

29 Mar


Originally posted by treeplayz

Will you be adding teleporters.



Originally posted by KrootzyTV

Can we ever see a desert biome island?



Originally posted by Jpzzl123

Do you think you will ever add things like the old tilted buildings that have been destroyed as a prefab?

That'd be awesome. I'll check with our Level Designer.


Originally posted by Nox_Box

I would like to ask for three features:

  1. Add wall version of speed modulator
  2. Allow us to assign skins to sentry bots
  3. Allow us to give ability to players to edit stuff but not be able to damage other structures


What would you use 1 for? We could absolutely do that.

Skins on sentries..... oh yeah, not sure on timing it's coming though.

What type of game would you use #3 for? Sounds very cool, likely pretty tough to do, we will consider it though.


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

Could we get a mode similar to Halo’s “Oddball?” This is where you earn points every second for carrying an objective. The first player to get a set amount of points or has the most points when time expires, wins!

Whoever is holding said objective, would only be able to melee attack players, similar to the sword.

Awesome idea. Adding it to the list. Not sure on the timing :)


Originally posted by gamesk8er

Really appreciate this AMA. Thanks for taking the time.

Everytime I play around in Creative, I feel like I see a fresh, new idea.

Very curious to hear how often the other devs draw inspiration from Creative!

Especially for ideas/concepts that have already been implemented into Fortnite!

Reasonably sure there's already been a few. Probably some on the way as well!


All of us are collaboratively creating creative, reddit, creators, players, we all draw inspiration from each other and we're extremely excited to be part of this amazing community of Fortnite Creators.


Originally posted by BlackRacer598

Can you add old weapon rarities to creative please?

We don't have any plan to add old weapons to creative. We are excited about allowing creators to modify existing weapons... plans are being discussed.


Originally posted by stephen4976

Any chance of a storm tool?

Yes. We very much want this as well.


Originally posted by FalconStrikeFilms

Can we get a legitimate Capture the Flag game mode? It doesn’t exactly have to be a flag, but some item that cleans your inventory and gives your player a beacon while you try to return to your base with the enemy’s objective.

Yes! Something like this will be coming soon.


Originally posted by IdiotsPlayGames

Bludrive here! Any plans to add custom terrain painting and allow custom servers/ copy rifts that you can set codes for? Btw you guys are all doing an incredible job 😉😂

Ah shucks! Loving your creative maps! Custom terrain painting and editing is absolutely being talked about. We have many other improvements we want to make to world building first and then we'll get to terrain.


Originally posted by BlackRacer598

Can you please add prefabs for all of the removed locations on the map?

YES. It's only an eventuality.... make take years :)


Originally posted by BDOG_YT_

Are we ever gonna be able to make ATK’s and Quad Crushes move by it’s self without needing to use Ice traps, I have this mode that needs no ice because for the people that try and hit people without sliding out

Probably not any time soon. If there's a big interested from the community we would certainly consider trying to figure out a way for it to work.


Originally posted by szymonkk

You can add one in a chamber and 20 hp and it will have only 1 space in inventory with flick knock and can’t drop the gun and fast storm to faster kills with only 100 wood 80 brick 60 metal. What do you think

Yes that would be awesome. Getting to the ability to for you to be able to create this type of game is on the list of work we're planning!


Originally posted by hakon378

Way too much reading. All i wanted to ask is, could you guys add mats per kill and siphon back. Of not explain

These are available in Creative now!


Originally posted by MSSFree8

Is it possible to add a search bar when looking through devices and prefabs to prevent having to look at each individual device closely. For example, say I wanted a garbage bag. That is in a device with many other things in it. So in order to find it you would either have to look very closely at the picture or throw down every device until you found it.

We are working on several improvements to the phone and how content can be browsed and used. Very excited to get these in it's just a lot of UI work that takes time to make good.


Originally posted by Shawnnn215

Will you be removing the shotgun delay and time soon?

Probably not. We'll see what options we can provide when we working on allowing creators to modify weapon stats.


Originally posted by iScenario

Do you plan on bringing any Save the World props/assets to Creative? I could really use the Save the World gnomes for my Gnome Village block idea.

Gnomes would be awesome.... yeah we'll get those in for a future patch.


Originally posted by Noobface_

All the prefabs are there for you to make it yourself!


Originally posted by lootygrabby

Are you guys going to make creative modes permanent for certain games for example storm wars.? Would be great practice for the late game in a ranked mode aswell!

We are going to be adding a bigger list of games to play, just trying to figure out where in the UI to add it. This list will have some games persist for a long period of time. Not sure about permanent though...


Originally posted by goodnamelol

So we keep hearing about this priority list, but there’s probably no chance we can see it,


We have been discussing sharing some of our roadmap with the community. We'll see what ends up working best to create the right mix of what we know we will do vs having plans change based. At the moment we've defaulted to letting you guys know if it's on the list when asked directly :)