

30 Jan


Originally posted by cantreadmyjudas

Hey there! Not sure if you still use Reddit but I used to regularly get surveys and even participated in a couple remote call testing sessions but haven’t had any survey opportunities in a while now. Is there a limit I didn’t know about or do I need to sign up again?

Hey. There isn't a limit, however we do select people for surveys randomly to make sure we get a representative sample and you may just be getting unlucky. Also make sure to check we aren't going to your spam folder.

If you want to check that you are still signed up for email surveys you can go login to your account at www.epicgames.com and check that a) your email is correct and that b) under "email preferences" that you are opted into "Survey Emails" (the checkbox needs to be ticked).

09 Jan


Originally posted by TomorrowOk40

I was doing an official survey and after 20 minutes of relevant questions it started to look suspicious and asked me questions about my employment status and residential status

Those are standard lifestyle questions we ask in most surveys. If you are not comfortable answering them please feel free to leave them blank.

07 Aug


Originally posted by WolfXemo

Not too sure to be honest. That would be a question for u/gortag.

Hello! The surveys are indeed specifically targeted. There are a range of attributes we look at depending on questions in the survey e.g. if we are sending a survey aimed at collecting the views of Battle Pass owners, then people have to own a Battle Pass. to get the survey. In another survey maybe we send it to only people who don't own a Battle Pass, etc.

Also we stratify the sample to make sure we are getting a representative number of responses from players across platforms and experience with the game.

u/Doge-Subject-4 thanks for pointing out the error in this particular survey. The person on my team that put the survey together says sorry for the mistake and we will account for it when looking at the data. Thank you!

02 Aug


Originally posted by 10shredder00

If you don't mind my asking, why is the in-game survey so, seemingly bad, no offense. I can play for literal hours never being asked any questions and other times I can play one match and it'll ask me "How do you feel about the Shield Potion?"

Wouldn't it be better to send out an email asking for your opinions on the balance of every single (or nearly every single) item in the game? Or at least the new additions?

Or perhaps there's more consistency like if you play for 3 hours you're guaranteed to receive a question? I don't know in my experience the in-game survey has probably appeared to me maybe three times and each time asked me a rather ridiculous question like the Tac Shotgun, Shields or the Medkit.

No offense, I am always happy to talk research methods and statistical sampling techniques.

There are several rules built into the in-game survey tool to make sure that we receive accurate data from a representative sample of the population.

What that means is we have to make sure a representative number of people are seeing the full range of questions. Also, we don't want people seeing surveys too often, as then the quality of responses tends to reduce as people stop thinking about their answers or begin to just dismiss the questions without answering.

We do also send out email surveys, which are also targeted in order to not over sample and to get a representative number of responses.

If you want to make sure your account is able to be sent email surveys please go to fortnite.com, login in with your Epic Account, and make sure you are signed up for Fortnite News at the bottom of the screen.


Originally posted by _steveTabernacle

Thank you for the response. I am wondering what kind of actionable data you are able to report from these surveys? The questions are always able to be interpreted in multiple ways. How are you able to derive useful information from them? I’ve always assumed you guys intentionally made them vague, but I’ve never been able to understand why, are you able to provide some insight?

There are various ways we can look at and stratify the data from the in-game survey, for example by looking at response by platform and/or by in-game performance.

However, we don't just look at the in-game survey data alone, rather it is part of a broader picture. So while they may seem open to interpretation, when combined with other feedback the survey adds additional data points that we can provide to the team.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes we can stratify the responses in a variety of different ways, one of which is in-game performance.

We target the surveys to get a representative sample of respondents.


Originally posted by onecrunchyboi

Bet Epic don’t look at the responses to these surveys

I am the User Experience Lead at Epic Games. My team is responsible for the in-game surveys as well as the email surveys we send!

We 100% do look at and report the data from these surveys. The feedback from them is very valuable to us.

20 Jun


Hey! Sorry for the late reply here. The surveys are sent to a representative sample of players across all platforms and levels of experience. This is done to hear from a wide range of voices within the community, including folks like you, while not over sampling and starting to get poor data.

If you want to be able to receive emailed surveys please make sure you have opted into getting emails from us. Older accounts may have not done so in some cases.

At the moment the best way to opt-in to getting emails from us is to:

  1. Go to www.fortnite.com
  2. Login with your Epic Account (top right of the screen)
  3. Scroll al...
Read more

03 May


Originally posted by [deleted]

You don't need to survey the population in order for it to be "proper". As long as the sample size is large enough, random, and from the same population, the statistic should be an accurate representation.

This is correct.

We send the in-game surveys to a random stratified sample of the population across all platforms. With specific targeting to cover the bottom, middle, and top level of players in terms of skill.

We use a sampling methodology as we have mutliple surveys running at once and don't want to fatigue players. If surveys occur too often and are seen by the same people over and over then the quality of answers to them can drop as people stop spending time to think about them.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Suck_My_Turnip

Isn’t the question so vague that it’s useless? Are we meant to be saying we’re unsatisfied with the lag, game mode, that we died fast, that we don’t like the meta, or whatever else?

Good question. This particular question is a purposely broad heartbeat question to try to gauge high level satisfaction. We can also use the tool to ask more specific questions.

The answers to all of the questions can be paired to other data to add more context.

18 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


We certainly don't want it to be annoying! Our current design is based on sampling and includes a cool down period between when a player can receive another survey to avoid this.


That is our new in game survey tool that was added in 8.10!

We are still experimenting with it, but are excited to have this in game. Looking forward to being able to see even more feedback from y'all!

23 Feb


Originally posted by Azaliak_

Alas, I do think the one I got was fake, it was mildly like this but had asked for my email and password immediately afterwards and what console I played on. It also had a different color every page.

That does sound dodgy! We will never ask for your password in a survey.


Originally posted by Azaliak_

I got this email back in season 4, I do believe it’s fake my dude

It is good to be on the lookout for fake surveys! However, I can confirm this one is real.

We send this out to a representative sample of players and ask that people don't share the links as each link is unique for that person.

22 Feb


Originally posted by xzyveltalxz

Can I have a link? Or is this a random selection thing?

Yes, our surveys go out to a representative sample of our population. Each link is made especially for the player receiving it, so we ask for folks to not share.

You can find out more details about our research process here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/9rdsmj/epic_games_official_surveys_user_experience/

10 Jan


Originally posted by xShroomy

I don’t have imgur so I don’t have a screenshot, they asked how long I’ve been playing video games (not especially suspicious but may be trying to guess my age), also asked how many consoles I have access to and how many members are in my family (might me trying to find out if the risk is worth the reward). The email is [email protected] which I know is epics email, but I don’t know if they’ve got one of those weird characters that looks exactly like and English letter but it still counts as different, I don’t know, I just want to be safe.

Hey! This is an official survey. We send them out ever so often and you can find out more about what we do and why we send these here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/9rdsmj/epic_games_official_surveys_user_experience/

14 Dec


Originally posted by Ihypnotiizee

As a heads up we ask that you don't share survey links. Each one is unique to the person that receives it.

More information here! https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/9rdsmj/epic_games_official_surveys_user_experience/

08 Nov


Originally posted by Maglor_Nolatari

The link for the survey is possibly linked to game activity data for that person, meaning they actually can see the link between certain feedback. (That's at least how I'd organise the data, load in player stats, make them anonymous and link them to a unique url, then send out the url for the survey). The mail however is standardised so they have to include that part for those play once and quit people. Until you get feedback you don't really know why they quit and if there is anything within reason that can be improved there.

You are 100% right.


Originally posted by psnlucydaisy

One of the very first questions is what zone you are in. Hopefully they will take more consideration to those in canny and twine.

The sample is sent to a range of people of all experience levels in order to get a good representative sample. We then break the data out by experience levels when looking into the results.

People who are more experienced tend to fill in surveys more often, so we include that little bit of text about "only played once" to try to encourage the less experienced folks to also open up the survey.

26 Oct


Originally posted by MaruWapper

For the next survey, tie it together with the Epic Games account, this way you have player metrics data along with your survey data.

Our surveys are tied to Epic Games accounts :)