

11 Nov


Originally posted by Hoshiko-Yoshida

Best performing mainline on PC in an age. Rock solid 138fps against my 144Hz gsync cap.

Feels like silk.

Edit: and the materials refresh is gorgeous. Tonnes of little details popping now.

Edit2: just a shame our Operator faces have been massacred in the process o_0

Is my Operator supposed to look like the work of a plastic surgeon with a fake qualification, u/rebulast?

30.9.0 on the left, something from the last six months on the right. Nose and eyes are where it's most obvious, but the entire face shape has shifted. Her nose turns into a cocaine victim as soon as you move to gameplay camera, rather than the editor, too :(

There's not a tonne in here that would have touched Operator faces so we'll need to take a look... are you using a blended face? that'd rule out some things

EDIT: maybe found something we fixed that impacts faces... stay tuned


Originally posted by doombanquet

Wait. You can? Because everything says that when a relic gets vaulted, it is removed from all drop tables.

Has this changed? Or were we always wrong?

I totally mis-read, issued correction in original comment +

(i.e an UNVAULTING's relics, i may have misunderstood)


Originally posted by somedifferentguy

Wait what? Relic packs for standing can give me vaulted relics? :o


edited for my own brain

you can get the active vault's relics, my bad!


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is designed as a concurrent event.


Originally posted by Blade_Vortex

has a chance of appearing in Relic Packs available for purchase in the Market for Platinum or Syndicate Offerings for Standing.

yea yea yea it is all cool BUT what if i don't care about vaulted relics and all this ayaya stuff and i want exactly 3 relics from every pack i purchase from syndicates?

no one from DE thought about this i believe

vaulted relics are already in these packs, aya is just a find/replace, so nothing changes from how you currently engage w/ them at present time.

(i.e an UNVAULTING's relics, i may have misunderstood)

06 Nov



04 Nov


Originally posted by Dion0808

That's a shame. I really enjoyed Scarlet Spear. Any chance of it returning after The New War?

I'd like to think so, it turned out really strong after some patching.


Originally posted by simmobl1

Still no cross platform account integration? I sleep

we will wake you when we have news to share. back to cryosleep with you


Originally posted by Talented_02

What about Orphix Venom event ? will it a comeback anytime soon ?

Not as an event no, it's a permanent mission type within Railjack.


Originally posted by EmperorWisel

Im guessing you guys gave up on having another scarlet spear before the new war?

yeah it's not going to workout unfortunately... as much as I want a rerun.


Augment information if ya missed it from a past Devstream:

We have 4 new Augments in the works -- 2 for Xaku, and 1 each for Lavos and Trinity!

Lavos - Ophidian Bite

Change to reduce cooldown of all Abilities by (X) seconds for hitting a cluster of enemies (exact number TBD), while also adding an ability range buff for Ophidian Bite.

Xaku - Grasp Of Lohk

When a stolen weapon deals damage to a target affected by an ability of The Lost, Xaku heals for HP.

Xaku - The Lost

Casting a Lost ability increases the power strength of The Lost by a certain % and will stack. Casting the same lost ability twice in a row resets the bonus.

Trinity - Blessing

Gain ranged (primary/secondary weapon) Crit Chance % for each % you heal on your allies. On refresh it adds up new value and refreshes the timer.



Update 30.9.0 is coming on November 11th to All Platforms.

Youtube Recap

This video walks you through what to expect, and this written post provides a Update breakdown! Get comfy Dreamers!

Without question, The New War is our biggest priority for 2021 and is in full development swing. But just before The New War comes Update 30.9.0! This Update will be a Mainline for all platforms. It is largely Quality of Life and Bug fixes, with a groundwork for a Prime Vault style event that we alluded to in a prior Devstream. This will be the last Update before T...

Read more External link →

01 Nov


oh dear

27 Oct


Originally posted by sirius017

So basically if the stream is in November, New War isn't till at least 2064. Right around the date we should get the second two handed nikana stance.



Originally posted by Mayhemfest08

Random question, anyone know when night wave ends?

There is no end date announced, nope.


Originally posted by FabulouslE

Okay just gimme that warframe forma QoL update soon plz. I wanna forma my frames but it's so annoying RN.

It's comingggg! Full info soon on a QoL pass!


Hi Tenno!

October is coming to a close and all eyes are on our Quest to Conquer Cancer livestream Wrap-Up! We won’t have any Devstreams in October, but we have been putting together some plans for what will be our last one before we enter the era of all things The New War!

We want to pick a date for our final pre-New War Devstream that works with our schedule and also gives you all some concrete information on what to look forward to. It’s no secret that it’s pretty challenging to run a Devstream when all our in-development content is top-secret and spoiler-heavy, so we’re trying to adjust!

You can expect our next Devstream to ai...

Read more External link →

26 Oct


(X) bug closed as by design


25 Oct


Originally posted by FabulouslE

Grendel is SP viable if not the best frame in all cases. He's the easiest frame to shield-gate with in the game and can easily helminth his 4th ability for something like roar to be about as unkillable as rhino, buff the squad with both huge toxin damage and total damage, self-heal, and put out as much damage as double-buffed weapons allow.

Mind that I just subsume nourish on rhino and feel like he does almost the same thing a bit better, but grendel isn't useless

I'm on my 10th day straight of playing nothing but Grendel and pretty much this, but I've been filling as much as my brain as possible with the version of Grendel players often give feedback on for tweaks, but I feel like I need much more time in a bigger breadth of content to really maximize everything he offers... I am super enjoying him.


Are you stuck / was this a 'seen once' issue? Looks a bit jank and we need to chase down a fix!