almost 3 years
ago -
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Hello, Vampires! We will update V Rising today between 10 and 11 CEST (8 to 9 UTC).
This is not a forced patch, so most players will get it the next time they launch Steam.
The following improvements will be added to V Rising with this patch:
This is not a forced patch, so most players will get it the next time they launch Steam.
The following improvements will be added to V Rising with this patch:
- Server optimizations for servers with long up times and/or a lot of players.
- Optimized the map and minimap on servers with a lot of castles.
- Added a “Confine Cursor to Window” setting which will confine the Mouse Cursor to the window when in Minimized/Fullscreen Window mode.
- Updated the Social Panel: Now it displays all players connected to the server and their SteamID. We also added text chat muting functionality. Muting is persistent between sessions now.
- Note: Some players were using the social panel as an in-game radar, this won’t be possible anymore.
- The Blood Essence Drain Modifier setting should now work properly.
- Fixed a bug where some types of lootable containers (Sarcophaguses, Book Shelves, Drawers etc) could get stuck in a looted and hidden state, never to respawn. All currently stuck containers will now respawn.
- Castle Hearts now count as any floor type and can be incorporated in specialized rooms to still grant floor bonuses to stations/structures within the room.
- Fixed a bug that caused some icons in the minimap to disappear. Now, the icons will always be visible in the minimap.
- Servants will now be summoned to their servant coffin if locked outside their own castle while not being in combat.
- Fixed an issue where some servants wouldn’t become available after completing a Hunt.
- Fixed an issue where Servants would be able to open doors of an enemy castle.