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It's back! As Halloween quickly approaches and the time of spooky scary skeletons is upon us, what better way to celebrate than by playing dress up?

Dress Your Best is the Vermintide subreddit’s most beloved way of challenging you to break out your creativity, old costumes, and maybe just junk you find at the bottom of your kitchen drawer and put it together to make a Vermintide-related costume!

The twist? We’re not looking for craftsmanship here, necessarily, so much as we want you to make us LAUGH! We’re looking for your best impressions of our favorite heroes (or villains) in the game using whatever you have at your disposal while staying faithful to the spirit of the umgak we all so adore over here (for example, making Bounty Hunter Saltzpyre out of a couch throw, a colander, and a water pistol).

Think Low-cost Cosplay: https://www.instagram.com/lowcost_cosplay/?hl=en


Glad you asked!

Grand Prize: You will win a 1:1 scale fan-created grimorie created by /u/yallvegarden

View the concept sketch here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/720438216997732432/767197639933820928/AirBrush_20201017212904.jpg

Runner-Up: You will win a set of Vermintide-themed buttons also created by /u/yallvegarden!

View the set here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/720438216997732432/767237731256107049/20201018000816.jpg


Good, you don’t have to! Again, we’re only searching for quality meme material here. Honestly, the more creative you are with your everyday objects, the more we'll be impressed.


Be tasteful and use common sense. Don’t show your naughty bits and don’t do anything to endanger yourself. You won’t win brownie points by actually setting yourself on fire if you dress as Sienna. We will, however, be very concerned.

You must submit your photo to the subbreddit by October 31, 2020, 11:59 PM Eastern US Time and use the flair “Umgak”. Make sure “CONTEST” is somewhere in your title, please!

Here’s a time converter to help figure out when you should submit your photo in your time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

One entry per person or group. You CAN enter as a group, you will just have to figure out how to share the prize between yourselves.

Light photoshop or strange perspectives to get the correct “feel” for your costume is allowed. HEAVY Photoshop, is not. Remember, we’re looking for funny, not necessarily pro costume.

Subreddit moderators are ineligible to participate. Fatshark employees are allowed to enter as the prizes are not sponsored by them this round. Let's see some shark tank participation! :D


The mods are judging costumes based on this criteria:

How hard you make us laugh. The funnier, the better. TOP PRIORITY.

Whether your interpretation is recognizable.

How creative your use of materials is. For example, making a mock blunderbuss with a vacuum pipe and squeeze horn will be favored more heavily than, say, finding a replica firearm.

Winners will be announced by November 7, 2020, 11:59 PM Eastern US Time.

Questions? Feel free to ask them below! :)

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/Fatshark_Hedge - Direct link

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS this is the best contest in all of the contests ever.