

23 Jun


3 fingers is the only correct way to play the game


That's so awesome! I'm glad you had such a good time :)


Originally posted by Veritas69

The damage statistics are coming from this split where has has played ryze, sylas, irelia

And does it change the fact that the game lasted 35 to 45 minutes where there is no way for as you mentioned champs to have more dmg % share than ADC ?

With very low kill participation as well.

This should tell you which lane is Splyce jg pressuring and how Humanoid plays most of the time in a sidelane so his team can take a baron.

Splyce's average game time is 33:49. I'm about to board a plane so I can't continue this discussion so I'll end with this. I think its fine to give him the benefit of the doubt in his first two weeks. However I needed to see more impactful performances to be impressed. I took a more critical stance and I don't see a problem with that in hindsight.


Originally posted by Veritas69


You seem to not understand what is Splyce play style. What do you want from him EXACTLY? When he has been drafted 5 games of Lissandra ? Look at his dmg per minute based on what champions he played and not the games overall. Are you REALLY talking about % dmg share ? When the game goes for 35 + minutes ?

Take a seat and think with your brain for a second what his job is in the team. Yes it might sound strange to you, but players play depending of which team they play on.

Watch his 3 first games in a spring split where he outcsed everyone in lane by like 20 cs in the first 10 minutes. You know why ? Because thats how he wanted to play before he realized that its pointless to play aggresive early on in a team that wants to scale up and do nothing in a mid game.

There is a reason why Froggen from GGS has like 45% to 60% dmg share. You k...

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The damage statistics are coming from this split where has has played ryze, sylas, irelia, etc. With very low kill participation as well.


Originally posted by Veritas69

Ender seems to have some huge boner against him or idk. Even the game on Azir where he fake shuffled to bait out Profit ult on Aatrox and Ender called it "oopsie" by Humanoid or some shit.

Humanoid had an average spring split. I never wanted to down play that and have it seem like i thought he was bad then. He wasnt. However, splyce as a team want to push into the top 3 and make worlds, and having an average mid laner will hold them back. His first two weeks were very poor. Bad in losses and invisible in wins. He had the lowest dmg%, dmg/min, dmg/min difference by a large margin and wasnt making up for it anywhere else in his gameplay. I spoke up about this because that level of performance IS NOT good enough to beat OG and break into the top 3. After this week I am much more confident in his level of play and i am really happy to see him improve

21 Jun


Originally posted by LordMeloney

I met Ender a few months ago in the commuter train right before the ocelote episode was released. Told him his interviews were brilliant. And he proved me right again.

Hey I remember you!! Glad you liked this one :)


Originally posted by MedicCasts

That's a pretty rude way to talk about you and Sjokz.

I dont think you understand comedy


Originally posted by Wolfeur

"What is it like, working at an international tournament? asking for a friend"

My friend appreciated the insight from sjokz...


Who let these two idiots on my set??

07 Jun


Hey thats me in the thumbnail lol

05 Jun


Originally posted by kukiqk

wait.. they included Ender from beginning.. like equal..



Originally posted by RogueGG

Expected Enders not to make the video.


30 May


Originally posted by ElmonMordi

If you slow it down, it looks like he was typing "Hail of Blades" on the keyboard.

I don't know why i took the time to figure that out or what I expect you to do with this information, but now you know.

I was definitely typing "hail of blades is the superior rune on reksai"


Originally posted by RogueGG

We didn't see the tent when we were in the studio for media day. He might be lost?

I'm always on the move or else that security guy might catch me


Originally posted by RogueGG

At least you have 2 Maokais

rolls eyes


Originally posted by [deleted]




Originally posted by RogueGG

They didn't even give you a verified flair here on reddit. You do have it really hard.

I'm all alone in this world...


There's no way they can leave me behind if I show up first!!

24 May


This was my first time creating any type of educational content outside of the LEC broadcast. I'd love to hear any and all feedback on the episode!