Who has the best outfit game?
No one else has more than 10 bomber jackets in their closet. Just saying...
Who has the best outfit game?
No one else has more than 10 bomber jackets in their closet. Just saying...
No question, just wanted to say I love you.
I love you too <3
That's legit how it happened too. How proud of me are you that I know what DM's are.
At least you used Twitter and not facebook messenger
Do you think you can pop a basketball with a fork
No but I probably could with just my hands
To everyone: is it Cricket or the Cricket?
Just cricket
@everyone What is your height?
Read moreI'm refering to EUphoria S4 E6 (Unofficial Mid-split awards), where the three color casters /u/thateuropeanfangirl, /u/Ovedius and /u/Endercasts discussed how they felt they were perceived by the viewers/reddit.
You mentioned how people keep hating you for one thing, even if you haven't done it in a very long time (e.g. legacy) or only remembering you for specific things that don't have anything to do with your actual casting (Enders clothes, Flexius,...). You also told a story how people like Deficio or Papa are liked so much now, that no matter what they do, people perceive it as great, even if they themselves find it rather cringeworthy afterwards.
My question is: If you could choose how the crowd perceives you, what exactly they notice about you, what would it be? Obviously it should be casting-related, but you have to take into consideration that the people as laymen just...
I would like people to think I have a really good sense for the game. Coming from relatively high elo/the playtest team, I understand a lot about matchups, macro, and can really understand how pros think about the game. I'm also super energetic in casts and try to help my cocasters build the hype for some truly epic moments.
Read moreI'll just throw questions at everyone because why not:
/u/eutriaged How would you describe your job in a sentence with less than 10 words and whats the most fun about it?
/u/Barshnip What's the most interesting stat that you want the casters to talk about, but they actually haven't?
/u/havocrumpet my guess would be, that you create/organize hype videos for lec and all these things, that are played during the broadcast, if yes: who is your favorite pro to work with? If no ... what do you actually do?
/u/RiotQuickshot Do you miss Deficio, or have you gotten over him?
/u/RiotDrakos How do you come up with all those rap-lines for the rap-battles we have seen so far?
/u/Mediccasts Is there anyone at riot, that benches more than you? also ... did you try arm wrestling hyllis...
I assume you mean someone I haven't worked with before? In that case, Atlus. The dude's a pro
Ender WeirdChamp
It's flat.
For Quickshot: What is the actual job of an on-air talent manager? What tasks do you take on?
For Ender: I find your fashion style quite different from that of the others and I like it. Did you come up with that yourself or was it suggested by someone else?
For Drakos / Medic / Quickshot: How can you train to get the words out quickly without stumbling and still sound natural and easy to listen to?
For Laure: Being an interviewer, I assume you talk to players a lot off camera - how hard or easy was it to develop a relationship to everyone so that they and you feel comfortable during interviews on camera?
I've definitely been pushing my style in a more casual direction. We decided to make a shift away from suits and ties all the time as a team, but I really wanted to push for a more unique look and if I'm being honest, I dont really like suits. Bomber jackets for life
To all the casters: What was the most insane game/series that you casted in your career?
G2/FNC from last split that ended with the Rekkles backdoor. That was nuts
- The on-air team,
Was there ever a moment in your career that you thought ‘Damn, I’ve made it!’. If so, was there any one event that sparked this feeling or was it a gradual build up? P.s. LEC has been amazing to watch this year so thank you!
Quickshot sliding into my DMs and asking me if I wanted to come to EU :)
To /u/Endercasts I'm curious how you have found this split. What have you learnt(Casting fiestas,writing segments), did it live up to expectations, any surprises? etc
You're obviously still new and going through the backlash from the viewers that all new caster go through but we usually don't get a perspective on until they've been accepted by the viewers. You obviously have a lot of talent and have been improving over the split. Good luck man!
The newest thing for me has been writing a lot more comedic segments, specifically stuff like LEC Update. I really enjoy that sort of writing so I've been really happy to see the positive comments on those types of segments. Looking forward, I want to start writing a lot more stuff like that!
I see Trevor already jumped into the thread, but I figured I should throw in some of my thoughts as well.
I specifically went for a very different tone in the G2/XL and FNC/RGE games. I went for more dry, sarcastic humor, a lot of times at Trevor's expense. I personally enjoyed the cast even though I presented myself as very negative.
You're not the only one who thought it was a bit too much, though. I'm definitely going to watch the vods and see what I can do better in the future because my personal sense of humor does line up with a lot of what I said in these casts. Those games I obviously pushed it to the extreme, but I would like to incorporate some of those elements into my style in the future.
That was a... game.
Not so much improve as...more...lots and LOTS more of this stuff. Map movement, how to ward, how to fight for vision, jungle pathing, how/when to check map while laning, and other macro stuff.
I feel like this content is things that most people just have no idea about, and would help so much in understanding pro play, along with implementing some of the ideas in other players' own experiences.
Ask and ye shall recieve
This is a concept Shakarez and I have been working on for quite some time now. I'm really happy we put this together and hope its helpful for all of you. If there's anything you think we can do to improve it, please let us know!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me here. I try to answer as best as I can :)
Favorite caster?