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Works fine in dota2, avoids forcing players to waste time running down mid until game is over and stops 1 player in your team from griefing the rest by voting no on surrender vote even though you got 2 leavers and 2 players who can't use voice chat.

Can't expect riot not to copy-paste the same mistakes over from LoL i guess.

inb4 "i won a 3v5 game once in silver rank, downvoted"

EDIT: "without punishment" = still lose rank but nothing else

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over 3 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Hey there friend!
Yup. It SUCKS when someone dips out of the game, leaving you in a 4v5. This problem is something that we've discussed a bunch, and this is one of the solutions we've considered.

Unfortunately, though, we've seen lots of different ways that players take advantage of this specific solution. For example: players make smurfs with the express purpose of being the account where it's "safe" to dodge. They pair up with their friends, and whoever is on the smurf gets the responsibility of AFKing whenever the game starts to look rough. (Some players already do this, but "I can save my friend's rank" is just another incentive to do it.)

You may be thinking, "Well that's such a fringe case. How often could that really happen?" More than you think.

Or, in the worst of cases: a team is losing, and one of the players is REALLY not okay with that. So they start to bully the weakest link (or the child, or the girl, or the person who instalocked their main...whoever seems like the best target). They make the game SO miserable for that player that they leave. Loss averted. No penalty.

It honestly happens. Some people can be really vicious when it comes to winning.

Like I said, we get that games suck when someone dips out. Yet our responsibility to players is not only correcting the problem, but minimizing unintended consequences. I could live with the first scenario playing out. But that second one is outright unacceptable to me.

Fighting AFKs (and the pains they cause) is a huge undertaking for us, and we've got several projects underway to help address the issue (some of which we talked about in our dev article). Maybe there is a world where we implement this specific version of that solve. But it will only be after we've thought through every alternative we can, and we've decided that this is the best route to take.

In the meantime, we appreciate you bearing with us and being patient. A fix can't come soon enough, but I promise it's on its way.

Hope this helps clarify it a bit *-fistbumps-*

over 3 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by NewRedditLayoutSux69

(Some players already do this, but "I can save my friend's rank" is just another incentive to do it.)

Why not have everyone lose rank on the disconnecter's team then? They are going to lose it anyway after wasting 15min+ on an inevitable loss.

also the OP post had:

EDIT: "without punishment" = still lose rank but nothing else

So the idea here would be, "Once someone disconnects, the team can abandon the match and they won't get a queue restriction, but still lose rank"?

over 3 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by harbenm

What about winning while down a player who has been away for X rounds? I specifically remember a game where a teammate left early in the game, and after getting stomped for a while, with some teamwork and communication, we somehow took it to OT and won the game, only to get one arrow up after all of that effort, which really made me feel like all of that effort was for naught. Feel like an uphill battle like that deserves some extra MMR.

That's something I for sure can bring to the Compet team. I agree, that feels pretty rough. I imagine, if anything, it wouldn't guarantee a massive MMR increase...but it would be heavily weighted in the formula we use to determine MMR increase. (Before you ask, no I don't know the formula lol). Thanks for the input!