

29 Feb


Originally posted by proyect_a1

You need to change your squad when that happend that work for me

You can also try waiting for your squad to wipe. Or if you're squad lead give someone else squad lead. If those and the above comment dont work, you're only fix is to quit.

28 Feb


Originally posted by VoschNickson

I’ve seen one person get kicked in my time playing. He was some asshole who’d been TTKing TK’ing everyone.

I think you mean TKing lol.


Originally posted by OnlyNeedJuan

If you've actually played Bf4 in the last few months you'd know that the idea that community games saving the game is hilariously stupid. Badmins are a far bigger issue than cheaters.

You certainly played on the wrong servers then.

27 Feb


Not just that map. It's been happening to me and my clanmates for the last 2 months or so. Just random blow up for no reason at all. Add it to the other long list of bugs.

25 Feb


Originally posted by HACCAHO

This is a great subreddit and community of users, but it’s very obvious that you mods are biased towards EA. If you can’t say anything critical or personal about “public” EA employees, does those rules applied to other redditors? What’s the downvote system designed for?

f*ck EA.


Originally posted by KillerCh33z

/u/Braddock512 /u/partwelsh

Hey can you guys ask the audio team about this? Very curious what the truth is as I keep seeing different answers everywhere I look.

I've been running this for a good 2 or so months at a setting of 64. Works wonders, sounds much better. No noticeable issues.

24 Feb


I got one of those back at the start of Battlefield (thank you Dan Mitre). However, I cant help to look at it each time and think "If they put 10% of the amount of effort into the game, as they did the book, it would be the best Battlefield ever."


Originally posted by WebDBA11

Lag on Dice servers has gotten worse and worse... they need to get a 3rd party host who actually puts money into their infrastructure and has people skilled in server administration.

Technically they do. Since these all run on AWS. They just don't want to pay for a higher specced instance.


Originally posted by ozzy1354

Is this on PC?


23 Feb


Originally posted by Dum_Fuchs

Shoulda hit snooze fella.

beep beep beep beep beep


Originally posted by WebDBA11

Sorry to disagree at least in part... it's the programmers who keep reintroducing bugs by not using source code control. I am a retired programmer and am well aware that SOME of the issues are with management but coding errors are VERY apparent to me.

That's a direct result of multiple long tenured devs leaving. Going to take at least 8 month for new hires to get to a point they can grasp how to quickly squash bugs and understand the engine.


Originally posted by Dum_Fuchs

Just a head scratcher for me, compared to some of the shit you see on here. Seemed to be getting up votes, was a bit of a laugh, wasn't clogging up the sub.

You're both right. What actually happened was I woke up.


If you notice Brian over there he has 37 pieces of flair.


Originally posted by jl88jl88

Also you should try making a post about cheaters, or censorship. Won’t even be posted. No notification or anything. How sad is that. They know it’s that bad an issue, they ban any mention of it.

No. We don't.


Ya, or it's your posts in the automod queue. There are about 15939285 posts about cheaters. In actuality probably about 15 to 40 a day posted. Did you even look? It's pretty easy to tell who is new to the sub when were called out for censoring. Spend some time here first, and you'll know how we run the sub. Far far far from censoring. Give me a break.

Edit: Just a simple 5 second search of cheater, hacker, etc shows 1000s of posts. We even take users videos and submit them directly to dice. Jeez.

19 Feb


Originally posted by Mara_Jade93

Completely agree with you on wanting the old stats back. Especially like who captured the most flags and such.

Heals, rezzes, knifes, caps, ammo. Honestly I want to be able to look up any possible stat you can conceive, but would settle for the top 5-10.


And stats. Give me back the old random stats that they also removed. I mean I want way more stats than they show but at least give me the old screen back.

18 Feb


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15 Feb


Originally posted by PleaseLetMeLurkInPea

With every server occupied by hackers in Asia, how is this supposed to be competitive?

Also played on private Community Servers.