

16 May

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh no doubt, that's why it's something we want to make sure gets implemented with enough thought and cadence.

As for metrics, we're getting those! I'm so excited for this specific aspect of development that's currently in the works that I can't stop cheering about it. This actually goes hand-in-hand with trying to better the flow of our new player experience.

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ahhhh! This! I can't believe I forgot to mention this one. Yes, XP curves have changed with 5.90! So with that said, please, please, please give us feedback on these changes. We tend to play like devs rather than actual players, which sometimes limits our ability to get the big picture. Once we have some more feedback we can go from there.

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

I need to double-check where it's scheduled. Once I know more about it I'll let you all know!

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm honestly not sure where we are with gold rates and if we'll be fine tuning them soon. I'll try to track down an answer for that, but ideally we should start building more content to help facilitate the lack of gold in the world or mitigate the current issue that's being brought up. This is one of those weird things in flux that I don't have much visibility on, but I hear ya! While EK vendors may still be difficult to find we're hoping that having vendor nodes in the free cities and temples will help alleviate some of this.

As for trash vendors, it's on our radar! It's something I really want in game, too, because it does help continue to foster an economy. Once we solidify our schedule and have some more ability to flex our tech asks I'm hoping this will come online.

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

Whew, ok. Let me reply to this thread again in stages because this is one of those subjects that's probably going to require more than one stream to cover all the things. Talking with our team we initially wanted this stream to be an "intro" course into vessel creation, leveling, and how a new player can get a new vessel. I'm pretty sure we touched on a lot of those entry level points today, but for the current set of players or those who are more hardcore, we didn't really bring anything new or address a lot of your questions. So, with that being said let me touch on a few things we're going to work toward iterating. This is going to be a collaborative experience with all of you!

1. I completely forgot to mention this point, but I'm sure most of you already knew about this. We have a plan to now broaden XP gain into other aspects of game play, such as harvesting, crafting, and taking outposts.

2. We're going to go back and re-examine the amount of XP...

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11 May

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wow, I asked and y'all are definitely delivering! These are seriously some great talking points and I will try my best to touch upon most of what's been brought up, either during the stream or after in this thread.

As a game designer, we carry a heavy burden not many other disciplines in game development carry; toeing the line between fun, challenging, rewarding, and engaging. One of the ongoing issues we have as designers is seeing our work from an objective perspective, or with "fresh eyes", and this is why I look to all of you to help us legit find the fun for our game. It's a luxury not many studios have, and having the ability to iterate and re-evaluate how we've implemented something after seeing how the end user actually takes to it is one of the most important aspects of my job. Sometimes we're constrained by tech and time limitations, but I personally want to work with all of you to build a game we can all be proud of and enjoy playing. To that end, it's al...

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10 May

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh wow, y'all have been busy! I'm just now starting to dive into this thread and read it, but I also wanted to poke and prod a bit more to get some feedback on a few things.

1 - Let's talk about vessel leveling. I'm going to be spending some time this weekend playing and getting some basic numbers (rate it takes to level from 1-30 on a common vessel vs. a legendary, things like that); are there any specific aspects of our leveling system you do like? What about things you think we could improve upon?

2 - How do you feel about the way necromancy crafting is as a whole? Do you feel like this aspect of crafting is pretty well fleshed out, or is there something lacking? Granted, I know we just put the goggles out there for everyone on test but they aren't available on live yet so current perception might be skewed. Necromancy is such a unique aspect to our game that I personally think it's pretty good as it is, but I'm always open to feedback.

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22 Apr

    vkromas on Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm not entirely sure how it happened, to be honest, since the fix wasn't a data fix.