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about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by matgioi

These Ask Valorant posts used to feel like a dialogue with the community, now they are seeming like hand wavy damage control.

Just as a note, these posts are intended to feel like a dialogue, but to /u/C0n3r's point, sometimes the answer is: "we really looked into it, and so far we're either not seeing what you're seeing or are stuck (for now) where we are because the problem is so significant."

Whether we like it or not, almost every top reddit post/issue here gets reshared internally for us to investigate/check/discuss. There's a lot of feel discussion here that I don't think the team feels comfortable disagreeing with, but hopefully with some changes and plans in the coming months, you'll see how we intake feedback, act on it, and share it out. For the audio answer I'll say the team is hyper aware and thinking of longer-term solutions. They just wanted to provide some insight in to the current situation.

I'll !pin this, but keep on keeping us honest. Tell me if you think we're dodging or you just don't like the answer.

about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by Asyra2D

Have your sound engineer/audio lead play CS:GO and listen in and revisit how they approach Valorant please. It's such an easy win for you.

Like /u/Pwyff please understand that HRTF is a thing. It's a solution that works. You guys are basically saying "You don't need a wheel to move things when arms work just fine" and that's the issue people have

you have been heard ;0

about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by Asyra2D

Have your sound engineer/audio lead play CS:GO and listen in and revisit how they approach Valorant please. It's such an easy win for you.

Like /u/Pwyff please understand that HRTF is a thing. It's a solution that works. You guys are basically saying "You don't need a wheel to move things when arms work just fine" and that's the issue people have

As an addition and for the smaller crowd, I can say that the team is hyper-aware of HRTF and is investigating, but there are a lot of moving parts before they can talk about adoption (particularly around unknown impact on game performance, implementation, etc). It's just not yet 'real' enough for us to say yes this is happening.

about 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by Asyra2D

I don't want to speak for the entire community, especially because some of the more..vocal can be a bit toxic in the way they present their feedback, but the confirmation of it being investigated and looked into in regards to whatever systems are in place for Valorant is all that I really want at this point.

Valorant has issues, but for such a young game (in terms of being released, not working hours) it's extremely fun and the potential is there. The community just wants to be kept in the loop of plans because of the excitement of what's to come, and the answer for the audio question here didn't install much hope and seemed like a deflection.

I know how long it takes for something to go-live, it's a world in which I'm constantly explaining to service managers and sales-teams about expectations about the technical debt that comes with it. I don't think anybody here is requesting a fix and implementation of this caliber by tomorrow @ 5pm. Valve does offer a free HRTF plugin that's compatible with Unreal, but then politics, pride, and integration come into play right?

I've typed up more words than I've wanted to about the subject, but I'm on a staging meeting that's thirty minutes past it's scheduled time so sorry lmao

Nah I respect that, for this one I think it's sufficiently 'undiscovered' to not want to be communicated, but I made a mistake in not just pushing for a more holistic solutions-oriented answer. Lesson for me - learn to spot the follow-up questions vs. just answering straight up.

Politics/pride aren't really at play here, I think it's just about the full scope and discovery of what integration looks like.