

08 Jun


Originally posted by xStevo88

5800x with 3080, it's okay I just increased my graphics settings considerably.

Graphics Quality 5, Max draw distance, Increased most mesh quality settings to at least 50%, turned DLSS off. Uncapped FPS at 1440p and its gone back to around 140 FPS.

Think with settings down my GPU sits there doing f**k all while my CPU does some work? Rust being Rust!

If you lower them again, does your framerate go down again?

07 May


This post just got someone FIRED, I hope it wasn't a modded server

26 Feb

27 Jun


Can we buy it for our office?

06 Mar


Originally posted by Riddler_92

Hopefully someone posts a thread of all deciphered codes for the cameras around the map.

I would have thought someone would have put them on the wiki by now πŸ˜”


Originally posted by BloodyIron

Breaks EAC through Proton, can't even get into game now. :/ Thanks Garry.

We're enquiring


Originally posted by ashtobro

Been waiting for modular weapons too. This is like boat updates all over again

It's gonna be worth the wait

17 Dec

12 Dec


Originally posted by Nothing4You

bloody could add a way to randomize the device ids every time the mouse is turned on (e.g. pc reboot) or even just clone those of another manufacturer

They do that by default, to me this reveals their intentions.

28 Nov

07 Nov


Originally posted by Credist

im playin 4:3 with 1440x1080 but I just cant figure out why it compresses like this

Yeah that's sh*t - I'll see what we can do


Originally posted by Aeremox

You didn't say "Sup N*GGER", you just shouted "N*GGER". I've unbanned you, because you were probably just testing.. but you should probably not say that word anymore.


What resolution is that? Why are you playing with a 1:1 aspect ratio?

19 Oct


Originally posted by snafu76

Could you please put the person to last wound you second in that list?

Sometimes the cheater downs you and has his non-cheating friend finish you.



Originally posted by ShiftlessDrifter

Cross-post from the Bug Reporting thread:

[BUG] After today's Halloween update you seem to have updated the UI for F7 reporting. While it seems to be an improvement for making bug suggestions or offering feedback, the "Report A Player" interface leaves a lot to be desired.

After wanting to submit a report for a potential cheater, I encountered the following:

  • Gone is the dropdown list of players in-game with the most recent offender at the top of the list. This has been replaced with a very pretty UI of all players in alphabetical order.

  • The most recent offender is not listed first, or at the top, so you have to hunt to find his name. This can be difficult if you have forgotten his name and have to browse through every name. It might not jump out at you straight away and can lead to confusion.

  • Looking through the names that were there I noticed a number of users from a server I was on previously --...

Read more

You should be able to click on "report player" on the death screen to report the player that killed you.

Failing that the last person that killed you should always be first in the list.

27 Aug


Originally posted by KingRin

Glad to see its finally here. It would be good to see a community design competition though.

It's something we've talked about, not sure how it would work practically though.

15 Aug


Originally posted by Ulgitogga

/u/garryjnewman good call, glad it worked out this way.

Any specific reasons for it? As in why the topic became 'hot' lately or why the rules for a refund changed?

Either way, thank you

Felt like the right thing to do. If we shipped an un-updated Linux version we'd only be doing that to appease people so they don't ask for refunds, but if we're doing that they should get refunds anyway. So why not just give refunds and kill the Linux version - gives a nice clean break.

03 Aug


Yeah the guys are on it, I believe it’s fixed already on staging?

31 Jul


Originally posted by hunted5

priorities what are those?

What would you like Jarryd to be working on in his first day on Rust?