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I think it would be great if they reworked spline. The only thing that it lacks is effects because in its price range you can buy reaver with top tier effects. I really like the spline bundle and think that if they add vfx and kill effect, it would be more popular. But idk that's my opinion tnx for reading and happy holidays!

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over 3 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Hey fam!
This is something lots of players have brought up to us! And it's something we've discussed for sure. However, whenever we're working on reworking old skins, that means we're not focusing on creating new skins for players. So if we ever did rework Spline, we'd have to weigh that against the value-add of a new skin line.

Thanks for sharing :)

-Riot aeneia

over 3 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by FavoringDark

Honestly, I think that would be a good plan. Adding to previous skins, in my opinion, would interest a lot more players rather than an introduction of a new skin line. Maybe even adding melee variants to previous skins would be super awesome. In any case, y’all are doing a great job, keep it up :)

Thanks friend! :)