and have to delete every unneeded thing?

Content Browser is currently being worked on. Taking a while to get all the functionality that's needed.


Originally posted by Lehvah

Also weapon creator

A weapon creator would be awesome. We are thinking about that.

Answered the other question on a different thread.


Originally posted by Ep8Script

Hey there! Thanks so much for doing this AMA. I'm working on some cool stuff and I hope I'll get to publish them eventually - as a game developer I really appreciate all the work all you guys put into this stuff!

I have two quick questions about upcoming content because I can't think about anything else at the moment...

  1. How far out are we from being able to have teleporter devices? It would be awesome if they could be used as receivers and hidden, and maybe even having its "effects" disabled for smooth moving about a map. Would really love to see this! (And thank you for the transmitting system, it's amazing!)
  2. Is there a possibility of "capturable spawn points" becoming available? It would be awesome if we could set a radius for capture and some other options, along with naming them so that after elimination players can select the spawn points they own and spawn there next. Perhaps an option to win the game for owning them all too (with a timer?) :)
  3. ...
Read more
  1. Teleporters are in development right now. It's going to be a few more releases to make sure we get all the bugs fixed.
  2. Capture Spawn super interesting. We are adding more functionality to the Capture Area soon with that you could then hook with a channel to a spawn and make that work. That'd be really neat. You could probably do that now for a cost with the item spawner purchase.

Originally posted by FireGuardian12

Can we have every added weapon into fortnite creative. It will give everyone more weapons to choose from and have everyone have fun with earlier made weapons

Currently we do add every weapon except for the Guided Missile Launcher (which has tons of really horrendous bugs) or items that were re-categorized like the purple tac shotgun which got changed to a blue tac shotgun. If there's ones that are missing please let me know.


Originally posted by Platinumzz

Will there be a easier way to get 1 or 2 props from a gallery instead of throwing down an entire gallery?

Yes we are working on a content browser it's going to taking longer then any of us would like.


Originally posted by StellarLime911

Hey guys! Thanks for having another AMA. I have a couple questions.

  1. ⁠Will there be any sort of NPC or dialogue options for story-based games?
  2. ⁠Will weather options be implemented at some point?
  3. ⁠Many people who aren’t able to get 1,000 followers on social media (including myself) would love to be able to feature some of our amazing creations. Do you plan on enabling this feature for everyone?
  4. ⁠Will there ever be a server selection menu similar to games such as Minecraft or Gary’s Mod? Thank you for your time!
  1. NPCs and Dialogue system is in plan
  2. Weather options are in plan
  3. We are improving clarity of how to get into Support A Creator for creators.
  4. We are working on ideas to enable match making and some other ideas that will allow some server like experiences.

In plan means on the list and it's unclear exactly when we'll get to it. You all up voting and saying which things are most important helps us prioritize the work.


Originally posted by boomerz87

Any chance we'll have more missions/challenges tied to the battle-pass in the future? Creative could really use some to bring players in to creative more frequently!

Yes plan is to add more battle pass tie ins.


Originally posted by ROGUETROOPER732

Will there ever be a feature to make certain bubbles of area a different effect e.g. anti gravity or a different camera filter like the rift zones?

Yes plan is to have a similar system to rift zones.


Originally posted by Expandedsky5280

When can we generate our own island codes

We have plans to allow this, they require a lot of new systems that we have just started to design. This will take a while. Until then we are doing our best to make Support A Creator available to anyone building amazing content and are improving clarity of how to apply.


Originally posted by eamonn25

Do you see the future of creative as a game mode more separated from the Battle Royale game mode or do you think the two will stay closely related?

Creative from a framework point of view is very closely tied to Battle Royale. Plan is to continue to expand creative as far as possible and allowing many other game types while always continuing to support the ability to make your own version of Fortnite Battle Royale. They will be closely related and not :).


Originally posted by XxMeanboy05xX

I have 3 questions

1.Have you ever thought about adding shadow cubes, rifts to creative?

  1. Have you considered doing poi islands? like a poi with Dusty Depot, Frosty Flights, etc.

  2. What about rift zone effects? Has that been an idea for creative?

  1. Shadow Cubes and teleporters are in plan so YES!
  2. We have talked about doing POIs. Please up vote if you want POI island templates
  3. Rift Zone effects are in plan YES!

Originally posted by Necrologyx

Zookeeperzak - are you Zak from Save the World era? Any chance Creative will get STW features so we can create our own missions?

Yes I am that Zak. STW is near and dear to my heart! We are working towards getting Creative to that level what you could create scenarios much like STW. Not sure there will ever be a direct ability to make STW missions. Although that'd be awesome, will keep it in mind.


Originally posted by LaTricksterYT

New glitch: shadows and lighting or f**ked sidedways. Honestly don’t even want to play it until it’s fixed.

Lighting issue is being worked on.