almost 6 years ago - Dmytro - Direct link

Try running the game without any overlay software that hooks D3D dlls\etc.
There might be a million reasons for this slow down, since it’s Windows PC and every machine is unique - i.e. combination of software and hardware.
It can be your AntiVirus or any other protection software. The only way to find this out is to run Even Trace for Windows to collect data

almost 6 years ago - Axloss - Direct link

could you upload a log from a “slow” startup? they are in %appdata%\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs

you can match your playsession with the timestamp on the file

There could be information in this that tells us if it’s a step within the vermintide.exe that takes longer time than expected.

almost 6 years ago - Dmytro - Direct link

What input devices do you have connected to your PC besides keyboard and mouse?
What kind of keyboard\mouse do you have? Do you have any special drivers for them? Like controlling leds, macroses, etc.

almost 6 years ago - Dmytro - Direct link

The slowdown in log happens on a phase where our engine initializes input devices.
I don’t know what exactly slows things down. Can you try to remove remote mouse and keyboard to see if you can reproduce it?