

23 Apr

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GambitFPS

next time don't vouch for it, hehe :P

I mean I eat that crow any day. Momentum was good, plan was solid. No-brainer imo.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by veekay45

David, before the launch of the game you said something along the lines of:

"The tech and weaponry of USSR will be present for sure as the company wishes for all major participants of the WWII to be included in the game. The USSR is a major side of course and we wouldn't just cut it out"

How come it never materialized? Even with you absent for a while, surely you weren't just expressing your personal ideas?

No the game was built to be a series of release of parts of the war, chronologically and theatre wise. As of to why that didn't happen I can't get into details there really.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by phantasatron


So much Ace you could be a Spitfire pilot.

Well, I live an eternal optimist. And on paper it really should be ace. Needed some heavy handling though, didn't expect that, and I wasn't around. So, yeah - was wrong. Won't be the last time

09 Mar

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Leather_Boots

I'd love to know whether you are moving into another studio straight away, or are taking time off for your family. You've had an intense past couple of years in the industry and the majority of the BF community I reckon wishes you all the further success in years to come.

If it is another studio, can you tell us who yet?

Final question, when do you surrender your reddit flair?

Thanks for being part of creating so many thousands of hours of fun I've had in BF over the years.

Can't tell you yet what it is, but soon. And yes I'm moving towns and spending some time with the kids and wife for a bit between jobs now. Moving in Sweden was as big of a hassle as moving across the Atlantic - go figure.

04 Mar

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

If there's a big enough want for this kind of thing I can do an AMA for sure. But o won't be able to answer everything in detail due to well, being professional :). But most things should be ok

24 Jan

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It would have been really good to know what happened in the netcode there - IE with the netgraph up on screen. Looks like 2-3 bullets from STG hitting head = dead? That _seems_ reasonable on paper, but need the graph to make sure it isn't something else.

29 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by l4dlouis

They will comment on that, soon

Gotta own things, thats the best way forward :)

28 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by hici2033

if you heard it in the live stream then you also heard the answer to your question


    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JayFromDICE

It sure is neat ;)

15 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by FuT-Fourzero

Will the tanks be getting more changes, such as more ammo or anything else like that? I assume the changes you've mentioned also apply to tank vs tank, but if that's the case, we have a problem here:

  • More mines = more shells wasted trying to clear them. When you hit a mine, it creates a crater / hole and it doesn't kill the mines next to it (happens very often). The mines get hidden in that crater and now you have to use 1-2 extra shells to clear them. More mines on the battlefield (even if weaker) would make this problem even worse.

  • Ricochets. The TTK is already incredibly high in this game for tank vs tank because of ricochets, bad angles, dust shots and god forbid someone actually repaired the tank you're hitting (at that point you'll just run out of ammo). What will happen with all of this? We'll run out of ammo even faster now. Can we get more complete notes, or at least a hint of what else is coming (if anything) for the tanks? With notes bein...

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There's more tank stuff, patch notes will include info.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GlintSteel

Yep, im like wow they gonna make 2.0 ttk change came back. But tiggr is back to studio

Try the full setup in the patch and give me your opinion then.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by assignment2

No it will be a problem. There is absolutely no way to communicate specific enemy infantry and vehicle positions to the rest of your team on conquest, which is ridiculous for a 32 player team game on large open maps.

You cannot help direct teammates to destroy a camping vehicle near the objective, you cannot decide which objectives to prioritize (i.e. enemies coming to an objective spotted by a teammate downstream, so you stay on the objective instead of abandoning), you cannot call for air support to take out a tank, etc...

Flares are a crude solution since they're all-or-nothing in terms of enemy visibility and are limited to only one class. Vehicle spotting encourages vehicle camping, and smoke means nothing since you cant distinguish whether the puff of smoke is friendly or foe.

I was referring to something you were not I see :). I meant finding them in objectives as they are hard to see. You meant across the map I realize, my bad. Not applicable.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by junkerz88

Honestly the part you bring up about auto-spotting notifying you is an incredibly valid question. Hoping the devs can chime in and clarify that

It's kit spotting (only gadgets, vehicles and sniper combat role does that). So no notification on getting looked at at 15 m

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by assignment2

Please don't backtrack on this again like the last TTK change. This sub is an echo chamber filled with players of a certain play style. Take charge on your own game and own the decisions you make, instead of trying to pander to this community.

And for the love of god bring back 3D spotting and get rid of the flares. Playing blind ring around the rosie Conquest or all enemy positions visible on breakthrough is NOT fun.

Witt these changes the ring around the Rosie isn't really a problem anymore. Either there is flares, snipers or vehicles spotting, or a smoke concealing someone (dead giveway), or you're close enough on objectives to see the target icons. It's severly lessened at the very least

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by WingedRock

If the goal is to iterate then you should test the spotting change first, and on it's own. Not change the entire game in one big swoop.

Don't change the TTK until we have our own servers and an option to turn the change off.

That would actually be fair to the playerbase. This is just toxic. I mean are we even going to get more ammunition with this, or are just going to get further screwed under the attrition system that functionally punishes a player for not dying?

Great job though turning this sub from nearly all positive and meme content to mass outrage in just two hours though. That takes skill.

The thing is, all these things interconnect heavily. We do not want to change a single part without the others. An example: high rof smgs are now less potent at range, but mostly the same potency in room size and close range situations. Given the target aquisition icons now exists (much like in bf4 actually) you're going to have an easier time entering rooms full speed. Combine this with health bars shown for damaged enemies, and you're going to know whom to target first. Finally your recoil is lessened (in general) making headshots easier.

Taken together the combined outcome is quite different than just a single change here. Which is why we need to bundle these kinds of changes together to reach goals without going too far.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ricardooo2

I would like to see all the weapons damage details first. Like I assume that slower rate of fire weapons will get a huge buff. Like 2 lesser bullets to kill at range. This will actually be a great update for balance.

Right now there is zero reason to use a slower rate of Fire weapon. As the fast rpm weapon kills with the same amount of bullets. Just master the recoil.

This is one of the rationales here indeed. It's not a blanket increase across all types and all ranges (that is indeed not a great thing).

Will it feel different, yes. It will. We will monitor closely if this is too heavy handed - that's why we have goals and safe guards to measure against. The tempo of the Pacific maps (mainly due to distances, free spawning vehicles, and space in general to react) really showed a tempo and flow of the game we like, and we hope all these changes taken together will increase the good parts of this. We're bound to get some things right, and others less initially, this is a process and we'll look at all kinds of things to streamline the experience and unlock more of that classic sandbox.

One example of a goal/safeguard:

Goal: we want better differential between Weapon classes in terms of range (and open up for bigger differences between low and high rof etc),

Safe guard: flanking needs to be possible still, going up...

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    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pepperrabbit190

OMG this is a dream come true. Being able to tell you are spotted is so huge. I've been waiting for this since Bad Company 2. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this a standard for every BF game for now on. My only hope is with the new client side spotting mechanic, it does not notify them about being client spotted but only by a flare, spotting scope, or suppression (server side).

It does not alert them, local only.

13 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DANNYonPC

If only you came online for the ultimate flex

Tsk :) I need to playtest on our internal Origin, so normally keep that logged in (you can't do both at the same time)

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by realparkingbrake

There is a current issue which is tracked that causes players to end up in the incorrect region when matchmaking - this is most likely the cause of this happening more.

Players from Asia will say in game chat that they are in NA servers specifically to avoid the extreme amount of cheating on servers in Asia, they are not in NA servers just because of a bug with the matchmaker. Given how much cheating there is on NA servers, the Asian servers must be absolute hell--another issue EA is not prepared to deal with.

Of course you can still join servers in other regions through server browser.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ItsTritium

The year is 2048

You hop onto Battlefield V remastered

You choose 200 v 200 conquest

You spawn on the new massive Wake Island map that’s accurate to the real island in size.

You only run 700 FPS

You rage and destroy your computer because of your shitty frame rate

Real location aint that big actually... :)