over 2 years
ago -
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Very strange! Does the issue persist after restarting both your PC and Darktide?
If so, could you please provide a console log for us to take a look?
Very strange! Does the issue persist after restarting both your PC and Darktide?
If so, could you please provide a console log for us to take a look?
Thanks for the added information. I’ve raised this in our database and we’ll investigate.
Hi @Adanar, are you able to provide a console log and launcher log for us to take a look at also?
Nice one, thank you!
The chat relies on a third-party service. We’re talking with them how to best make sure everyone has access. We will also enable more debug logging around this in future patches, so we can drill down the actual issue.
Please share any solutions you’ve found that work for you, and we’ll relay them to our chat provider to help us resolve this for everyone.