over 2 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by piratskul

That's great.

I experience more variety from game to game in 'prime time' on EU servers. Game is more smooth and consistent in morning. I hope it's something that can be resolved in future.

Which servers are you typically on in the EU by chance?

over 2 years ago - /u/shaedyn - Direct link

Originally posted by morejiik

I may be wrong, but somewhere I read that, in order to avoid cheats, the Valorant servers send the enemy position to the client only in certain conditions (e.g. if near the FOV of the player). I can't find it anymore, maybe I made it up in my head, help me!
If this is true, can this affect the gameplay in any way, maybe even worsening the peeker's advantage?
I have this particular feeling that the enemy movements, in certain cases, are at a faster rate than the normal, like speed up.. something like when in a web call we hear the interlocutor speaking at a faster rate after a lag, just to catch up the time that was lost. Is this related to network buffering? Am I the only one having this feeling?

Hey, you're probably thinking of this article on Fog of War. Like you say, we only send information about enemies when they're visible (or will soon be visible) by your team. The 'will soon be visible' piece has to be tuned so that your client gets enough advance notice before you see an enemy, but so that fog of war is still tight enough to effectively counter certain forms of wallhacks.

That fast-moving behavior you describe typically happens when your client missed a couple updates from the server and has mispredicted enemy movement. When that occurs, it needs to shift enemy positions to match the server's view of the world. These shifts are typically small enough that you shouldn't notice them.

If you have any clips of what you're describing, feel free to link them here or DM them and we'll take a look. Please include network round trip and packet loss graphs if possible to help rule those out as potential causes. Server tickrate and client FPS values are also helpful.

over 2 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by piratskul

Paris 1 (ping 47-51)
London (ping 51-57)

Also played Warsaw before late February (Then my ping got inconsistent to warsaw was 20 became 50-60).

Edit: added ping.

Interesting. Thank you for the list! There are potentially a few compounding factors with ISP's generally getting more overloaded at peak, but there is potential there could be spikes in cpu usage in peak that contribute.

The warsaw data point is interesting. Will have to see if any network routing changes happened then that would explain the new inconsistency in february.

over 2 years ago - /u/shaedyn - Direct link

Originally posted by Eriko204

One big issue that I face is the delay between shooting a bullet and the kill actually registering. Some games I’ll be able to instantly kill someone as soon as I fire a bullet with no delay. Then the next game I’ll fire a bullet, hit the guy in the head but he won’t die for a fraction of a second. This happens more often with Chamber’s deagle which idk if that helps. I have consistent 15 ping, consistent 200 FPS (Capped fps), and no packet loss. I can instantly tell if the game feels “sluggish” by how fast my kills are being registered after I shoot a bullet.

Hey - the sluggish feel that you described is one of the issues that we're testing a fix for: network buffering adding excessive round trip delay in a few situations. Alt-tabbing, high network jitter, or client hitches can all cause buffer durations to spike up temporarily. In the cases we've seen, this resolves itself after a short time, but it can be pretty noticeable if you take a fight during that window. If you alt-tab frequently, turning off background framerate throttling may help reduce the impact until fixes go live.
In addition to fixes, we'll also be adding a graph that shows the full round trip latency (including buffering on either side), which should give you some hard evidence if you run into this sort of issue. If you're still having trouble after the changes go live, check that graph and let us know what you're seeing.

over 2 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by LovelyResearcher

Same issue on LATAM with morning games being "normal"... yet matches anytime at night being awful or unplayable.

Tickrate often below 80, at anytime past 7PM EST... instead of the expected tickrate of a stable, consistent 128 tick.

Server = Miami

Immortal player, if it matters.

Not as if I'm completely trash or clueless

Thanks for the report. Miami is definitely one of our more congested server locations. The addition of the Colombia servers are helping a bunch the last day or so. There are several ISP's with poor routing that are pushing players to Miami instead of a geographically closer server, and we're actively working to resolve it. That will ease peak issues too.