

29 May


Originally posted by Zastavo

Tyler rewatched the vod afterwards. GP places it as he walks up the first time.



Originally posted by RakeCity

He placed it beforehand to have vision on him.

the only thing that makes me not sure is GP had a single control ward in his inventory at the start of the play and we don't see the inventory after


lol did the GP place that control ward to bait the a clicks from Graves?

27 May


Originally posted by ereface

I'm also very sad that sona&yorick aren't just bobbing to metal.

I actually have a playlist called "Songs I dig graves to" I play when I'm on yorick.

My friend and I jam to it playing Morde/sona bot haha

why do you need a playlist to find Graves attractive :)

26 May


Originally posted by Skarzer

For anyone who doesn't know, Fortnite is super mechanical, In a lot of ways more so than league. Example

just watching this video gave me carpal tunnel, wow

24 May


Originally posted by OpinionHaver65

Those weren't happy games. They just played badly. EG wasn't that far from winning either. Fewer mistakes and they have it in the bag after that early game.

OpinionHaver65 out here having opinions

23 May

19 May


Originally posted by Otterly_Sarcastic

Ah! I'm curious, I'm really not familiar with Wukong's kit but I am very much with Senna's. How does he require her to work? It's a super cool synergy!
Could it also work with Senna sup roaming top? (That's hella far but hey, the things we do to try to compensate the lack of braincells in some adcs :( ) Or into Wukong jgl?

It was played by T1 vs AZE in MSI:

Senna takes a support item and Wukong all of the farm. Essentially, Wukong becomes the carry and Senna the support. It's not something you'd want to do if you couldn't rely on your duo partner, and it's like Camille/Galio where you'd pick a Galio if you had a Camille.


Originally posted by dualipa1111

I once got absolutely destroyed by yuumi wukong in masters elo. Wukong is not even bad into bot lanes that can't lock him down IMO

Yep it's being played in pro play atm afaik


Gragas and Wukong can do both. Wukong requires a Senna support for it to really work, though.

Shen can do both, though in solo queue he's a weaker Nautilus for support.

17 May


Originally posted by plzlemme

Is there any risk of ban or punishment for this tool?

Any third party tool is in the "use at your own risk" space. I am pretty sure you wouldn't get banned for using Deceive, but also, it's a third party tool, can change at any time into something that goes from being purely a tool to appear offline to appear offline plus .

I've spoken to molenzwiebel a lot over the years. They're not the kind of person to do that, but it's a good thing to keep in mind.

16 May


Originally posted by NoBelligerence

Riot shills trying to pretend they don't treat their employees like absolute shit lmao

Riot has (and has) it's share of problems, but it's by far the best place I've worked at in multiple metrics. I can't think of many companies in the gaming industry which, on the whole, treat workers better.

12 May


I have a horrible feeling G2 are going to crash and burn because they aren't being given enough opportunity to get the int out early in groups

10 May


Originally posted by portugapt

At least you get ahead on something, unlike me in lane, or NA in international events

whoa get your own thread for self-deprecation chief >:(


Originally posted by portugapt

Was that a self burn?

it's funnier if i get ahead of the joke


Originally posted by portugapt

If league was subscription based, I'd unsubscribe for a month cuz of that pun

people have paid more to hear less of my puns


Originally posted by KKFreeBaird

Caps didnt even go into egg all game lmao.

i guess we can't say his play was eggcellent then


That's the sound of one bird clapping, alright


Originally posted by YanghuaC

Pyke doesnt have any purpose in draft. G2 just want to play him in 5 roles this MSI again

I can respect it