

11 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tiggr


Also, nice humble brag :)

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tiggr

There is a current issue which is tracked that causes players to end up in the incorrect region when matchmaking - this is most likely the cause of this happening more.

Also, if you have this issue - you should restart the client fully (and it should fix itself).

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

There is a current issue which is tracked that causes players to end up in the incorrect region when matchmaking - this is most likely the cause of this happening more.

08 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Here we are witnessing the mating dance of a wild corsair and higgings boat, we approach cautiously to not disturb the intimate moment

05 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Nothing better than a speed run with 3 squadmates with fliegers + panzerfausts to show the BF sandbox who's king :). We did this in the capture event where Jackfrags and friends played a couple of weeks ago. Much fun, and this kind of stuff I've personally been missing, it's about the fun!

01 Nov

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Would you look at that sandbox :). Hope you guys are having fun!

31 Oct

14 Oct

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

That looks.. interesting. If you expecience issues, please turn on the netgraph and the netstatus bar (options/gameplay/advanced) - it will help us see what is going on, and narrow down issues much faster! Thanks!

02 Oct

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Recker_74

Glad you are back! I continue loving the game even without these modes (i have already 600 hours on Bf5). But having fan favorite game modes like Rush and Frontlines permanently on the game it will bring ppl back and a lot of us we will play the game more. Maybe you could add them for 1 month and check the population of these modes. Also as Bf4 fan, in that game you had LOTS of 32 player game modes (Rush, Domination, CTF, Obliteration etc). ATM in Bf5 we have none.

I miss the mid size in between option too, yeah.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Swatbaker

It's an empty message.

Sorry, but there is nothing good to entertain anyone here.

He's not even capable of promising anything.

It's the good old "there is more and more to come" message that we hear from the beginning guys, don't be fooled again, lads, PLEASE.

It was a dialogue starter - I understand the trust needs to be rebuilt for this to mean anything to some players.
I do believe the actual act of communicating honestly is worthwhile doing anyways though, but in your case (and many others I assume) - let's continue this "dialogue" through things improvements you can play in the game, deal?

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IIIZiPIII

The King is BACK on the throne,

Or should i say Mr FIX he gets the job done Glade you are back Mr Sirland .

One thing i noticed when playing on LOW res is that you only see half of a player from far away and also rock's are invisible until you ADS , So you see the players behind the rock then you ADS and see half the player . It's strange .I have to play all low to get the best FPS .

Please do something about TAA Give us a command to turn it off in console please .

Thanks man ,

As a fellow "max-FPS need more speed" player I've noticed these as well.

TAA is a favorite of mine to allow turning off. It makes little sense to me to limit this and force people to use "sharpen" or similar functionality on PC. I'd say if you want a smoother experience on any platform - we should allow you to turn that kind of functionality off. Allow for gameplay first.

Not sure if I'll convince all the stakeholders on the merits of that though - but I'll try!

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Beastabuelos

So what are your thoughts on removing frontlines?

I wouldn't call not featuring a game mode removal (it's still there, but unavailable).

I agree to the practise if it means players find more games to play - but we really need a way to spawn our own experiences (so if there is gaps in what is featured for the current week - you can always at least spawn a server running what you'd like to play)

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PoderickPayne

Oh man, thank god you're back. I still believe in this game, but it's been tough hanging in there, all this time. And tougher still defending what I feel is good about it to the angry mob

At it's core, you have a great game here. But there are a lot of cracks in the foundation and ancilary issues that build up to something not so ancilary. I don't need to list them, you already know what they are. I really hope you can get them fixed and get this game to a state where everyone can start enjoying this game to the maximum level of it's potential

Because that potential is there my man. You just have to chip away the things that have infected it and keep adding the things it's sorely needed and you can get there

I agree completely. At the core this is a very solid foundation. Just needs some much needed TLC in the most important areas.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by philnicosia

I had left the game months ago, considering returning in the coming months after reading this post. Transparency is key, and the type of content that your core player base demands is essential. We admire your devotion to the BFV vision, and we are willing to accept the limitations of your work, but the devs have to know by now what it will take to re-earn our trust. All of you at DICE have heard the criticisms a thousand times, but many of us crying the loudest are the most devoted to your former achievements. The potential for BFV was/is impeccable. I don’t know if this game is salvageable, but we know you’re better than this DICE, you should know that too.. please don’t let us down again.

Thanks for the feedback - and I absolutely understand what is asked for and why. Most of that can be rectified - the question is in what order, and how fast (and is that fast enough for the players).

I promised myself to not talk about hypotheticals or promise anything before you can see it, so let's take this discussion up again once we start showing movement and talk about that (and you can play it).

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by realparkingbrake

My initial verdict was that in many ways there have been little to no improvement or movement in some small, but key/important areas many players (myself included) care most about.

Such as? I can come up with my own list with ease, I'd like to know what issues you see. I'd also like to know how some of those issues qualify as small, frankly there still being no team balancing or endemic cheating on PC don't strike me as small issues.

We will be talking about specifics in a bit - and why we deem them important as well. I don't wish to use the S-word.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Croosair

I tryed all on the training mode nothing to do with the aim assist i know what im talking about i tryed all setting possible and still the same thing when i move the joystyk slowly it go to too slow even with hight sensivity the start of the curve is too slow, i have bf1 and bf4 on ps4 too i still play them no problem, what i asked is an addition of option to choice the aiming curve as on Apex, on Apex i play with the steady curve its similar to bf1, its a good addition for consoles players, im not asking for a redesingn of the aiming system, one of the devs called Julian Manolove told me on twitter that it is already on his list of things he will do but he was busy with the 5v5 competitive now he works on other project becouse he left bfv so nothing until now.That's why.

Doesn't the advanced settings for controllers allow you to tune this to your heart's content? It should be possible to reach the same feeling?

Controller peeps with detail insight - correct me if I'm wrong here.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LavishSalamander

especially the focus it took away from the good stuff

It's funny because your team did the opposite and willingly enforced the entire controversy and blew it out of proportion. Valid complaints about the game were blatantly ignored and the team acted as if everyone who disliked what they saw was a misogynist even if they never spoke a word about women. Yes, the new gameplay mechanics are great but on literally every other level the game is incredibly lacking, I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. It seemed you were sore about the fans not liking what they got and chose to stay in denial about it and find some extremely weak excuse for it and even mocking your playerbase while doing so.

When I say team - I mean dev-team, as in the devs making the game and the content for it - just for posterity.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BleedingUranium

Absolutely, the regular first person on tanks being entirely unusable really hinders their ability up close and in hectic situations. While Assault's AT burst-damage is also probably a tad too high at close range (while tanks also do rather low damage to other tanks), I feel that the sensitivity/delay issue is definitely the worst thing tanks have to deal with right now.

Please give me more detail - what exactly is the issue you describe? I think I have an inkling of a clue, but let's make sure we talk about the exact same thing.