

12 Oct


Originally posted by necile

wooohoo!!! You guys work fast! It only took you guys 1.5 years to bring us an amazing zedd skin bundle

I want a BTS bundle

11 Oct


Originally posted by travelingdance

Would it be possible to implement it in a way that just affects matchmaking within a team so it’s less disruptive to the blocked player’s overall experience. When I think of blocking someone, 95% of the time, it’s that I want to block someone on my own team because I don’t want to play WITH them. Whether or not they end up on the enemy team is rarely an issue. If I play with someone that is abusive/toxic, I typically don’t want them on my team because it just kinda ruins the vibe, regardless of whether they are good or not. If you implement a system in which blocking just keeps a person off your team, then it shouldn’t isolate that person much at all (unless they are just a horrible person that got blocked by literally everyone).

We could definitely think about some variation of “avoid a teammate,” yeah :) you raise a good point


Originally posted by UnfriedEgg

Thank you for taking time out to reply, i really appreciate your input! Theres been quite a few people that have been echoing what youre saying as well, that higher elos are gonna get the brunt of it, with matchmaking being almost nonexistent, and i understand that fully and agree.

However, has there been any consideration for having different systems in terms of blocking/blacklisting for rated and unrated? For eg, in unrated you could have proper blacklists up to say, 10 people whom you dont get queued with, as the unrated pool is so much bigger than the top 1-5%, and then implementing a different system for rated, say, a soft ignore/thumbs down system, which wouldn't block the person but significantly reduce your chances of getting into a lobby with them (but those chances still not being at zero).

This is just a thought, and a similar system that a few other online games utilise, but that thought may have already been had :)

Brilliant observation! So the upvote/downvote idea is on our radar and we are going to probably add some variation of it in the near future (we want to make sure it adds clear player value, and there’s so many systems out there that don’t achieve the outcome they’re hoping for, so we are deep in design for this right now), but the blacklist limit is something I’m going to take note of and bring back to the team, so thanks! If anything, maybe some sort of list that will ignore for a period of time, then the list refreshes when it expires. Possibilities are endless 👀


Hey there. I definitely understand the frustration when getting stacked up with... disruptive players :')
We're currently investigating ways in which we can effectively allow players to play with folks that are a little more up their play style, but let me provide you with some insight on why a block list is actually a trickier feature to implement than what it may seem like. There's been other competitive games that have tried to implement this feature, but at high elo, folks used the block list as a way of avoiding playing against certain individuals that they would not have a good time going up against. Often times, this block would be thrown left and right against good players, causing them to be on a mass ignore list, tanking the queues that they'd join. It's a great way for folks to isolate certain individuals from queues, even though the intent of it is to "block/ignore" the disruptive players who are tossing profanities and other inappropriate things into voice/chat. W...

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Hey there. We also agree with this. As we've evolved, our ranked entry requirement went from play 10 games to win 10 games, but with the addition of account level, this gives us a perfect opportunity to modify the entry requirement once more. It's in the works, don't worry :) !pin

31 Jul


Jisoo, this is amazing and I seriously can’t wait to see what you make next :)

09 Jul


Hi there, I’m Sara. I work on the VALORANT team and this thread was brought up to me this morning by a few people here. First off, I want to say that I’m incredibly saddened to hear about this happening to you and your friend in game. That’s absolutely insane and will NOT be tolerated. I fully intend to investigate this and bring it up to our physical security team. If you could DM me the person in question’s Riot ID (as well as yours) from the match you played with them, I’ll also completely remove them from game. There’s no room for people like this in VALORANT. Again, sorry to hear about this terrible in game experience… as soon as you send me their info, I’ll take care of the rest. !pin

Sara / Riot necrotix

09 Jun


Originally posted by Anti-Storm

It was a law that requires comms to be recorded. It is not law that states comms is illegal. Also, riot only banned comms from Russian players because of privacy of other players. I think now they can enable it because they have the communication stored.


13 Mar


Originally posted by Peypeystar3

Doesn’t Riot inform you now if a person you reported has been banned? My 5 stack party and I have reported lots of toxic people in game as a instant 5x report, and I have yet to receive any updates on getting a single person banned or afflicted by any restrictions. It doesn’t seem like it’s a low threshold- you probably need multiple games to get banned. It’d be ridiculous to give bans for 3-4 reports lmao, and I’m sure they’ve thought of this.

That happens in league but it comes out for VAL next patch

12 Mar


Originally posted by RiotBrighteyz

False reports are definitely top of mind for us and we have pro actively taken steps here. When we announced that we were going to restrict comm banned players from ranked we saw that a lot of you had the concern that people may try and abuse the system to get other players banned from rank. That behavior is definitely not okay with us, so we enacted many changes behind the scenes and safe guards to prevent folks from 'gaming the system,' to get others banned.

While we aren't going to share the exact math and rule set that leads to a comm bans (that could potentially help folks trying to game the system), with the new changes we've put in it will be extremely challenging to gang up or target a specific player in any way for a chat ban. If somehow you feel you were unfairly comm banned you can reach out to player support, however with the number of protections put in place we think this will be extremely hard to do and very unlikely.

We will keep a close eye on the...

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Also good to note that there seems to be a common misconception of the process reports go through before a comms ban is even administered. There is no case in which a player will get comms banned through a spam of unverified reports from a single game.

30 Nov


Originally posted by daaaaaaaaniel

Thanks for the response!

It's nice to hear y'all are addressing the smurfing issues and are open to tweaking things.

Always a WIP :) keep the feedback coming! We’ll improve the game together.


Originally posted by daaaaaaaaniel

Wouldn't this essentially just be reducing the amount of games for a smurf to 10 games instead of 20? A smurf on a fresh account could easily win their first 10 unrated games with low effort.

I get that a new smurf accounts may be griefing or AFKing or whatever they do to get their games done quickly. The change sounds like it will reduce that problem, but this change won't reduce the amount of new smurf accounts being made.

Previous requirement was to play 20 games, win or lose. Forcing someone into 20 wins is a steep barrier of entry, so we settled on 10 wins as opposed to the old requirement. It can be revisited and potentially changed to 15, or some other number that makes sense after we take a look at the stats! So if a smurf wins 10 games in a row, then I guess it only takes 10 games, but I doubt that’ll be happening :)


Originally posted by MWR1K

The current rank queue requirement is 20 games based off of my second account, so will you be changing it to 20 wins or changing it to 10 wins? Essentially making it easier for high level players to ease their way through the unrated games?

We’re changing it from 20 games played -> 10 wins :) Patch notes should be going out about it soon tm We’re hoping this also helps with AFKs a bit


Originally posted by TheChroniclesOfTaint

Need actual punishments too, besides just chat bans which effectively do nothing besides stop earrape.

Yep, we are reworking penalties to actually result in punishments relevant to the behavior that was displayed, ranging from chat bans to potential game bans as well.

29 Nov


Originally posted by tbone603727

Don’t suppose you’d be willing to hint at any upcoming balances changes? Loveeeeee youuuu

I don’t work on the balance team sorry 😅


!pin Just letting you know that VAL recently spun up a team to deal with behavioral issues such as the ones you mentioned :) we are currently re-evaluating our penalty/reporting system and detection of different types of disruptive behavior. Hopefully you’ll start to see meaningful change once we implement our work bit by bit.


Originally posted by Nochange36

They need to change the rank queue requirement from 10 games to 10 wins, this will demphasize throwing matches to keep rank low and have people starting out closer to their true skill, because smurfs want to play ranked ASAP. I feel bad for my iron wife, almost every game has smurfs dropping 40 bombs.

We’ll be doing this in the next patch :)

10 Nov


Originally posted by npcSara

!pin hi friends! We know this is... pretty confusing. So we are shipping updated UI for this soon. Stay tuned :)

Tried uploading a pic here but idk how to Reddit properly it seems.
Anyway, we shipped the changes :) Hopefully things make more sense now.
Link to photo:

02 Nov


As someone who does the same, I super appreciate it when I see others doing their best to set a positive example in the community. Thank you! Send me your Riot ID in a DM if you feel comfortable and I’ll drop some VP into your account for being wholesome.