Thank you for asking! There’s only Hedge and I in community roles at current, I’m sure this will increase at a later date.
My day varies a lot to Hedge’s day as I’m more Customer Support-oriented. I spend most of my day responding to queries from players who are having problems with Vermintide 2 (which could be anything really) and raising issues our players have reported to development, via our internal database.
Feedback is handled by Hedge and development, it’s not something I’m really involved with as there’s simply not enough hours in the day.
I’ve never really thought about how much reading we do throughout the day. It is a lot, but I think we’ve adapted to a point where we’re almost robotic with it.
As for what my average workday is like… I have multiple bases to cover, with the Support Portal being my priority as we advertise a 24 hour response rate during the week. Hedge chimes in on there occasionally but it’s 99% my responsibility. Unfortunately with that it can be hard to meet the 24 hour response rate when you chuck sickness and the ups and downs of life into the mix but I do my best!
Once I’ve churned through the Support Portal, I’ll usually move on to the Steam ‘Bug Reports’ discussion as it’s surprisingly lively over there, more so than it is here when there’s no active Beta.
Then I’ll move on to the Fatshark Forums (here), prioritising ‘Technical Support’ and then ‘Bugs’ and whatever else. This is all mixed up when there’s an active Beta as that’ll consume much of my resource.
Some days the Support Portal can be so manic that I won’t have time to check any of the other platforms. This is rare but does happen, it entirely depends on the day’s events!
The remainder of the day is spent checking for replies and where time permits I’ll check in on the various boards here, Reddit, Discord and the Steam ‘General’ discussions. I’d like to spend more time on our socials and in the Vermintide 1 channels but there’s not enough hours in the day.
There was no official ‘Customer Support’ at Fatshark previously and I started here shortly after the launch of Vermintide 2, working part-time in the evenings and weekends as back then I was already doing 40 hours a week working as a Software Tester elsewhere! The role was new, the product was new (as were the issues) and the queues were unmanageable, it really was a case of winging it back then so I apologise to anybody who received shoddy support back then. I’m not proud of it.
On a personal level, I hope one day, sooner rather than later, to hire at least one other person to work alongside me. The problem with being the only person in this role is being unable to vacation or switch off from work. Even having a day off sick is daunting because you know your workload will be so much larger the next day, and there’s nobody you can dump your work on to (except Hedge, sometimes).
I haven’t had any proper time off in over a year now but I’m heading out to Vegas in November to recharge my batteries AND GET ABSOLUTELY OBLITERATED!