We figured waiting another 14 hours to finish the fight just wasn't the thing so we snuck the game out early.
Enjoy! <3
We figured waiting another 14 hours to finish the fight just wasn't the thing so we snuck the game out early.
Enjoy! <3
f**k sleep I guess.
What have you done?
Hey since you're here, are you able to say whether or not you all have seen an uptick in people reporting hit registration issues in the Halo 3 flight over the past few days? If you can't say or if you don't have the information available, then it's no problem.
I can neither confirm nor deny that there may or may not have been an uptick in hit registration tickets.
If you want to keep people funneled through the known issues can we at least improve the "submit a request" visibility. In my first flight I had to come back to this page for the third time before I actually spotted it.
This is what I think you could change as a short-term solution.
I fully understand the desire to have people look at known issues first but at least make it clear to us where and how to submit new issues.
EDIT: typo
I can pass the feedback on to the team that curates and manages the page but I make zero promises.
in that case, the mods should sticky the known issues thread which contains the ticket submission link, and keep it pinned at the top of the subreddit for the entire duration of the flight
Well that's up to the mods, not me lol. Feel free to take it up with them. :P
Read moreI don't mean to come off as sarcastic when I say this but you realise you can actually post the known issues in a text thread? I never meant 'post a direct link to the known issues'. At the end of that thread you can post a link to submitting a ticket. This would mean that you would have to scroll past all the known issues first.
At that point if people still don't read the known issues then that's just human nature. Some people don't like to read or something like that. It's not fair to direct criticism at this sub just because these people exist. Maybe it is the responsibility of support to weed out the bad tickets. OR you could improve the process of posting a ticket.
Since this really annoys me I'm going to make an example of a better system.
What I have in mind is a system similar to a questionnaire.
You click on "Having issues? Post a ticket" and you end up on page one out of whatever many.
This first page simply explains what is expec...
I'm not directing criticism at just the sub, I was just trying to explain and provide a bit more clarity on why things aren't really easy.
And yes, you can post a text thread of known issues and I'll admit that that didn't totally occur to me because we are constantly updating the known issues list and that would require constant updating by OP and there's no guarantee people will want to maintain threads like that.
I'm not claiming the current system is perfect, we're aware it's not. We'd love to make changes and see things done differently but it's not always as simple as, "Hey we should outline it this way!"
I can't really get into more of the why behind the way things are because it's above my level but there are many moving pieces and things that limit how we set things up.
And yes, fields are required because they help on our side. It may seem pointless to the customer side but it helps with bucketing and triage on the dev ...
Read moreI said to post a direct link ALONG with the known issues. There is no point blaming the community for not posting tickets when the the process is cryptic as hell and not easily accessible.
Also hit reg still isn't on the (H3 flight) known issues list....
Edit: (I just realised you have 343 employee tag, so I'm going to clarify that I have posted tickets, but none for the H3 fighting because they were already in the known issues list. It's this sub that's constantly posting videos of the hit reg.)
Also given this opportunity I will adress a pet peeve. It says "Have more questions? Submit a ticket."
You don't submit tickets to ask questions.
Right but if people have two links:
Which do you think most are gonna click first?
Hint: It's not the known issues one.
Also, my post was intended more as education for the masses. I did not intend to imply that you in particular were submitting tickets on existing issues or anything. :)
Again, as a consumer I completely understand. But I also understand the design choices behind the current thing. We're trying to help train the community as a whole to learn a new process and we're always evaluating and noting feedback.
Yeah we need a direct link to submitting a ticket. It could go in a text post along with the known issues list. And that should be pinned here. It would be so much easier to use than their support site
why not make it as easy as possible for people on here to submit tickets if reporting tickets is apparently the final arbiter of what gets fixed on these flights
So part of flighting and the Support site is learning how to navigate the site and use it on your own.
If we just link to the ticket form, people don't read the known issues and that takes valuable time away from our teams in their triage and sorting bugs. We only want people to report things that are NOT known. Ergo, you have to read the articles before you can submit a ticket to be sure you're not adding duplicative work.
As a consumer, I completely understand it's frustrating. But from helping out the Support team, it's really helpful to have some kind of barrier to keep people from using the report system as feedback, reporting known issues, hurling abuse at 343, etc.
In conversation, the word "basically" as a response to someone posing a question like that means "yes".
"Aesthetic" may not have been the word choice of the "basically" user if they were they asking the question. They might have thought "decoration", "art", "look cool", "embellishment", etc. But it doesnt really matter, because in the context of the question, all of these things mean the same thing. Hence, "Basically.".
So those numbers are there just for what? Aesthetic?
Not really what you want to be telling people in the build up to a new game.
We're excited to show stuff off too but I don't want to see people spend ages trying to decipher something that isn't a hidden message.
Think of this more of a design choice instead.
If you haven't yet, please file a ticket on the Support Site so our Enforcement teams can take a look.
The hype train has officially begun.
Thatβd be one hell of a temper tantrum.
"Honey, we're gonna need a new galaxy."
"Another one? Already?"
The Gravity Hammer was just a giant baby rattle all along.