@EntranceJew LOL well let's hope it doesn't come to that. Nothing more frustrating than not being able to reproduce someone's issue just because of locale
@EntranceJew Hmmm, interesting -- I'm hoping what I have now is good. I know that the decimal coming from the matchmaker will always be US format, so as long as I'm super explicit about it, I should be good??
inb4 "use decimal.TryParse", this is what I have now
decimal.TryParse(response["time"], NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), out result);
Fun fact! MageQuit had a bug that made the online mode inaccessible due to decimal.Parse silently failing BASED ON REGION.
e.g. In Quebec, decimal.Parse will fail to parse "1234.567" because it's expecting a comma, not a period.
This was so hard to track down and I'm so upset.
@flyover_games Yaaassss FMA reference I'm sold
@LoptrLab @DarkaysTG @heyglitch @Xbox @ID_Xbox @nicolaasvm @EvvaKarr @hollharris @hushion_r @magequitgame First of all, congrats @DarkaysTG! I guess I just have 3 things but probably too late to be relevant lol 1. Make sure you have your store page through Xbox cert before launch day 2. Don't hire a flat-rate PR agency 3. DON'T RELEASE IN OCTOBER 😭 Best of luck in your launch!
@chriswade__ "makes new builds during PAX" >.> I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself
Tournament is live!
Online tournaments are PC-only until we can figure out how to run them 100% in-game :( (sorry @SceneKidSanta)
We are having our first online MageQuit tournament of the year on Sunday! This will also be the first one with electric spells, so be sure to keep yourself grounded 👇
⚡️⚡️⚡️ SIGN UP IN GAME ⚡️⚡️⚡️
@aerial_knight Dude, this is so legit 🔥
@aerial_knight: Over the last few months, I've poured everything I've had into this side project I've been working on. It's in a playabl…
@BowlcutStudios: We're attempting to stream the PAX South MageQuit Tournament!
@kkiniaes Congrats Kartik 😊
@dread_x_p: Got to say hey to Brett Pennings of Magequit, who was also on our #RealProfessional podcast a while back.
@chriswulf_ Ideally both! But haven't booked anything yet for either.
@JBMagicTV Awwww yeah!
@chriswulf_ It's probably for the best, knowing how much you traveled last year! 😂
@DeeJayHerro @magequitgame 😭😭😭 gonna be at East or West??
@ThatIceRocker You going too???