

31 Dec


Originally posted by RemSai

I mean if he's in the top 5% of players but his ranked games played is in the top 1% of players, you could argue that he is objectively a bad player

You could argue that, but you would be wrong to do so. Hitting a skill plateau doesn't mean you're a bad player.


ah, yes, this is known as the instant surrender hook


Originally posted by bluesound3

Isn't the range too small for Ryze now?

It's good vs lots of divers/close range champion. The aura range is half the range of his E/W though, so you do really need to have a brawly opposing team for it to work.

I'd still prefer RoA in most cases, but if I am vs double or triple AP Abyssals aura isn't even the most powerful thing, it's the MR in a slot that still gives you respectable damage

30 Dec


Originally posted by Dark_Shade_75

Ignore the virgins lol. While I'm not personally a fan of editing photos, it looks good and anime-ish, which is an interesting style.

I think even with the editing it's a good cosplay /shrug


Originally posted by Dankdeception

I'm damn good at learning things game related. I just needed to watch a quick game leap ADC tip video and bam I'm feeling good about this. My goal is to hit challenger in one month and grand master in overwatch in a month. Alot of people are saying buy a rank 30 account but in dota that shit is a no no. Is buying accounts okay in league or something?

Is buying accounts okay in league or something?

No. :P And my comment was assuming you had a level 30 account. I think it would be impossible without one.


(As a player, not a staff member)

I think it's really unlikely unless you absorb information like a sponge. There are some things that transfer over from DoTA and others that don't.

I play this game a lot - 5-6 hours a day on weekdays after work is not uncommon. Lack of time investment is not what keeps me from climbing to the upper echelons of ranked (high diamond+), but the fact that I don't learn from my mistakes/absorb information enough and am able to turn that information into better plays. That's not to say that you will have the same experience I do, but I imagine my experience is quite common.

I think it's a really tough ask to be able to reach top 500 of a given server (unless you play on a really unpopulated server) just due to your past experience in other games unless you're able to learn the meta and strategy of league really quickly and adapt to your mistakes, bearing in mind you'll be competing with people who likely play League as a job.

... Read more

Wow, this is incredible!

26 Dec


Originally posted by ixxchaoss

You don't balance a f**king video game with players being bad in mind. I f**king hope you don't.

as a security engineer, I don't balance the game at all, but the balance team have outlined their balance philosophy quite a bit in /dev


I can tell you that from personal experience playing Ryze and Cassio that ranged champions do take minion damage and they will chase you down the lane if you don't manage minion aggro properly (like me, because I'm bad) :(

14 Dec


Hi! I'm looking for a team. Mid diamond (consistent d3-d2) mid and support main.

In mid, I mostly play control mages with a few off-meta picks like Lucian, Sylas.

In support, I play playermakers like Rakan, Leona, Nautilus and Pyke.

Drop me a reddit DM if you're interested. I have a mic and generally tend to gravitate toward being a macro shotcaller.

19 Nov


Originally posted by Daniel_snoopeh

to be fair, it is your job to have prio and be able to help your jungler asap. Learning the flow of the game and knowing when the next jungle fight will start is a crucial skill in this meta.
If you don´t, the enemy laner will do it, f**k your junglers and then 2v1 you for the rest of the game

It's really hard to get prio if I am a melee mid laner vs a ranged mid laner. In those situations it's on the jungler to take into account which lanes has priority and play around those (or, in the worst case scenario, play on the opposite side of the map to the enemy jungler).

The game is definitely jungler heavy right now and while, as a mid laner, I can play and support the jungler, it's on them to make decisions that make it possible for me to do that :P

07 Nov

04 Nov


Originally posted by Astray

Did he tiamat on his first auto before ult after e? Trying to figure out what that little circle around the Akali is. Never heard of Tiamat on Akali.

yep! looks like it. if you pause the video, you can see the tiamat is centered on akali.

I remember Tiamat Akali being a thing when she was first reworked; some players went a kind of AD-bruiser style Akali with Tiamat and Conqueror.


Originally posted by Achtelnote

I mean u could always add into LoL so that champions are stronger when its ur account playing them :)


Akali is already ridiculously strong :P I'm just bad


Originally posted by Philllllllllllll

Breaking it down is easy. Then you do it once in practice, understand it and apply it as much as possible. Then you can only get better.

It's just reactivate E to dash to minion. Flash into range to auto attack with passive. Use R and then spam the rest of your abilities (W and Q).

Executing it that smoothly on the spot without practice is impressive. Practicing it isn't, and practise is simple.

It's the speed that's impressive. I've played a lot of Akali over the past couple months and my combos aren't nearly as fast


Alright. I guess I'm never going pro or even amateur level.

I'm mid diamond and have been for a long time, so this isn't a new relevation. But wow, I could never execute like this.

19 Oct


Originally posted by DullCaroline

no one you know really, but i remember once when you invited some people from a game (including me) and it was very chill to play in

most recent game i saw you in ony my team was when you were playing with your friend who was new to evelynn and jungle in general; against - you were playing ornn so didn't see much chatting :(

no one you know really

sounds like something that should change :)


Originally posted by IgotUBro

(who dis?)

Hey its me your brother. Now pls send skins.
