almost 5 years
ago -
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After rebooting the PC, and without closing Vermintide 2, can you play uninterrupted? But as soon as you close and subsequently re-launch Vermintide 2, the error re-occurs?
After rebooting the PC, and without closing Vermintide 2, can you play uninterrupted? But as soon as you close and subsequently re-launch Vermintide 2, the error re-occurs?
@Kauffy Which Anti-Virus are you using?
Could you try one more solution for me - a Selective Startup, if you haven’t already:
If the above is unsuccessful, I will then escalate this to our Network Engineer. It would help us out if you could include your most recent console logs, which can be located using the instructions below:
Our Backend Engineer is looking in to this instead now.
He’s asked if you could potentially connect to a mobile hotspot (or any other connection for that matter) to see if the errors persist?
I appreciate this isn’t always an option.