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Just one example at the end of a match: https://i.redd.it/7p32zm5zww551.png

I start every match saying hi to my team, then I also say hi to the other team in all chat and ask how their day is going. Then I compliment both sides on good plays throughout the match.

You get the odd person who tells you to stfu or worse, but generally people are very receptive. It's amazing how quickly you can switch people from the typical gamer mindset to being genuinely great people to each other.

People hate toxicity and want more positivity in their lives! You can be a positive force in Valorant. If you are positive in 5 matches a day, that's almost 50 people a day whose lives you are potentially brightening.

Your team plays better when you're positive and everyone on both sides has a better overall time. Plus 9 people have friended me due to my positive attitude in the last 2 days!

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about 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Thank you for being you :) This is wonderful and awesome and everything I want to see in our community.