about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Planned economy changes have been implemented:

Bonus Silver Lions reward for victory or defeat in missions have been changed to 47% and 20%, instead of 67% and 0% respectively.

The research points reward for time spent in mission has been changed: 0.8 RP/sec for defeat and 1.2 RP/sec for victory, instead of 0.6 RP/sec for defeat and 1.4 RP/sec for victory.

Changes to reward multipliers, repair costs, and related economic parameters for vehicles have been applied in accordance to with a transition to the rank based economy.

Changes to research and purchase costs, as well as relative parameters for specific vehicles have been applied.

Changes to the research trees:

M1A1 Abrams and IPM1 一 switched places.

Pz.IV F2 and Pz.IV G 一 grouped up.

Pz.IV H and Pz.IV J (in the group) 一 moved to rank II.

TAM and Begleitpanzer 57 一 switched places.

Crusader AA Mk.I and Crusader AA Mk.II 一 switched places.

Chi-Ha Kai and Ho-I 一 switched places.

Ikv 103 一 moved to rank III.

F-104G 一 moved to rank VII.

Ju 88 C-6 一 moved to rank II.

Bf 110 C-7 and Bf 110 F-2 一 grouped up.

Tu-4, Tu-4 (China) 一 moved to rank V.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Planned economy changes

have been implemented:

Bonus Silver Lions reward for victory or defeat in missions have been changed to 47% and 20%, instead of 67% and 0% respectively.

The research points reward for time spent in mission has been changed: 0.8 RP/sec for defeat and 1.2 RP/sec for victory, instead of 0.6 RP/sec for defeat and 1.4 RP/sec for victory.

Changes to reward multipliers, repair costs, and related economic parameters for vehicles

have been applied in accordance to with a transition to the rank based economy.

Changes to research and purchase costs, as well as relative parameters for specific vehicles

have been applied.

Changes to the research trees:

M1A1 Abrams



一 switched places.

Pz.IV F2



一 grouped up.




(in the group) 一 moved to rank II.



Begleitpanzer 57

一 switched places.

Crusader AA Mk.I


Crusader AA Mk.II

一 switched places.

Chi-Ha Kai



一 switched places.

Ikv 103

一 moved to rank III.


一 moved to rank VII.

Ju 88 C-6

一 moved to rank II.

Bf 110 C-7


Bf 110 F-2

一 grouped up.

Tu-4, Tu-4 (China)

一 moved to rank V.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

Leave feedback here.

about 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 3 years ago - CyberStonka - Direct link

Planned economy changes have been implemented:
Changes to the research trees:
  • M1A1 Abrams and IPM1 一 switched places.
  • Pz.IV F2 and Pz.IV G 一 grouped up.
  • Pz.IV H and Pz.IV J (in the group) 一 moved to rank II.
  • TAM and Begleitpanzer 57 一 switched places.
  • Crusader AA Mk.I and Crusader AA Mk.II 一 switched places.
  • Chi-Ha Kai and Ho-I 一 switched places.
  • Ikv 103 一 moved to rank III.
  • F-104G 一 moved to rank VII.
  • Ju 88 C-6 一 moved to rank II.
  • Bf 110 C-7 and Bf 110 F-2 一 grouped up.
  • Tu-4, Tu-4 (China) 一 moved to rank V.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.
about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Already answered in post above.

This topic is related to economy changes.

When we will post upcoming BR changes, it will be time to post your ideas and suggestions related to vehicle BRs and place in tech tree.

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link


about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Please re read previous topic.

We have explained there, that transition to new economy will take some time and few steps. It will not be made in one change.

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link


You ignored previous topics, right?

Because I got different answer when I asked dev team why we moved mentioned vehicles? I will not made up answer just to fits your PoV, sorry.

Both machines have low performance at rank III and, like the other PZ IV, are more suited to Rank II, which will be even more evident with the upcoming changes to their BR.

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Can you list few proper examples of vehicle you use? Because without it, it's just complaining to complain.

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Already answered in different thread.

Huge changes will disturb the force economy and previously (like years ago), when we changes eco instantly (without that small steps), Players were really unhappy because such drastic changes and asked for more smaller steps than few huge changes.

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Thing is, we cannot have different methodology for price down/up case.

I see big difference in activity.

about 3 years ago - Smin1080p - Direct link

Helicopters have significantly less vehicles to research within a given tree, so groupings are far less likely.