

14 Feb

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tenshi___13: well, ok then I respond.
No 400% for me so far. "Only" 250% as survivor.

Looking at your account, could you relaunch the game please and see if that resolves it?
    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Tenshi___13: well, ok then I respond.
No 400% for me so far. "Only" 250% as survivor.
thank you
    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by KrakenGreywolf:
Originally posted by amanda_bhvr: I'm going to ignore hte comments about "official account lied" as I understand your frustration - but please, be more careful of your language in future here.

For anyone who's still not seeing the 400% MMI on the 2v8 queue in game, please respond to this thread, thank you.

I do see the 400% in 1v4 (and I assume 2v8-haven’t played it today). However-dev notes suggested that there was going to be a 3x bloodpoin...
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    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm going to ignore the comments about "official account lied" as I understand your frustration - but please, be more careful of your language in future here.

For anyone who's still not seeing the 400% MMI on the 2v8 queue in game, please respond to this thread, thank you.

04 Feb

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TaylorSWF: Is anyone else experiencing this? Can anyone recommend a solution?
Is this still happening, is it every match?

27 Jun

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can only get information from 3rd party websites that have been set up to get the information from the players that have signed up to it, so the stats are not fully accurate at all.

We put out our own stats, but we will not work with a 3rd party to create a website based off of our information.

30 May


As we roll into the 8.0.0 Update, we have made a series of changes since the Public Test Build (PTB).

The Lich
[CHANGE] Reduced spell cooldown to 38 seconds (was 50 seconds).
[CHANGE] Decreased charge time for spells to 0.2 seconds (was 0.33 seconds).
[CHANGE] Increased movement speed when charging a spell to 4.0m/s (was 3.68m/s).
[CHANGE] Balance adjustments for an assortment of Add-Ons.
[CHANGE] Increased Bloodpoints for some score events.

Dev note: We have made some tweaks to improve the feel of using spells across the board, and fine-tuned various Add-Ons and score events.

[CHANGE] Increased duration of Fly spell to 4 seconds (was 3.5 seconds).
[CHANGE] Increased fr... Read more

22 May

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This actually is a bug - you should not get 0 perks at all.

It seems to be connected to levelling up a character or prestiging whilst in the lobby, our team is aware and they are investigating it, but it's not possible to get a fix prior to the modifier ending I'm afraid.

26 Apr

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Whilst we are very aware of the frustration around the rubberbanding / hitching, fixing a bug that could seriously injure someone by them having seizures has to be priority.

18 Aug

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Following Steam's weekly maintenance on Tuesday, players borrowing DLC characters via Steam's Family Sharing feature reported losing access to these shared characters, leaving only the DLC owner with access. This change is in accordance with Steam guidelines; if both players own the base game, DLCs are not allowed to be shared through Family Sharing.

If you have purchased additional cosmetics for a DLC character which you no longer have access to through the in-game store, please be assured that those cosmetic items are still associated with your account and will be waiting in your inventory if you decide to unlock the character.

Please refer to this information that is our Official confirmation on this issue.

28 Jun

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
hi, we're looking into this right now!

26 Jun

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is this still happening?

13 Jun

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It can happen in some cases we are looking into it

12 Jun

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, your progression is stored on our side, so our backend systems. So no you won't lose progression by moving to a different PC. Just use the same account and you will be fine.

26 May

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Millo:
Originally posted by papi locsta: it was a bug from yesterday
So, are we going to keep all of this ?

yes we will not be removing these items

15 May

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is a very grey area, and can be against the game rules.
If you're forcing survivors to farm with you, then yes that's breaking game rules.

12 May

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm going to clear something up here as I'm seeing quite a bit of misinformation coming out.
No you can not report players for not making saves, nor walking around the map - survivors do not have to save other survivors, we even have perks that are in the game specifically for survivors who want to play in this manner (sole survivor etc).

If it's not against the game rules, then please do not report as it's wasting the time of our support agents and it's not something that they can action.

One thing about bodyblocking - this is only reportable if it's used to take a player hostage,so you cannot report survivors blocking the killer on the way to a hook for example, but you can report a player for blocking another player in a corner for a period of time.

02 May

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The updates will be shown on Twitter, there's no in-game Event tracker I'm afraid.
    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you switch off crossplay you limit the pool of players that you can be matched with - so you will only be matched with other players on your platform, who also have crossplay switched off. That's why there's a longer wait for those matches.

18 Apr

    amanda_bhvr on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi we are looking at the change in folder names.

Please remember, any changes to information contained within these folders is done at your own risk, I'm not sanctioning anything here.