

20 Mar


If discourse on this subject is going to continue, I think it's important to highlight this comment of mine from another thread. One of the points I made on stream wasn't very clear, which led to some confusion. This comment hopefully clears things up a bit.

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Originally posted by Gameguru08

Hey thanks. Rolling out asymmetrical balance is rough, especially during literal and figurative server fires. We appreciate the transparency, thanks for doing that interview. I like to think we get so passionate and heated with each other because we all genuinely like foxhole, especially because it lets you get invested in that huge team effort that lets us get fired up about it.

No worries. While we do get heated feedback (which as you say comes from the passion/investment), we actually get a lot level headed feedback as well. That feedback usually just doesn't make reddit headlines. The majority of Foxhole players I interact with are very polite and reasonable.


Originally posted by Gameguru08

Also to clarify. Does this mean that the total number of silverhands to falchions was 1 to 2? Or does this mean that for specially in storage its 2 falchions in a stockpile to 1 silverhand in a stockpile.

For every Silverhand in storage, there were a bit over 2 Falchions in Storage.

19 Mar


My mistake for not being clear on that second point. The following is NOT what I meant.

2 silverhands in stockpiles for every Silverhand on the field

I was following up on the numbers of tanks in storage, vs what were on the field. What I meant was that while there were ~1.6 Falchions per Silverhands on the field, there were a bit over 2 Falchions per Silverhands in storage (EDIT: To be extra clear, for every Silverhand in storage, there were a bit over 2 Falchions in Storage). This was taken from average snapshots several days after tanks were unlocked. So overall more Falchions both on the field and in storage than Silverhands (as expected), but perhaps a lower ratio than some may have thought.

Colonials were definitely spending RMats a lot more generously.

For the record, I don't think anyone owes anyone an apology. We definitely feel the buffs on the Silverhand in war 72 hotfix made sense. However, most...

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16 Mar


For full context, just wanted to add this part of the post here.

Since this is a hotfix, it only contains a minimal set of intended changes. There are many more fixes and changes in the works, but they will come with Update 43, which we hope to have news on as early as next week.

14 Mar


Originally posted by Emothic-Von-Hellsing

Is there anything that we the players can do to also help with the situation. I know there isn't really anything we players can do. But an idea has been tossed around every once in awhile for a form of subscription support system. Where players can send a monthly payment to help support the game. Like giving extra funds to help improve the server infrastructure system. I know some players like myself would do so and wouldn't ask for any kind of reward or special "things" like other subscriptions has. Just seeing improvement on the backline systems of the game regarding this issue will be enough for us.

Or do you feel that implementing such a system just wouldn't have any real impact as not enough players would engage into a subscription support system?

Thanks for the idea, but the constraint for this specific issue we've been seeing these past few days isn't monetary. It has been a problem at scale with our server host and has impacted thousands of websites and services across the internet, not just Foxhole. We just have to wait for OVH to sort things out and then make sure we're doing everything on our end to mitigate problems as they occur. We hope these recent issues will be short lived.

Besides, we wouldn't be comfortable accepting additional payment for something that should work in the first place. It's our responsibility to have Foxhole work smoothly, not players'.

In terms of the longer term issue of scaling up to support more players more effectively (i.e less queues), we do intend to invest in optimizing our server engine further and finding other ways to increazse capacity. While the population will likely stabilize at a lower count than it is now in the coming months, there will always be big spikes fo...

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Originally posted by Emothic-Von-Hellsing

The update gave us a lot of valuable new data and situations to learn from. And one of those is urgent needs for the game to have a larger and more robust server infrastructure. Massive queues, unable to connect, disconnects, regions going offline many times, voice chat problems, and ect...

This is all with just 2,000 - 3,000 players. Nearly everyone is expecting to see far more players then this when the game goes full 1.0 release. Even if it was just doubled the amount as we have gotten, say just 6,000 players. It will be a catastrophe, as there is no way the servers will be able to handle it. There is no way the playstyle of the game can handle it. Hell we're already struggling with just trying to get supplies to the frontlines. As well as the logi hubs are being bottlenecked simply because there are too many players in the back line trying to do logi.

Personally I think this is a major problem, and one the devs should focus on for the next few months.

You are right that there have been scaling issues, especially with queues and voice chat problems. To solve the queues, we just need to improve performance to support more players per region and have a larger world (more regions), and looking into multiple shards even.

In terms of the increased disconnects and offline regions we've had over the last 2-3 days, this has really been unexpected. To shed some light on this, we have been hosting our servers on OVH for over 3 years now and while their reliability has not been perfect it has been overall reasonable stable. This week, OVH had a major disaster with one of their data centers and they have been scrambling to recover from the situation. You can read about it here: ...

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13 Mar


Originally posted by iexaM

40 player queue into an empty region, whilst you guys role up with twice the number of tanks because of how long you have to build up, anti-fun

We agree that queues are lame as hell. However, when border travelling (not deploying from home region) you should never be queued if the target region is low pop for your faction. If that's happening it would be a major bug that we'd want to know about.

We were tracking this operation from the time it started in Linn of Mercy and the only time a queue should have happened would be going into Deadlands.

06 Mar


We're aware of this bug and have a fix in the works, but it will take a bit more time before we can roll it out. It can happen on occasion. Returning to the home region and redeploying should work around the issue in the short run.

Thanks for the patience on this one.

04 Mar


We just haven't gotten around to this yet, so no excuse there. It's on our TODO list though.

02 Mar


LOL. There will be more choice coming for both factions in the not too distant future.