I’m in to American Truck Simulator at the moment, picked it up for a laugh but I’m actually loving it. It’s so relaxing, until you have to park up…
Other than Vermintide 2 of course, what are you playing at the moment?
I’m in to American Truck Simulator at the moment, picked it up for a laugh but I’m actually loving it. It’s so relaxing, until you have to park up…
Other than Vermintide 2 of course, what are you playing at the moment?
I’m currently split between::
I also took inspiration and recently started a career in Euro Truck Simulator but I’m not sure how long I’ll last. The bank always wins. (life lesson folks!)
I’ve been playing dauntless a bit lately. It’s not bad for a free to play game and the combat is enjoyable. Most battles take 10-15 mins max. So it’s something quick to do when I don’t have a lot of time to game.
I’ve been playing dauntless a bit lately. It’s not bad for a free to play game and the combat is enjoyable. Most battles take 10-15 mins max. So it’s something quick to do when I don’t have a lot of time to game.
My brother is aching to get me in to Dauntless. Worth?
Hmmm, I won’t highly recommend it, but it’s definitely worth trying out. Especially since it’s 100% free.
The combat has no where near as much depth as V2 but there is special combos for each weapon and they all shine in a different way. From cutting off monsters tails, horns, etc with a sword to staggering them with great hammer or blasting them away with guns from a distance. Combat is easy to learn and pretty easy in general until the heroic fights, but that’s also it’s charm.
The cross platform is great, don’t feel like sitting at the PC, lay on the couch with your PS4 or Xbox and still play with the same people. It’s even coming to Nitendo Switch.
Since its free, it is grindy. At the same time, I haven’t spent any money and made it to lvl 20 out of 50 in 3 days. But you can buy passes to get 2x loot from hunts or super shiny skins and emotes. No pay to win which I like.
Tldr: Yes, try it out. I’ve invited 5 friends to play, they have all enjoyed it.
Boardgames absolutely count @Yzneftamz!
In that case, I got into DnD last year. I got a group of friends whom are running a session normally every week. It’s been a lot of fun and wish I had got into it a lot earlier in life. In my late teens and early 20’s I thought it was too nerdy and stayed away. But damn was I missing out. Would recommend
Also, the Swedes are all playing tieflings, so they just speak in Swedish for their Tiefling language and no one can understand them. Don’t trust those devils…
Doing an online DnD game over discord and the roll20 website with some friends from FFXIV and V2 as well. We all met up in Stockholm last month and thought it would be fun, it is.
In that case, I got into DnD last year. I got a group of friends whom are running a session normally every week. It’s been a lot of fun and wish I had got into it a lot earlier in life. In my late teens and early 20’s I thought it was too nerdy and stayed away.
But damn was I missing out. Would recommend
I said board games, not NERDAPOLOOZA.
(I jest, of course. I discovered DnD in my late 20s and loved every minute, I just don’t have a group to play with)
Check out your local hobby shop or comic store. Last time I was in Stockholm, SF Bookstore was doing 1 shots and multiple different sessions.
It’s a really cool place, if you’re ever in Stockholm, I’d recommend it. Head down to the old town
You could also just check (Roll20.net). See if you can find a group on there to run with via discord or something. It’s also a lot cheaper as everything is on the site and you don’t need to buy dice and stuff.
I watched Funhaus play this and it looked like a lot of fun.
Did you play any games of that universe? . I played a lot on Warhammer 40k: spacemarine, the best one of the series on my opinion.
I enjoyed Space Marine and the first two DoW games. I just installed Mechanicus last week and will give that a go soon, I heard good things
I get terrible flashbacks to They Are Billions. Quality game that I am absolutely no good at.
I dunno, I made a pretty edgy chaotic Grave Knight. The DM made the terrible mistake of giving me a wand of wonder from Acererak. He randomized it with all kinds different spells and things. So far I’ve fireballed an inn, killing our quest givers and a lot of civilians. Helped drop a wizards egg onto a city killing around 30,000 people, authorities are still sifting through the wreckage for bodies… And we now have nearly every bounty hunter in the world after us. As well as the revenant of a old party member I killed for trying to stop me from using the wand of wonder. Needless to say, things are going great and I started my own squad, the Chaos Squad. lol