

23 Feb


Originally posted by JJPA32

Will walls have the same "structure" as sandbags and barbed wire where they can be turned? Or are they always straight?

Can you enter a vehicle from any location near the vehicle now? Or do you still have to interact with specific "entry" points to get the seat selection menu?

Are there plans for friendly fire on your own buildings to not count in the region logs? Builders commonly have to blow up their own structures for various reasons which might skew the stats on the logs in a negative way.

I just wanted to say that the explosion VFX look really good from that quick gif showed and I hope more stylized VFX come from that :)

Do Watchtowers and storage boxes have faction coded colors now? Watchtowers specifically are important to be able to distinguish so players don't leave enemy watchtowers or destroy friendly watchtowers by accident.

What were some of the weapons affected by the legacy fall-off range change?

Are there plans for de...

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Walls are straight as they looked unnatural when curved.

I believe you can enter from any position as of now.

Please add the issue of friendly fire against your own faction to the dev branch feedback and we'll take a look.

We'd like to do another comprehensive pass on comms tools in the future, but it unfortunately won't be happening anytime soon due to the schedule being quite full for the foreseeable future. We tend to do things in waves so we'll come back around to some of these issues eventually.


Originally posted by RoyAwesome

Will the officer uniform not give friendly fire penalty for damaging friendly structures made by players in your regiment? Can builders use it to clear out bunker pieces and blueprints?

No. Friendly fire is tricky. We'd love to allow anyone to dismantle any structure (that would make building a lot more fun and sandboxy), but the unfortunate reality is that we always have to account for griefing edge cases.

For example, all it takes is for 1 player in the future to build a huge bunker base, have the front line reach it, and then destroy it on their own during a critical battle. That's unlikely to happen but as we often see certain players will try their best to test the limits of what can be done so we have to constantly think of all the possibilities and be careful.

Having said that, we'd like to hear about the specific scenarios and pain points to help guide future development of builder features.


We'll be answering questions here over the next few hours. Feel free to ask any questions and we'll try to get to as many as we can but those pertaining to Update 48 will be prioritized. Thanks!

External link →

22 Feb


Originally posted by lordbaysel

To cite Markfoot: "No new vehicles."

This one will be light on flashy content. More focus on small tweaks, balance, and improvements. If you were waiting for a big feature update to return to the game, this won't be it. If you are playing regularly these days there will hopefully be a few beneficial things for you.

28 Jan


Originally posted by idontlikereddit1111

I think a good starting point would be some sort of timer or global indication that those bases are there.

Currently enemy border bases just don't show on the map and therefor you don't know if one side is dead or if its both.

As for timers, they would help make the fights around border bases more fun, instead of being who spams E the fastest and whether or not you have a timer marker on the border base onto a big fight on both sides as people flank around etc.

One suggestion from me would be to have to stay within a set area around the border base for like 5 minutes and make that the requirement for a claim.

Anyways, thanks for communicating about our concerns with border bases, amazing game love you.

That's a good point. The timer is intentionally absent and the random locations are meant to discourage trying to "game" the system. Clearly (and again understandably) efforts are still being made to do that.


Originally posted by moidawg

Yeah. All these player made solutions should show that there's a serious issue with this mechanic.

There is some important context to communicate about Border Bases.

In the first few years of Foxhole and World Conquest, a problem that became known as "border lockdown" emerged. It would cause region borders to be closed off by players and heavily defended. This became a desired strategy (understandably) from players but it had some negative effects.

First, it would cause major issues with player queues. During peak hours, "border lockdown" would essentially subtract regions from the frontline conflict (e.g. bringing the frontline from 7 to 5 or even 4 regions). This problem wasn't easily visible by players and would manifest itself in sudden complaints during peak hours when there would be several hundred players in queue.

Second, it would cause very unpleasant border fighting scenarios. Players that were in the world would have to spawn in a friendly region, border travel over the locked down border, die, and then travel back. That was how front line batt...

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14 Dec

07 Dec

23 Nov


Originally posted by HiggsTugsten

Just a short question. How will something like the Tankette handle on the field bridges, since it is classed as an armored car but has tank armor.

As of now, Tankettes can cross Field Bridges. Keep in mind this may change as we adjust balance during Dev Branch.


Originally posted by shackers1337BRIGGS

Great to see you are looking at improving past features
Will you be looking at suppression at all as both the mechanics and numbers relating to it are confusing to most players ending with the majority if not all players refusing to suppress without a machine gun even though a handful of rifles or SMGs could do the same job at any point in the war

I would like a way for players to roughly tell how much suppression they are applying to a target and how close a target is to being suppressed so players can make informed decisions in contributing to suppression rather then hoping for the best or ignoring the mechanic completely

Yes. We hope to revisit stamina in a near future update to give it more relevance.


Originally posted by TheVikingMusketeer

with Anvil showing alot of horses
would it be possible to add horses and Swords to Foxhole aswell?
Cavalry could be really effective both early, mid and late game

charging through defensive positions in early
charging tanks and pushguns during mid and late game
it would be really frikking cool

I hope so at some point. Calvary for scouting, combat, and light logistics.


Originally posted by Cloud_Drifter

Field Bridges are very cool and not only have a combat component but also a logi advantage, being able to create short cuts for trucks and haulers. I wanted to ask if flat beds, cranes, construction vehicles and harvesters can go on them?

As of now, most logistics vehicles can go over Field Bridges. Keep in mind things can change as we balance throughout Dev Branch.

Edit: Cranes and CVs will have a hard time crossing right now, but again this balance may change


Originally posted by Captain_Conway

What Tech exactly will Copper be used for? All late game weapons/vehicles, or just vehicles?

Around what tech tiers will the new tripod weapons be on? Close to current Infantry MG guns? spread out over the tiers? Are their relative positions TBD?

Where in the tech tree are the New ACs going to be? Closer to Tankette/ST or closer to base AC?

Copper will be procured with the Harvester, so it will be for all tech that comes after Harvesters in the Tech Tree.


Originally posted by Lone_Recon

hi mark! can't wait for the next update!

is there any updates on adding the stationary fuel tank (fuel station) you guys showed off in update 27 dev stream two years ago?

also is there any plans to allow resource containers to carry crude oil (as moving crude oil by trucks is soul draining)

oh and speaking of oil is the oil rig still planned? or is this idea been scrapped?

edit: oh and can trucks cross the new field bridges?

We know a lot of players are asking for logistics features. We're working on it, but like what we did with building we want to make sure we can really move the needle in a future update as opposed to just adding in one off features here and there that will only help by a small amount.

We are always looking for smaller tweaks like balance changes or tweaks to help where we can.


Originally posted by SpectroDE12

the modular system for haltracks is very cool.

I must ask, will this system be implemented to other vehicles? Especially the ones that already exist. Thinking maybe we can swap barrels on things like the falchion to give it an FMG, or add a new engine for better performance but higher fuel cost (to give a couple examples)

Can we add an option to swap

Resource Containers


Shipping Containers

at Seaports/Depots? This is a MASSIVE issue both factions have to deal with.

Right now it's limited to the Half-Tracks only on land. We want the Half-Tracks to be like the swiss army knives for land vehicles. We've thought about things like adding them to water vehicles but no solid plans yet.


We'll be answering questions here over the next few hours. Feel free to ask any questions and we'll try to get to as many as we can. Thanks!

External link →

20 Nov


The next Foxhole Devstream is on Tuesday, November 23rd at 2PM ET. Join us on Twitch for a preview of Update 47.

Keep in mind that this will be an interim update that is focused on smaller scale features and improvements.