

10 Dec


Originally posted by Narapoia

This community has a huge number of people who won't even spoil The Second Dream after all these years. I'm pretty confident we can do the same with The New War.

Agree but - but - people will still want to talk to each other about it!



The New War quest has significant Spoilers for Warframe and its future. Please let all Tenno experience it at their own pace, and be kind. Use liberal spoiler tags if you wish to talk about it, and do not ruin the experience for someone else. Content Creators should clearly label spoiler content and use spoiler-free thumbnails and titles. 

See you December 15! 

External link →

09 Dec

08 Dec


Originally posted by Cantor2064



This. Can we have this please?

paparazzi augment confirmed? (no).

17 Nov


5:04 PM ET Comment:

We have started the script for all Platforms!

To reiterate from the OP, we are retroactively delivering Platinum to those who had purchased Regal Aya packs prior to the addition we made today! The amounts given are as follows:

3 Regal Aya: 200 Platinum 7 Regal Aya: 400 Platinum 15 Regal Aya: 1200 Platinum If you purchased multiple packs you will be receiving the total amount of Platinum per pack as you see above. You will be notified via in-game inbox that you have received your Platinum, and the amount that has been deposited into your account (as seen in the example image below!). Example

Read more

16 Nov


Originally posted by Mukagas

Sorry if this is asked often but at what time does the update drop?

We usually aim for afternoon-ish but there's like a +/- 2 hours involved pending checks.


Originally posted by Dion0808

I imagine that the drop rates on Prime Access Relics and other stuff is getting increased a bit, then.

Overall, this also means there’s never been a better time to go after active Prime Relics if your collection is incomplete, as any Aya rate changes have increased the chances to the non-Vaulted Relics!

Yup - exactly that



Prime Resurgence arrives today, and we wanted to outline the Vaulted Relic to Aya changes to help you plan!

First, let’s explain Aya vs. Relics.

Right now, if you seek a certain Vaulted Prime Relic you’ve got designated options on where to acquire them within the Void / Bounties based on difficulty tier (i.e Lith are ‘easier’, Axi are ‘hardest’.). You’re playing nodes for their specific drop tables, which house specific Vaulted Relics. These drop tables are being adjusted for the Prime Resurgence event with by taking the Vaulted Relics from the Void and Bounties, and replacing them with Aya. With this switch comes minor drop rate changes that are overviewed below with examples. As a refresher, ‘Aya’ is a token currency that can be used to buy the exact Relics you want throughout the event of any era (Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi), meaning that you can now play any difficulty of mission and acquire ‘Axi’ tier Relics using your Aya drops. ...

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13 Nov


Originally posted by Couponbug_Dot_Com

emote in front of imprisoned solaris and then bullet jump away without freeing them even though you have dozens of crowns. it's the way.

oh my god

12 Nov


Originally posted by Hoshiko-Yoshida

u/rebulast: can confirm u/enomis97's finding that Operator stance is causing the facial deformation.

No stance on the left, Vazarin stance on the right.

We have a fix incoming!



A new trailer is here...

Devstream #158 is coming to your screens on Tuesday, November 30th at 10 a.m ET.

This Devstream occurs on a special date and time to bring you the debut cinematic trailer for The New War, including details on its release.

There’s no more to say - The New War is coming. We invite you to join us for this very special Devstream. 

There will be Drops - watch to earn yourself a Riven Mod from our Riven Mod Grab bag! Will you get a Shotgun, Pistol, Melee, or Rifle Riven? Let us know what you get! 

External link →

11 Nov


Originally posted by Hoshiko-Yoshida

Best performing mainline on PC in an age. Rock solid 138fps against my 144Hz gsync cap.

Feels like silk.

Edit: and the materials refresh is gorgeous. Tonnes of little details popping now.

Edit2: just a shame our Operator faces have been massacred in the process o_0

Is my Operator supposed to look like the work of a plastic surgeon with a fake qualification, u/rebulast?

30.9.0 on the left, something from the last six months on the right. Nose and eyes are where it's most obvious, but the entire face shape has shifted. Her nose turns into a cocaine victim as soon as you move to gameplay camera, rather than the editor, too :(

There's not a tonne in here that would have touched Operator faces so we'll need to take a look... are you using a blended face? that'd rule out some things

EDIT: maybe found something we fixed that impacts faces... stay tuned


Originally posted by doombanquet

Wait. You can? Because everything says that when a relic gets vaulted, it is removed from all drop tables.

Has this changed? Or were we always wrong?

I totally mis-read, issued correction in original comment +

(i.e an UNVAULTING's relics, i may have misunderstood)


Originally posted by somedifferentguy

Wait what? Relic packs for standing can give me vaulted relics? :o


edited for my own brain

you can get the active vault's relics, my bad!


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is designed as a concurrent event.


Originally posted by Blade_Vortex

has a chance of appearing in Relic Packs available for purchase in the Market for Platinum or Syndicate Offerings for Standing.

yea yea yea it is all cool BUT what if i don't care about vaulted relics and all this ayaya stuff and i want exactly 3 relics from every pack i purchase from syndicates?

no one from DE thought about this i believe

vaulted relics are already in these packs, aya is just a find/replace, so nothing changes from how you currently engage w/ them at present time.

(i.e an UNVAULTING's relics, i may have misunderstood)

06 Nov



04 Nov


Originally posted by Dion0808

That's a shame. I really enjoyed Scarlet Spear. Any chance of it returning after The New War?

I'd like to think so, it turned out really strong after some patching.


Originally posted by simmobl1

Still no cross platform account integration? I sleep

we will wake you when we have news to share. back to cryosleep with you


Originally posted by Talented_02

What about Orphix Venom event ? will it a comeback anytime soon ?

Not as an event no, it's a permanent mission type within Railjack.