about 5 years ago - EmpIzza - Direct link

Could you give some more information? Perhaps a log?

It is hard to diagnose with this little information

about 5 years ago - FatsharkJulia - Direct link

Which country are you playing from, @Umudi?

about 5 years ago - EmpIzza - Direct link

This answer is a bit technical, but that is required since we are debugging Internet oppressive practices. I am assuming you are using Windows and don’t have easy access to another OS.

To test the following you will need curl, available at https://curl.haxx.se/windows/ for Windows (included in most Linux distros and OSX).

Use the command prompt (cmd or powershell) to enter all commands here.

Use nslookup to find the hosts for 5107.playfabapi.com with Cloudflare (, i.e.

> nslookup 5107.playfabapi.com
# should give something like 
Server: ## <- check that this is correct, if not your isp is doing something fishy
Address: ## <- check that this is correct, if not your isp is doing something fishy 

Non-authoritative answer:
5107.playfabapi.com	canonical name = p-heavy.playfabapi.com.
p-heavy.playfabapi.com	canonical name = p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com.
Name:	p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
Address:  ## <-- these are the ones we want
Name:	p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
Address: ## <-- these are the ones we want
Name:	p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
Address: ## <-- these are the ones we want

Note the IP-addresses, i.e., and Will differ from time to time, so always run nslookup 5107.playfabapi.com to be sure to get the right ones.

Also, double check that your default DNS gives you the same answers:

> nslookup 5107.playfabapi.com
# should give something like 
Server:   ## your default dns
Address:    ## ip#port of above

Non-authoritative answer:
5107.playfabapi.com	canonical name = p-heavy.playfabapi.com.
p-heavy.playfabapi.com	canonical name = p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com.
Name:	p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
Address:  ## <-- check that you got the same as above
Name:	p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
Address: ## <-- check that you got the same as above
Name:	p-heavy-mainserver-1765130438.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
Address: ## <-- check that you got the same as above

If you did not get the same IP-addresses in both queries your ISP is doing funny business, and I can only recommend getting a proper VPN because your ISP is not to be trusted. I would recommend an actor of good reputation selling Wireguard services, rather than OpenVPN or similar. The reason being that Wireguard is faster, and you want to game properly, absolute privacy is not of utmost importance (Wireguard is probably as good as OpenVPN, but it is not accepted as such yet).

Now it is time to try these, all of them, and not just the first one (as the browser usually does). Note how the IP-addresses are entered as fixed resolves for the host in question. As follow:

## should not return anything, and show no error
> curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi.com
## should not return anything, and show no error
> curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi.com
## should not return anything, and show no error
> curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi.com

Looks like this on one of my computers (i.e. nothing printed in terminal):

> curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi.com
> curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi.com
> curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi.com

If it looks like above everything works.

The format is

curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443:"one of the IPs from above" https://5107.playfabapi.com

Below are some examples of when something is wrong, (1) and (2) means there was a mistake doing the above, just fix it. (3) though, means that there is something fishy going on.

## (1) Using wrong url, i.e. misspelled playfabapi.com
> curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi2.com
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: 5107.playfabapi2.com
## (2) Using wrong IP, i.e. timed out
curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi.com
curl: (7) Failed to connect to 5107.playfabapi.com port 443: Operation timed out
## (3) Wrong host and got wrong certificate
curl --resolve 5107.playfabapi2.com:443: https://5107.playfabapi2.com
curl: (60) SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name '5107.playfabapi2.com'
More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.

Again, this is a bit technical, but on the other hand issues like these stem from states trying semi-oppresive measures, so they require a bit of knowledge to get around (else states would not put time into these measures).