

11 Oct

Haha. Sadly, I've fixed this for the expansion coming out next week. :S

10 Oct

Oh, man, this is so awesome. :O

Arcane Dust is made from the Chaos Construct, not the Transmutation Chamber.

Regarding coal production, as long as you have the workshop room, a fire pit, and it has an owner with misc enabled, the blueprint should be added to the room. Is the Ancient idling, or are they busy doing other jobs? Are the blueprints being added to the room at all? Keep in mind it will only auto-add them if your stockpile of coal drops below the default amount of 1.

Did you have multiple immortality tombs? Or just one? Ancients treat them like homes, needing their own tomb for each couple.

09 Oct

First off, thank you for taking the time to provide the screenshots and detailed bug report. :)

When you select the block (tab+left click it) and hover over the red Water (Purified) job in the tooltip, does it show you what the error is. It should say something like missing skill or missing item.

My best guess is that they can't reach the coal that's required for the job. Could be somewhere in a cave/mine and the settler just can't path to it.

If the coal is available nearby, try remove the job from the cauldron (opening the job menu and right-click the cauldron.)

If none of that helps, I'd love to take a look at the save file. You can email it to me at [[email protected]](mailto:...

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08 Oct

Originally posted by Hagisman

Having a blast with it.

I’m glad :) thanks for letting me know!

07 Oct

Hey everyone!

This update includes mostly fixes and tuning, but I snuck in a new panel for rooms. It's part of the room stockpile panel. This panel lets you select who's hauling for a stockpile. By default stockpiles now pull haulers from the region (so, all player controlled entities with carry enabled). However, you can select a specific owner group to do the hauling if you choose. Additionally, the window will show a list of candidate haulers and why they may not be hauling for the stockpile.


Ok, here are the notes:

-Feature: Added hauler options to r...

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06 Oct

Originally posted by Hagisman

Thank you!

I do have a pasture. Do they need to have a building and bed to mate? I saw the mating job try to run with an open pasture.

Does anything use the large cage yet?

They shouldn't need anything other than the Animal Enclosure room and the autojob which should be enabled by default.

In your version, no. But, after chatting with you, I've changed a couple of them to have large body types. One being the Vytrax.

Thanks for letting me know. I'm going to do a play through with them today to do some tuning. I'll try to round out that experience so they aren't so difficult to play.

Regarding cages. The size of cage matches the size of the animal. The size should be stated in the character overlay stats. So, Chicken would be a small animal and the small cage would capture them. Humans would be captured by a medium cage because they are a medium sized animal.

It seems to me you are doing everything correctly. Perhaps the only thing that could be missing is the animal enclosure for animals to mate in? That's a good way to have their populations grow.

Again, I'm going to play today and try to tune it up a bit. :)

02 Oct

Just to follow up on this, I have uploaded the beta to GoG. You should be able to play by opting into the beta channel.

The beta is coming to the main branch around the middle of the month (Oct) if you prefer to wait for that.

01 Oct


Long time no see. I have had quite the event filled last month, which includes my SSD corrupting and me needing to reset my desktop. So, I do apologize for the longer wait for an update! Also, sorry for the lackluster patch notes. I lost my patch notes on the corrupted SSD, but I did my best to create a new patch note list from memory. As you you'll see, my memory is apparently like a spaghetti strainer.

This patch adds in quite a few new content things. Lots of new blocks and props to build from things like sable, rutile, bronze, etc. But additionally, a new summon. Sort of. I guess it's more like a new spell? What I'm referring to is...



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26 Sep

The new expansion is going to be uploaded in Oct. Apologies for the delay.

31 Aug

Thanks for explaining. Makes sense. I'll fix this up.

17 Aug

Hello everyone!

Version is live! Thanks for waiting patiently on this one.

I took a bit longer with this patch because I needed to make some tools to help me work on tuning. Tuning has always been an extremely difficult and slow process for me on this game. So, I figured it was time to dedicate hours towards making that stuff easier for myself. I've tuned a bunch of things in the update, but there's still lots of work to do, especially with late game progression.

There are some other great things in this update. Let's take a look!

Tracking, Notifications, Designations, and Control Groups


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14 Aug

This should be fixed in the next patch. :)

13 Aug

Hi there!

Thanks for the great feedback. I'll try to improve these systems and fix the bugs you describe.

Regarding making entities stay in one place, you can issue a hold current position order with 'C', or a hold position at point order with 'V' and click where you want them to stay put.

Regarding the entities not equipping the individual uniform item, did they have a higher priority uniform taking precedence? Also, were they in the same room as the item?

09 Aug

Apples and coconuts are a bit broken atm. It's on my list of fixes for the Ardyn update. I am slow to get to it as there's a lot of tuning stuff I'm focused on right now. Sorry for the issue!

04 Aug

There's no official support yet. I've heard that it plays well on the Steam Deck, but I've not tested myself. If I didn't have so much on my plate, I'd work on that now. Hope to add official support sooner rather than later.