

13 Mar


Originally posted by Hitman3256

All I'm thinking now is of that meme with the one skinny nerd asking a question on his laptop online, and 3 buff dudes are replying to him and giving advice lol

That is actually exactly what talking to the rest of InfoSec is like. There are many swolebros and swolettes.


Originally posted by Cyndershade

The barrier to entry to play the game and then excel at the game is what you probably don't understand.

In LoL you have a RTS style driven character hero with 4 buttons max and a list of recipes you can buy, with this information you can play the game.

In PoE you have an ARPG style driven character hero with skills that are given to you through the campaign to kill enemies with, with this information you can play the game.

In LoL you have nearing 200 champions all with unique move sets and synergies that are modified by builds, runes and team strategies that ramp complexity into infinity. Subtle metagame details like split pushing and when to ward etc all added on to that pile, learning this stuff makes you excel at the game eventually.

In PoE you have a pretty massive library of player agency - the tree, amount of uniques / items, ascendancies etc will all give you the power to do whatever it is you want to do that can make you ...

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I would definitely agree that LoL has a very high skill ceiling


Originally posted by HootingMandrill

Blessed be thy internet guardians whomst have been touched by the hand of Brodin. As they protect League so too shall He protect them on the path to Swolehalla.

I'm going to print this off and put it on my managers desk (he is a strongman)


Originally posted by Omgaholytaco

Do you guys hire often?

Yes, we're hiring right now, although I am not sure how COVID-19 will factor into things.


Originally posted by HylianPikachu

Wait, like are you a security guard at the Riot HQ who got a Riot account?

If so, that's pretty cool cause you can tase the balance team into making your champs super strong :)

No, I work in Application Security.

I've been trying to convince them to buff Orianna for, uh, security reasons, but they're wise to my tricks.


Originally posted by alevel70wizard

Do you guys use Splunk for your SIEM?

I'm not sure I can really disclose information like that, sorry!


Originally posted by GodfathurLoL

I wouldn't let that discourage you. If you enjoyed Diablo 2, then PoE is the spiritual successor to it and it would be a disservice to yourself to not try it. I would echo what u/Laue said and follow a build guide. Follow guides and try to find what play style you like the most. There's so much build variety that it's a truly creative experience. This update is introducing a large component to increase build creativity/variety.

I played a bit of Diablo 3, but honestly stopped playing it because it's not a fun game for me when single player and I didn't know anyone who actually played it this side of the Atlantic


Originally posted by reyxe

Don't pay attention to it, I've been playing for 6 months and barely know what I'm doing

Its pretty fun anyway

I just can't do that :( I'm the kind of person who minmaxes. When I was playing WoW, I would play specs that were mathematically the best even if I didn't enjoy them.

One of the reasons I don't play WoW now is because Sub rogue is bad in PvE, even if I enjoy it; I hate feeling like a burden for the people I am playing with.


Originally posted by dontneeddota2

Does that mean you're not buff af?

I'm not, but there are plenty of security folks in my team who are swole.

I'm just your garden variety 7/10 previously skinny nerd who now has puppy fat from too much pizza.


Originally posted by ohanse

There is delicious irony in seeing a Rioter discouraged by a burden of knowledge barrier to entry in another game...

Eh, I've played League since season 2, so you can understand why my viewpoint might be distorted :)

From my perspective it's much easier to get into LoL than it is PoE, but that's mostly b/c the first thing I do when I look at any game like PoE is look at the talent tree and PoE's talent system is kinda insane.

Leagues barrier to entry isn't as high as it used to be, but I agree it, like PoE, are not the most approachable games for someone completely green to the genre. There's also something to be said for age.. When I started playing League, I was 17, I was still in school and I could literally play nothing but games from sunrise til sundown.

These days I have much less tolerance for grinding or for high barriers to entry, so while I am now onboarded onto League, I don't think I could personally do that again for a different game


Originally posted by WillNotForgetMyUser

like cyber security type stuff?



Originally posted by Laue

Well of course, Path of Exile will release their new league.

I've been tempted to try that, but the barrier to entry seems really high in terms of gameplay complexity

EDIT: It never ceases to amaze me how welcoming the League community can be sometimes, especially with new games. Thank you to all the respondents! I'm passing these resources onto other Rioters that may be interested in getting into PoE.


Originally posted by mohd-saad

Is the surprise party fiddles skin going to keep it's silliness or are we in for... A surprise?

I don't know! Sorry, I work on the security team. I commented on this thread because it's the first I saw of the trailer (and promptly bricked my pants)


Originally posted by random2k

Please don't turn my only safe heaven into a TPP Outlast.

TPP Outlast

I don't know much about TPP Outlast, but my country feels like everyone is playing a game called "TP: Outlast" (thanks to COVID19)


I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway.

01 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yeah, the point I am trying to make is that OP explicitly asked for champions with mid prio early game, which Kassadin does not have.


Originally posted by TheAmazingDeutschMan

That doesn't answer his question though, arguably Kassadin and talon as well can roam the most effectively for applying map pressure.

Kassadin has OK map pressure after level 6 and great map pressure around level 11 but this comes at the cost of completely giving up map pressure pre-6. This is really important for the jungle matchup and can snowball into a loss before Kassadin becomes relevant.


Twisted Fate cannot solo kill early game unless your opponent messes up but he is the premier roaming mid laner at most stages of the game.

Other champions might be stronger than him at certain level breakpoints, but he is one of the best champions to shove the wave and roam due to his W, Q and R.

29 Feb

28 Feb


Originally posted by LegFinger

Yeah, pretty much anything that can be auto'd can be senna q'd, although the heal only comes through for you for things like turrets

You can target anything with Senna Q :) including things like her souls