

12 Dec


We're working on it! Sorry about the inconvenience.

Edit: We have found the problem and are bringing the realm back up. There was a misconfiguration on a server that has been fixed and we'll make sure that doesn't happen again.

11 Dec

10 Dec


The Delve model is the same as before, with the first 33 or so levels worth of depths chopped off as Niko starts later. We also increased Sulphite Capacity by a lot to compensate. The doubling you mention is something that was there before (once it hits map-level monsters, the curve changes).

I'm going to go through the feedback carefully during the day to try to find problems. Maybe there's more we can still improve here. If so, the problems would likely stem from you finding Sulphite less frequently than before but in bigger chunks (so when you're delving is less predictable and diverges from the model for players who delve more or less than average).

09 Dec


The chance of this is absurdly unlikely. It uses the regular game currency weightings but changes the stack size to a number between 1 and 3. The chance was the same as from a regular currency drop, but you also lucked out to triple it.


(We are not changing anything based on this post, thankfully it's not actually broken. The lottery works as intended.)

08 Dec


Originally posted by ChipsAhoiMcCoy

So, i've noticed this primarily with PoE, but there are some other games which will tend to do this same exact thing. I can't tell if this is input lag, or if it's something that has to do moreso with the games engines, but basically, if I click an item in PoE, and I want to move it around somewhere, I noticed that it essentially "falls behind" my cursor. What I mean by this is, if you were to say move your cursor back and forth, and focus your eyes on your cursor, you'll notice that the item you're holding won't be held directly on your cursor. It will essentially lag behind ever so slightly. It's more or less noticebale depending on your hardware or settings, (It's way worse on my friends PC. Lagging behind very far.) but i'm not sure how to actually reduce it, or "fix" it. Have any of you experienced this ever?

This is because it's rendering a "hardware cursor" at a higher frame-rate than your game client is running.


We are working on this. So far it looks like our core router went down. This incident doesn't look like it's directly tied to the DDOS. I'll update as I get info.

Edit: The router is software (a component of our backend infrastructure), not a physical router that someone tripped over.

Edit2: Sorry for taking so long fixing this. We are trying to get it up as quickly as possible.

Edit3: It's up, and we'll work to make sure that this doesn't happen again. We are very sorry about the inconvenience caused by this issue.

I really need some sleep



Originally posted by bamasmith

game server lost contact with the realm edit: double rip

We have been under DDOS attack all day without significant impact, but unfortunately they just hit a piece of critical infrastructure that wasn't fully protected. Fixing now.

Edit: Servers are now back up. Very sorry about that.

07 Dec


Originally posted by Meeqohh

WHAT the f**k

hahaha I was waiting for this thread

there's more


Originally posted by grimysss

1 example
2 example
sorry for the bad quality and links, not gifs you can test it yourself, works with almoust any pet, for me works the best with IceFrog


Fixing now


Originally posted by Nightwatchik

It seems GGG changed translation in 3.5.0 for russian localization, but they completly broke voiceover. Are they tried to add russian VO but accidentaly deleted all voices?)

We're fixing this today


Originally posted by Just_one_single_post

I was in a huge rush since the league started and some guy was online that I added recently to buy an enchanted helmet off of him.

So I logged back into standard and was confused to find my stash gone. It just wasn't there in the usual spot. But I had a large ugly UI that didn't tell me at all what the buttons are for. So my guess was, I had to confirm that layout to get back my stash. Wrong. "Claim all" means that every item you set gets deleted from your hideout and so did my beloved hideout vanish. Thanks to GGG and the respective UI designer who thought that a confirmation button isn't needed at all.

Farewell, my lovely hideout. My friend of years. You will be missed.

Edit: There already is a confirmation window! But mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and I'll try to get you an export of the hideout from a backup



05 Dec


Originally posted by Namensplatzhalter

Somewhat bad photoshop of two people vaguely reminiscent of Bex and Chris.. I know, I know. Chris is really blending in with the background because of the shirt he's wearing but believe me he's there.

That is not Bex


Originally posted by [deleted]


I should have said Nov 16-17, 2019.


Originally posted by Calcipher_Cal

Have we seen them in the same place before?

30 Nov


Originally posted by Vesuvius079

It’s going to be Brand support imo.

I think this one is off-brand

29 Nov

26 Nov


Originally posted by bballjosh11

Are these single-use items?

Yes, like other fragments.


Originally posted by Paruko

Are the types of Scarabs (Breach/Div Card/etc) also tied to specific Immortal Syndicate members? Or is the type of Scarab you get totally random?

Tied to specific members.


Originally posted by zhengt66

i think you spelled artifacts wrong

also holy shit

edit: found some context after chris's reply, both spellings are cool it seems

We use New Zealand spelling for stuff in the game.


Scarabs drop in Betrayal Safehouses from the chests in the living quarters of specific Immortal Syndicate members. There are three tiers of each Scarab (Rusted/Polished/Gilded), which correspond to the three ranks that Syndicate members can have. So these do require some effort to get, but with careful Syndicate planning, you can try to engineer it so that you get several per Safehouse run.