about 3 years
ago -
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It sounds like you’ve had a rough time with this! I’ve requested access to your DxDiag, and will then query this with our Engine Developers, as they will surely have better ideas than I.
It sounds like you’ve had a rough time with this! I’ve requested access to your DxDiag, and will then query this with our Engine Developers, as they will surely have better ideas than I.
Thank you! Also, my apologies, could you upload one of your most recent console logs?:
One more - could you also disable the Steam Overlay, and see if there’s any improvement?
At least one of your mods is causing problems, Crosshair Kill Confirmation being one of them, but I understand you’ve already uninstalled all of your mods with no success!
One more question! When you drop to 2-10 FPS, could you open the Task Manager - where does your CPU, GPU and Memory usage % sit at that point?
What about your memory usage?