Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

10 Dec

    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by halogamb:
Originally posted by Fatshark Hedge: This decision doesn't really split the playerbase. There aren't different matchmaking pools for owners of the DLC, and people who don't have it. The way it works is that, when you Quickplay, if you own a DLC, those missions gets added to the list of missions you can join. You can still join the base missions, and other players can still join your base missions as well. Since the vast majority of players use quickplay, it doesn't really split...
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    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
So from what I understand the way the dlc QM thing works now is if you have the dlc you have a chance of getting one of the dlc maps and if you don't have the dlc the chance you have of getting the maps is if you start a QM and somone who had the dlc is waiting for more players or looking for a match you might join them and they might have a dlc match but if you join a QM and no one who has the dlc is looking you will not get one. If that is how it works I see no problem with that you still have a small chance at getting maps if you dont own the dlc but it wont put 4 ppl who don't own the dlc in a QM together.

please feel free to correct me if im wrong but try not to fight over it.

As for the weapons I don't mind that only dlc ppl can have dlc weapons as long as they are not super OP. I personally always thought is was a strange but very generous idea to give non dlc owners a chance to get dlc weapons in VT1 but they might have been ... Read more
    FatsharkJulia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I've raised this with our developer who handles controller-related issues. Sorry for the inconvenience!
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ♥Ashley♥: They're offering LESS than nothing though. They're effectively offering content but with a significantly worse attachment with it. The new policy hurts the lifespan of the DLC and contradicts with in game rewards promoting you to play quickplay.
This decision doesn't really split the playerbase. There aren't different matchmaking pools for owners of the DLC, and people who don't have it. The way it works is that, when you Quickplay, if you own a DLC, those missions gets added to the list of missions you can join. You can still join the base missions, and other players can still join your base missions as well. Since the vast majority of players use quickplay, it doesn't really split the playerbase. ... Read more
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
trying to bully the Devs into submission because they wont give you free stuff.
get a life or more preferably a job because the DLC is cost of 2 good cups of coffee.
id buy the devs 2 cups of coffee for a remake of last stand let alone remastered levels with new dialogue to mesh it into current lore and adding in chaos to the levels.

if you believe that game dev is so easy that they can deliver content for nothing ill look forward to the timeless masterpiece that you will be releasing next year.....
    FatsharkJulia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you please copy pasta the crash report being produced?
    FatsharkJulia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Me and my brother both play VT2 on PC using Xbox one controller since we started on VT1 on console but since this patch if you press the X button at anytime during the game including on the main menu, in keep or in game it will instantly crash. How does a bug like this even make it into the game xD
    FatsharkJulia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Because the real Übersreik is dust after the events of Vermintide 1!
    FatsharkJulia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Why a illusion and not just say that they are sending us back to the real Ubersreik because trouble have brewed up there again?
    FatsharkJulia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you perhaps accidentally playing on the modded realm?
    FatsharkJulia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Waiting on reviews before I get the new dlc; going in after the update I cannot enter the crafting panel. Indeed the word crafting has been greyed out.
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The weapons are part of Okri's Challenges - the challenges in question are only available to owners of the DLC.
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The change only impacts players who hadn't purchased any DLC. For DLC owners there is no change from the way in which we handle the DLC availability via quickplay.
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
On todays episode of "The Vermintide 2 Forums" people complain about a reasonably priced DLC, without even bothering to take 60 seconds to actually learn what it contains and stomp their feet, throwing a tantrum because nothing is ever good enough for them. It's sure to be a day packed with exaggerated drama, banal complaints and completely misguided anger. Let's start the show.
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The content is there, like Nelo says, because you can still play the maps if someone in your lobby owns them.
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Update your Windows installation to the latest, reinstall the latest Geforce Experience and cleanly update your GPU drivers, also worth repairing any instances of Visual Studio you have installed on your PC.
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't want to go digging through your recycle bin, so why am I downloading an additional 7gb?
    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
vermintide2.exe - systemerror

The programm cannot be started, the D3DCOMPILER_47.dll is missing on this Computer.
Install the programm again to solve the problem.

I guess I should also say that I'm running win 7 64 bit with a gtx 760 ti.



I picked the one for my OS and it is working now. I found this catalogue from a Tom's Hardware post.

    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Dr. Moist: So you just completely revert your DLC policy because people had a problem with your matchmaking/QP locking people into doing "least completed maps", thus oversaturating them with DLC maps, making them age very fast.

So rather than fix the problem/issue of the QP map-choosing method, you do this.
We made changes to the Quick Play algorithm to remedy the problem with seeing specific maps too often. The change to the DLC level access policy was a value proposition change. Adding DLC maps to quickplay for those who do not own the DLC devalued the DLC for many players, so we went back to our Vermintide 1 policy (with some expanded functionality in that anyone in the lobby who owns the DLC enables... Read more