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I'm quadriplegic and can only play with a trackpad, but since a patch in beta, I can no longer look around with my trackpad. I can still tap to shoot, and it works in the menus, but the game itself is unplayable.

As far as I can tell, it's not just an issue on my end, either, no one can play on pad. Which makes me think it may be an intentional 'feature' to make their game more pretentiously 'competitive.' If that's the case, they're alienating a large portion of their disabled audience.

They haven't responded to any tickets.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Which makes me think it may be an intentional 'feature' to make their game more pretentiously 'competitive.'
I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that this isn't the case. Sometimes we change one thing, and it accidentally changes another, and we don't know until someone points in out. It's possible that we purposefully turned off track pad support...but I can't think of any reason we would have done that.
Can you please explain what you mean exactly by "unplayable?" Is the sensitivity wonky? Is it nonresponsive? How exactly is it different from your previous experience in beta? The more detailed you can be, the better.

I'll flag this with our team on Monday. Thanks for letting us know, and I'm really sorry that this has taken away your ability to play the game. I wish I could tell you that we can definitely fix it, but this isn't my craft, so I don't know what's causing the problem. (I'm not QA or an engineer or anything). I'll see what I can do to at least raise the issue, though!

almost 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Originally posted by Aatin


So basically, my trackpad works fine in the menus, but the second I get into game I can no longer turn or look around in any way. I can move with WASD, but I cannot look in any direction except the direction you're pointing when you spawn in. I can tap my trackpad to fire, but that's it.

The difference in the beta was that, in the first half of the beta, it just worked. I could look around and aim as expected. I think I saw someone say it was patch 0.49 or something that trackpads stopped working and began exhibiting the issue I've been having since. I had to stop playing about halfway through the beta because it was literally unplayable without being able to aim. I still can't play with my friends or anything.

Thanks for the detailed answer, Aatin. I'll follow up with my team, and hopefully they've got a good answer for us!