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Hi this game is pretty much unplayable here in Africa with 200 ms , it really makes a big difference. Especially if you are from South Africa with 200+ ping. We have a considerable playerbase , and we have the infrastructure, so why not give us unranked servers atleast? I know riot said at the start of valorant that they had plans for us , but to be honest this is starting to just look like the same lie that many other companies (gaming) tell us in South Africa. Valorant is losing traction in Africa and it looks like we will have to stick to CSGO. ZULUL forever man :(

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almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

I don't work on the team that creates the servers, but I think it's important to respond to your post. You have every reason to be frustrated.

Los Angeles (our HQ) is still under mandatory lock down, and has been since we shipped our game back in June. Nearly all of our employees are working from home. Many countries are refusing to accept travelers from the United States due to our mishandling of the COVID-19 situation. We're trying our best, but we're pretty much trying to do gymnastics with our hands tied behind our backs. Establishing servers isn't just a matter of shipping and installing them.

I truly don't know what the plans for Africa are. However, I hope you'll save your assumptions for when we're physically capable of establishing servers in other countries. Please don't let 2.5 months of live service be your evidence that we don't care. We do, I promise.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, friend <3 In the meantime, I completely understand your frustration. 200 ping is gross.

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by MehFatal

What about Madrid Server?, it was promised alongside Warsaw London Stockholm servers apparently all this 3 up and running. but we can't find Madrid server. This server can also temporarily solve North African countries ( Morocco - Tunisia - Algeria ) Ping, Where the majority of the African community is.

Like I said, I truly don't know what the plans for servers are. If we promised that server, I believe the team will deliver it. It's just a matter of when we're physically able to do it. (Getting the servers set up is different for every region.)