

05 Feb


Originally posted by MSTRMN_

I wonder if you've been thinking about third-party libs that are dependencies to your code/frameworks that you use. Do you have a common store or you ship dependencies for each plugin in their own packages?

Common store so that code is never duplicated.


Originally posted by NeoAlmost

150 different plugins with different build configurations sounds pretty messy. Since you said "at one point", does that mean that there are now fewer plugins, or that the client no longer uses a plugin framework?

We are down to:
- 48 plugins
- about 4 build configurations

It breaks down to 3 plugins with 3 special configs and 45 with the same build configuration. The ideal would be to get rid of the plugin system and have a single app. We are working towards that. The last few special configs are very tricky to get rid off.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It can make it harder sometimes. But a lot of that toxicity exists within Reddit only and not the broad player base. Sometimes players will message me (in-game) to offer encouraging words and report that they've never had a significant client issue. When that happens, I appreciate it very much, it helps too!


Originally posted by Am1t8

These are all good feature requests to enhance the collections tab. Unfortunately, the team's primary mission is to make the client more performant and reliable. We are not there yet, but as we move closer, we can look to introduce feature enhancements, we just can't commit to them until we are happy with our client improvements.

Okay, pull request incoming.


Originally posted by Xaliuss

I'd like know about possibilities and/or timeframes for some improvements for collection tabs

  1. Champions - Integration with universe page - biographies, stories, links to other media.
  2. Skins - seeing descriptions in shop and being able to view skins in not only one order (by champion, by theme, so on).
  3. Skins - adding video previews, for example from SkinSpotlights.

I would like to know too.

u/Am1t8 when? #RitoPlease


Originally posted by dahyunxsana

is 1,75 billion revenue not enough to hire a competent it crew and just completely remake the client?

We need more engineers, they are hard to find, send them our way:


Originally posted by showmeagoodtimejack

how did it get this bad? what was the QA process like throughout development?


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Quick question: What version of Chromium is the team planning on upgrading the client to?

We try to upgrade to the latest stable version. But that it isn't always possible within a reasonable amount of time.

For example, the last time we upgraded Chromium we wanted to go all the way to version 80+, but had to settle for 74. On 75, some core APIs changed and upgrading our code would delay the upgrade for a couple of months. Since then, as we do other work, we improve the old code knowing that another upgrade is imminent.


Originally posted by HoroTV

First of all, thanks for the hard work! Your impact is quite noticeable, so I'm interested in seeing on what you can do.

For my question. I've been following the new client since it's early dev posts and also was one of the lucky ones to get early access to it a few years back.

Looking at early dev posts, the idea of having the client being written using web-technologies and especially using ember, was so that there can be many different teams enabled to work on the client to add features.

Since you are actively trying to find bottlenecks with features and even removing some that were especially made for this new client, looking back do you think that using this approach of using web technologies to drive the client was the right one?

The problems with the client are not inherent to the tech stack, web in this case. Many of the issues stem from the way its plugin architecture is implemented. Not even a plugin architecture is necessarily the culprit alone.

For the tech-savvy, picture this, at one point, the client was made up of over 150 plugins (web apps). All of them had their own build config (Webpack), and then, most used different versions of Webpack, Ember, Babel etc. The lack of uniformity and the boundaries that exist between features (plugins) made it very hard to maintain a improve the client.

04 Sep


Originally posted by Ronizu

I'm glad they're upgrading the client... But some advice to the guy making these articles, the bottommost chart is basically unreadable for colorblind people, the colors are way too close to each other and while also being very light. I'm having a very hard time reading that graph, and my colorblindness is very mild.

Sorry about that! I will make sure the feedback is received!


Originally posted by Tee_zee

What tech did the guys use to determine the plug in loading times? Was it an apm product or something similar?

It is just simple telemetry code in the JS that records (sends a POST) when events of interest trigger.


Originally posted by 00Koch00

Now, though, we've realized if we want players to be happy, we're going to have to refactor key components of champion select.

Ha, refactoring, welp, the next two months are gonna get really bad for the devs, are you going to use the actual component as a blueprint and optimizing it or are you gonna build it from scratch?

Yep, exactly this. It'll get fun.


Originally posted by Jhohok

Lol makes sense for them to prioritize bugs that impact their income streams. It'd be interesting to see any analysis of how these bug fixes affect their topline revenue.

We don't prioritize like that, we always think about players playing games first. Anything that prevents players from getting in game or having a good experience in game is what we prioritize. Of course we pay attention to the financial aspects, but expect to do well in that regard as the reward from delivering value first.


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

Most of the complaints in this reddit is just circlejerking. You have people who literally uninstalled the game years ago still come here and talk shit about Riot because they have nothing better to do.

And then you have people who have no issues 99% of the time, suddenly have an issue that f**ks their promo's once and they come here raging like Riot collectively f**ked their entire family and set their home on fire.

These complaints are best ignored because they add no value.

It's not like Riot can't literally f**king see error reports and know exactly how often shit breaks. The client sends them data about every crash automatically.

Complaining on reddit is the absolute least effective means of communicating with developers. Not only are most posts missed, they're also f**king worthless because the developers get none of the data that actually helps fix the issues.

"My game crashed". Oh wow, so f**king helpful. What system configuration? H...

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What's between the chair and monitor?



Originally posted by NeverOriginal123

Ignore the negative responses (: Thanks for the work you put in

Thanks for the support <3 We'll continue to work hard (:

02 Sep


Originally posted by Doktor_Mingo

1 down, 386+ to go.

yeah, and we'll get to them :)

29 Jun


Originally posted by aqnologia

When can we expect this package added to the client

Hi, we appweciate ando thank youw suggestions. We'ww continyue to wowk hawd so that you can continyue to enjoy weague of wegends fow a wong whiwe.


Originally posted by Rimikokorone

Hey man if it makes you feel any better I never have any bugs with the client. Idk why.

That is awesome, thanks for your support.


Originally posted by Mobilify

If it helps, my discord crashes when the honor screen freezes. They also unstuck at the same time, is it because they are both built on electron?

We don't use Electron, but thanks for sticking with us and providing more info!

26 Jun


Originally posted by papu16

u/givanse You have thoughts about building new cliend from 0 or integtare client in game like valorant or LoR clients?

We have discussed those options too. In fact, I just had a quick conversation about it this morning. Fixing the current client is the fastest path to deliver results. The current client/tech still offers many benefits to players (and us), we need to cut the fat.