

27 May

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by feedbackforblueballs


It's filled to the brim with explosive spam man. The ammo supply station cooldown allows for it too, people play around them due to it. You get 7 explosives every time you click E on a supply station bin / calldown bin. That's 7+ easy kills for some people.

On the new Fortress Hamada for example you can be top 5 every round on defense by sitting next to the ammo bin on the right with Piat and Dynamite, never shooting any gun. I have regularly got multi kills just throwing dynamite over the walls and by the time I'm done sending my 3 PIATs the ammo bin resupply cooldown is ready. The explosive spam never left the Battlefield, at least not the BF5 I have played.

edit - I replied to tiggr and I'm a bit peeved that he would delete his comment. I hope he didn't think I was attacking him and what he said wasn't objectively wrong, just biased as per usual with a game dev. I just think that if the DICE devs think that explosive spam is gone they aren't...

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Deleted? I sure didn't delete any comments? Anyhows - fortress is not comparable to regular cq/bf1 for obv reasons. It's almost designed to create this, not so much in general cq, which I was referring to (as the placement of stations and chokes should be a to account for spam minimization)

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Slap-Control

wait they did panzerstorm, firestorm was done by a thirdparty studio.... what is dice stockholm doing?

We've both worked on panzerstorm, FYI :)

23 May

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NoctyrneSAGA

BF1 also had alot of, and unlimited explosives. No longer the case. So clearly different

20 May

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DMan304

I'm pretty sure they said that test was purposefully an extreme example, and it never looked quite that bad in the game.

Indeed. I'm fairly certain the new soldier visibility also does tweak some of these things as it's lighting related. It looks very good as I saw when I went to the office and printed some stuff :)

13 May

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This was (is still? Not sure there) something in the backlog for improving the spawn flow and squad play for the general population (and convenience for all too)

07 May

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Finally we let the cat out.. :)

04 May

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheClosetIndian

I believe he said September due to paternity leave.

Wow, great memory :)

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DRUNKKZ3

Tweeting this right away

Do it

30 Apr

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SeeNights

I tried in multiplayer and it doesn't work, so it only works in training mode ! :)

Training for your death then :)

22 Apr

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Junoviant

Funny, after I left EA I just assumed everyone else was backwards. Haha

There's alpha and beta - and there is dev alpha and beta. Pretty sure you confused these up? ;)

18 Apr

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by InfiniteVergil

Also, crouched running! f**k yeah


14 Apr

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by cenorexia

This problem came with BF1 and it annoys me just as much.

It's like the game tells tell you there might be a transport vehicle on that flag, but maybe it's already gone, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They spawn on demand if you're close to the points. But it's hard to know where, and if they've been taken in this setup. This was something I wanted to fix..

11 Apr

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by phantasatron

Indeed. While working with the devs on BF1: Incursions, it seemed like we all came to the conclusion that they were only working on it so that it could be implemented in the next Battlefield. /u/tiggr denied this until the very end, but here we are.


24 Mar

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SirFappington007

Is it possible to give more information in the new fiscal year? It's info and hype this game needs to shut everyone up

I assume that will be the case yes. It certainly helps to be in a new fiscal. Also do believe the rules/setup changes this fiscal, for the better - but not sure what impact that will have

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by UltraPlayGaming

So, in theory, say in the case of a map like Monte Grappa, it would be easier to do from scratch because it's harder to polish an existing map? I assume it's because BF1 has assets that do not exist in BFV and would be harder to port and polish those assets to meet current standards compared to doing things from scratch?

In a nutshell, yes. Terrain you could just port, but you'd need to polish it etc. Buildings and destructible objects are set up in a new way, which means more work if you want the same ones as well, and so on.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NozGame

It's nice to tell us that there's some good stuff coming, really. But I feel like you guys have been saying this for months and I just can't see the good stuff. Even the most basic things still haven't made it into the game.

Im not saying that, I'm saying we need to deliver content and that's the proof of service. Talking won't do any difference either way here, and it's proving time. I know the team is hungry to do that.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by weedisgay

I see so many developers saying can't when i think what you mean is won't. What would actually happen if you were to go into some detail and specifics on stuff that's already confirmed to be coming? I understand if you don't want to specifically mention maybe content but what is the actual reason you can't tell about stuff that is 100% confirmed?

No, it's actually can't. Because if we do the income from the full game, or significant part of income for that period (between something getting announced until it's actually in players hands) gets deferred into the next quarter - or worse, the next fiscal year (due to how the books are kept and the stock market rules etc). This is a pretty bad thing if this means impacting the stock price or the mentioned feature gets delayed for some reason (which means even more deferred revenue).

It's called "deferred revenue/income". If you're interested just go research that. It's ultra boring.

I'm the first dev to argue for full transparency however- and I think things like the CTE is the answer there, as it means we can show things in development but not promise or announce anything connected to a date - and the community can be part of the process more openly without deferral issues (or much smaller ones at least). Win-win.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by UltraPlayGaming

I understand how much you guys care about this game, and how much love you want to put into it, but the community is very hungry for new maps outside of a BR-restricted map, and I'm sorry if we are directly coming at you with this barrage of content-hunger.

However, I do have a couple of ideas I want to present in the form of some questions, if you want to read them! I'm obviously not a game dev, so I couldn't tell how difficult these ideas would be in reality, but I'm curious about what would happen if you guys did these.

My first set of questions is; would it be a feasible option for you guys to port maps from BF1 over to BFV, considering both games use the Frostbite 3 engine? If not, why?

Secondly, would it be a feasible option for the Dev Team(s) to port sections of the Firestorm map into Conquest / Other Mode variants for people to play on the base game modes? If not, why?

In general, porting content from other games or remaking/reimagining is actually harder than making from scratch, as you have to conform to not only one set of goals, but two... Technically it is a Kickstart of course to get something playable fast - but finishing is harder to make it fit the current game.

Firestorm map: Technically the map content is "done" to quality and could be reused, but it's a very special map as it is using streaming (which is not normally the case for mp maps). So it for sure would come with some pretty specific issues and gotchas if that was ever considered a course of action to do so. But given the above statement, it's easier to build new than to port/finish in general - and more interesting as well from a content offering perspective most likely.

Keep in mind that's just my personal opinion, no promises or anything this is even considered atm.