

07 Nov


Originally posted by Ep8Script

Hiya! Thanks for another AMA.

Rather than a feature request to start out as you often see, i'm just curious as a game designer myself: how difficult can it be to consistently add to an ever-growing sandbox? To elaborate, I mean it must be difficult to do enough testing and ensure that items and devices work well enough and correctly together, especially with the Channels system, and are there any specific cases that stand out? I remember this being brought up about the Infinity Blade + Phone, and the Jetpack + flying. (If you can't answer or don't wish to, that's cool.)

Also, 3 quick things I'd be interested in seeing (or wondering if it's in the works):

  1. Teleporters: Thank you! Just wondering if the "Relative" feature could be expanded on to correctly show the angle the player is looking? Right now, if you look up or down, it resets your position to looking straight and it isn't quite as seamless as I'd hoped for.

  2. Also teleporter rel...

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Testing creative is incredibly hard, we target the big changes in testing, and have a standard set we do every release. We are incorporating more creator made test maps into our process to ensure we're not breaking existing games and mechanics that all of you use.
1. We'll add the bug that we don't keep your view direction when teleported. See if we can fix it
2. We haven't talked about anything that does relative distance movement as a device, we'll consider it.
3. Reverse sequencer with a signal is a great idea we'll add it to the list.


Originally posted by Hellshock77

Hey, appreciate all of your guys' work!

Do you think we could see some more custom Fiend settings? What I had in mind was an ability to choose what they drop and a difficulty scale (gets harder/more spawn in as time increases)

Yes, more fiend settings are planned including being able to set what they drop.


Originally posted by DimensionalDragon

Hello! I always love reading these AMAs, creative has so much potential. You guys do a great job!

1) Would you guys consider adding NPCs that can be 'dressed' with an outfit from a player's locker? (Like if you have Castor, then you could make him an NPC in your game)

2) Will the water prefabs ever get the animation and physics the BR ocean, rivers, etc do?

Thanks, appreciate ya'll :)

  1. NPCs are absolutely on the list of features we'd like to add. What appearances the NPCs use is still an open question.
  2. Water prefabs won't be getting new water those prefabs will stay the same, we'll be adding more water features in the future that support the new water systems

06 Nov


Which map / code, what platform, any specific settings? We updated the HUB lighting about 10 hours ago which should have resolved it being too dark on all platforms. We're tracking down the bug where the lighting sometimes transfers to the next loaded island.

01 Nov


Some more information on this would help. A video or series of screenshots would be invaluable. What platform are you on, is it all walls or floors. Anytime when posting issues if you'd like them fixed we need lots of details to quickly reproduce the issue and get it tracked down. Appreciate the reports!


We're on it. Thx for the note!

23 Oct


What are you trying to have happen? Have only one item spawn randomly and nothing else spawn?

18 Oct


What's your ign, will see if we can find the issue?

For everyone else please add your ign when posting issues so that we can help resolve them more quickly.

15 Oct


Before we do anything with memory we're working on a new memory tracking thermometer that's the first step. That work is in progress. Once we have that then we'll be adjusting memory accordingly. Acknowledged that the memory constraint is frustrating, our goal is to ensure we adjust it accurately and not have to reduce it because of miscalculation on our side.

04 Oct


Originally posted by BENZ4DUCKS

Thanks Zak! Unfortunately it sounds like it won’t be possible to end via trigger and still select the player with the highest score as the winner.

If team is set to all it uses the first column of the scoreboard to determine the winner. So should work just fine.


btw this is super hidden sorry. ideally in game it'd give related options on other devices so it'd be easier to find.

On the team settings and inventory device "End Round when Receiving From"

Ends the round with the associated team as the winners on receiving a signal from the selected channel.


Great list thank you! I've taken all these issues and added them for our team to look at.

Some of these are fixed / improved in the next update. Some of these issues I think are based on the options you've selected for the game mode.

Spectating will be improved in next release. Although there still may be issues.

The party chat / game chat, I'd recommend trying to turn off All chat in game, it'll be break the groups into separate chat channels when the game starts. Try that.


Originally posted by Hyjackal

My islands get stuck in default settings, and stays low gravity every time I enter it. I’m stuck in low gravity in hub too. Does not happen in featured island for what I remember. My epic is: Code Hyjackal

What platform are you playing on? The issue is that some how the playground settings got copied into your creative settings, these are on your local machine and not on your account. Easiest solution is to delete and reinstall fortnite. We are getting a bug entered for this and hopefully will be fixed in the next update to ignore those settings.


Originally posted by Hyjackal

No, sadly. This glitch happened when you could access Playground settings from creative and change it through creative. Then something changed and I couldn’t get it anymore

Are your islands still stuck with low gravity? and does the low gravity occur on the hub or featured islands? What's your epic display name, I'll see if we can debug.

03 Oct


Sorry this is super old. Did you actually test this? Looking at the code it looks like the # of receivers per island is set to 1280 we have been increasing that number as we've increased the other numbers.

16 Sep


The device itself position was changed slightly in the release when we added all the options to configure the air vents. Anyone that had create a precise jump with them it broke the maps. By the time we figured out the issue, the solution was worse then having to have creators update the maps. The device needs to be move up a little bit to make the jumps work the same as they did before.

We try to make sure changes don't break maps, and if we do break maps then we work to figure out the right fix or to work with creators to update their maps instead.

Hope that clarifies, sorry that it changed, we'd break more maps now if we reverted.

27 Aug


Thank you everyone! Would love to answer more of the questions. Hopefully the answers are useful

Quick note on the bugs currently in 10.20

The lighting bug that got introduced today we are currently working on a fix. Along with the new sequencer bug not activating on game start or triggering triggers. And barriers not having the correct color. All are high priority. Not sure when we will have them fixed.


Originally posted by ACR-Spellcaster

Will you add the guided missile to creative?

there are too many bugs currently with the guided missile launcher in creative. We could talk about making a whole new one. Please up vote if you guys want a new guided missile launcher.