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almost 5 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by PermissionError

Yay OCE! Great to at least have a solid date. But... WHAt aboUt tHE bETa CoSmeTicS? (Also the 20% VP is good as well)

Some may say that they aren't that good, but come on, you can't tell me that "First" is a bad title.

/u/RiotArkem - Thanks for the heads up on the Support for OCE thread. Perhaps maybe clarification on beta cosmetics + 20% extra VP above?

we're getting this information out tomorrow

almost 5 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by PermissionError

Oh right, I re-read my comment and I wasn't really clear on what I was saying. I meant to ask whether OCE (and other regions) will have the opportunity to get the beta cosmetics and the bonus 20%. Just in case I wasn't communicating it properly /u/Pwyff

Ahhh no, sorry mate :(

almost 5 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by TeamRedundancyTeam

Where is your proof that false bans don't happen? I'll never understand the false confidence people have in overzealous auto ban systems. You'll be overly confident until it hits you and no one believes you, and support refuses to respond, and you'll be shit out of luck.

Edit: see my comments below before joining the circlejerk and don't shut down valuable discussions with downvotes. People can't see dev comments or contribute.

I deleted the comment because I figured our anti-cheat lead could answer if he wanted to, but for anyone watching the response was "lol no one gets banned for auto hotkey"

You've certainly turned this argument into a giant strawman. I never said false bans don't happen, I just happen to know the anti-cheat team has been fairly meticulous about how they do manual bannings so far and you're swinging a fairly meaty anecdotal example with no evidence of your own.

I also know a lot of cheaters DO get banned and come in saying, "I was super innocent I just uh wanted to install a new driver while playing solitaire," and that becomes a strangely repeated fact so we seem to be at a crossroads of slinging anecdotal information.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotKorensky - Direct link

Originally posted by nite_

As someone in Texas that gets 50ms+ ping to their Chicago server, I’m glad that they’re going to have a Dallas server.

It’s odd that I get 30ms using a VPN when connecting to the Chicago server. I assume it’s a routing issue with my ISP (Google Fiber), but I’m unsure as when the Dallas POP server was down for a hardware upgrade, my ping was around 30ms.

Can you DM me a trace to I'll see if I can find something we can tweak here.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by TeamRedundancyTeam

I wasn't aware you were a dev when I responded and had no intention of turning it into a strawman. What I'm saying is people are too quick to ignore the possibility, and hearing things like "aggressive auto banning" without any kind of reassurances is a little worrisome to some people. I hope my concerns aren't dismissed because of how I wrote the comment or how it was read.

1.) I appreciate the response and won’t dismiss your concerns here. Team definitely hears it and is extremely careful in how they go about validating issues. From what I know, everything is still manually reviewed and validated before being implemented as a track/ban methodology, so what I mean by “aggressive auto banning” is not a sentient big data AI deciding the vowel “E” is scary and taking action but more the team can say “yeah we know how this thing works, ban it,” and they can do that en masse. False positives terrify EVERYONE, which is why it’s also a VERY common FUD (fear/uncertainty/disruption) tactic employed by cheat developers - they spread rumors that the anti-cheat bans someone for an innocent thing (it’s not) and maybe they can stall the confidence of the anti-cheat developers and continue their lives.

2.) I head up communications on the V team, actually. I just happen to work with every dev to know the underlying issues.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ZealousApathy - Direct link

Originally posted by bbjimin

Is there going to be Toronto or NY servers? I live in Toronto and somehow get absolutely shit ping to Chicago (like 40 minimum, most often 60-70+). I get steady 33 ping on League and have good internet connection. Could this be a routing issue as well/have you seen other players in my area with similar complaints? I don't understand how my ping is so high in this game.

We won't be putting more servers that close to our Chicago and Ashburn servers, it's bad for matchmaking to have too many servers (fragments the playerbase). If you get 33ms to League in Chicago there's no reason you shouldn't get that to VALORANT in Chicago, and we're going to continue to work with ISPs to fix routing.